Analysis and Design of V-Shaped Beams

Beams that have V-shapes (in the plan view) are commonly found in the corners of residential and commercial buildings. According to Hassoun and Al-Manaseer (2008), such beams can be analysed and designed using strain-energy principles especially when the beam is fixed at both ends.

In some scenarios, engineers may be tempted to design v-shaped beams as two cantilevers meeting at a point, but this is not strictly the case. There will be a need to assess other internal stresses such as torsion, and to understand the actual nature of the distribution of internal forces.


For a v-shaped beam subjected to a uniformly distributed load w (kN/m), the internal forces in the members can be obtained as follows;

Analysis of v shaped beams

(The bending moment at the centre of the beam Mc is given by;
Mc = (wL2)/6 × [sin2θ/(sin2θ + λcos2θ)

λ = EI/GJ
L = half the total length of the beam AC
θ = Half the angle between the two sides of the v-shape beam.

Internal stresses in v shaped beams

The torsional moment at the centreline of the section is given by;
TC = (MC/sinθ) × cosθ = MCCotθ

At any section N along the length of the beam at a distance x from the centreline C,

MN = MC – wx2/2
TN = TC = MCCotθ (constant torsional moment)

At the supports, let x = L
MA = MC – wL2/2

Worked Example

A v-shaped beam at the corner of a building has a depth of 400mm and a width of 225 mm. The plan view of the beam is shown below. It is to support an ultimate uniformly distributed load of 30 kN/m inclusive of the factored self-weight. Design the beam according to the requirements of EC2. fck = 30 MPa, fyk = 500 MPa, Concrete cover = 35 mm



For fck = 30 MPa,
Modulus of elasticity Ecm = 31476 MPa
Shear modulus G = Ecm/2(1 + v) = 31476/2(1 + 0.2) = 13115 MPa
Moment of inertia I = bd3/12 = (225 × 4003)/12 = 12 × 108 mm4
Polar moment of inertia J = 985033091.649413 mm4
λ = EI/GJ = (31476 × 12 × 108)/(13115 × 985033091.649413) = 2.9237

Mc = [wl2sin2θ/6(sin2θ + λcos2θ) = (30 × 2.52 × 0.75)/[6 × (0.75 + 2.9237 × 0.25)] = 140.625/8.88555 = 15.755 kNm
MA = MB = MC – wl2/2 = 15.755 – (30 x 2.52)/2 = -77.995 kNm
Torsional moment = TA = MCcotθ = 15.755 x 0.5773 = 9.095 kNm
Shear at support = VA = VB = 30 × 2.5 = 75 kN

Let us check these answers using Staad Pro software;

Staad Model

By implication, one can confirm that the analysis method adopted is accurate. The beam can now be designed for torsion, bending, and shear using the guidelines provided in EN 1992-1-1:2004.

Hassoun N. M. and Al-Manaseer A. (2008): Structural Concrete Theory and Design. Wiley and Sons Inc, New Jersey, USA


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