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Cracking in Concrete

Eurocode recognises that cracking is normal in concrete subjected to bending, shear, torsion, and restraint from movement (clause 7.3.1 EN 1992 1-1). Cracking is assumed to occur when the restrained strain exceeds the tensile strain capacity of the concrete. This means that for cracking to occur, some part or the whole of the concrete section must be in tension. Crack width is predicted by multiplying crack inducing strain, (the strain dissipated by the occurrence of cracking) εcr, by crack spacing, sr,max.

Cracking occurs due to the low tensile strength of concrete, and we normally use reinforcements to assist is controlling cracking. What happens in this case is that the tensile stress in the concrete must be transferred to the steel if cracking must be controlled.

To achieve this, a minimum amount of reinforcement must be provided in order to have small cracks occurring at intervals instead of having one single large crack. However, provision of this minimum reinforcement is not sufficient for controlling crack widths. As a matter of fact, direct crack width calculation must be carried out if the water tightness of the tank must be guaranteed.

Crack widths are normally calculated for;

(1) Restraint to movement (also called imposed deformations)
(2) Loadings

Cracking due to restraints are due to early thermal effects, autogenous shrinkage, and drying shrinkage. Cracking due to loading is usually from flexure or axial tension in the concrete.

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Crack Width and Crack Spacing Calculation in Concrete

Cracking occurs in concrete when the restrained strain exceeds the tensile strain capacity of the concrete. In critical elements like water retaining structures, crack control is verified by carrying out direct calculation of the crack width. Crack width is calculated by multiplying the crack inducing strain and the crack spacing (i.e. the movement over a length equal to the crack spacing). This also involves limiting the bar size and/or spacing to recommended limits.

According to expression 7.8 of EN 1992-1-1, crack width wk in a concrete element is given by;

wk = sr,max εcr

sr,max = Maximum crack spacing

sr,max= 3.4c + 0.425 (k1k2ϕ /ρp,eff)

c = nominal cover, cnom in mm in accordance with BS EN 1992-1

k1 = 0.8 for high-bond bars
(Note that for early age cracking calculations CIRIA C660 suggests a value of 1.14 to account for poor bond conditions, see EN 1992-1-1 for poor bond conditions)

k2 = 1.0 for tension (e.g. from restraint)
= 0.5 for bending
= (ε1 + ε2)/2ε1 for combinations of bending and tension where ε1 is the greater tensile strain at one surface of the section under consideration and ε2 is the lesser tensile strain (i.e. = 0 if strain at second surface is compressive).

ϕ = diameter of the bar in mm.

ρp,eff = As/Ac,eff

This is calculated for each face.

Ac,eff  = min[0.5h; 2.5(c + 0.5ϕ); (h x)/3]

h = thickness of section
x = depth to neutral axis.

εcr = Crack-inducing strain in concrete

εcr = (εsmεcm)

Crack-inducing strain is derived according to whether the element is subject to:

(1) edge restraint with

  • (a) early thermal effects or
  • (b) long term effects

(2) end restraint
(3) flexure and/or combinations of flexure and tension from load

Note: It is assumed that the reinforcement will be spaced at reasonably close centres. Where spacing exceeds 5(cnom + ϕ/2), BS EN 1992-1-1 Exp. (7.14) dictates that;

sr,max = 1.3 (h x)

Thank you very much for reading.

Get this publication below for a cheap price by clicking on the image. It goes a long way in supporting what we do here at Structville. To read about the publication, click HERE. Thank you for your kind consideration.


New Textbook: Modelling, Analysis, and Design of Overhead Steel Tank Supports

This book has been written to address an area of structural design which is usually neglected by clients, architects, and homeowners. During the brief for the structural design of a residential building or a villa, serious attention is not usually paid to the structural design of the overhead tank supports. Overhead tank supports are structural members which are subjected to heavy imposed loads and environmental actions. As a result, they should be treated with much seriousness as other structures.

This publication, therefore, aims to cover the basic requirement or knowledge needed to design steel tank supports. However, it cannot suffice for full structural engineering textbooks on the design of steel structures.


Staad Pro is a popular structural engineering software. It has been utilised in this book to demonstrate, model, analyse, and obtain the internal forces that are induced in a steel tank support. The subsequent structural design of the structure is carried out manually in accordance with Eurocode 3 (BS EN 1993-1-1:2005). The procedure presented in the book is also applicable to the design of steel members in other structures.


Chapter one of the book talks about the rationale behind the adoption of overhead tanks, the alternatives, and some engineering principles in water supply and distribution in residential buildings and large-scale municipal water supply.

Chapter two discusses the structural schemes that can be adopted for overhead steel water tank supports. The members of the frame and their functions are also described.


Chapter three talks about the application of wind action to open lattice steel frame structures according to BS EN 1991-1-4. A practical wind action analysis is also presented.


In chapters four and five, the modelling steps of overhead steel tanks in Staad Pro software, and the results of the analysis are presented.

Chapter six shows the actual structural design and verification of the structural members according to the requirements of Eurocode 3.


The special benefits of purchasing this textbook are;

(1) Full design manual on modelling, analysis, and design of overhead tanks
(2) FREE video tutorial on modelling and analysis of overhead tanks on Staad Pro Software
(3) FREE AUTOCAD file on detailing of steel tank support members
(4) Knowledge on application of wind load on open lattice structures
(5) Design of structural members subjected to various loading


Get these delivered to your e-mail immediately for NGN 2,550 only by clicking HERE.

The Everyday Engineer

What comes to your mind when you hear the word engineering? Does it bring to your imagination skyscrapers, bridges, highways, tech devices as well as every smart and intelligent innovation that are making our lives better? We are in a time where the conventional engineering education will no longer be to teach the engineering students all they need to learn. Modern Engineering education should be geared towards giving students patterns, ideas, and techniques that they need to continue to educate themselves for the future.

Technological advancement has stirred the world to move at a rapid rate and every career field must prepare differently than they have in the past. Engineers of the future must possess skills like innovation, entrepreneurial vision, and teamwork. As history commonly repeats itself, engineers are now shifting into more leadership roles within corporations, similar to engineers’ migration into business in the industrial age.

In the industrial age, engineers like Henry Ford and Nikola Tesla were known for their skills in engineering and business. Now we are approaching our “fourth industrial revolution” as coined by Prof. Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum.

The fourth industrial revolution according to Prof. Schwab is characterized by a range of new technologies that are fusing the physical, digital and biological worlds impacting all disciplines, economies, and industries and even challenging ideas about what it means to be human.

However, as much as there are various engineering career majors, there are various techniques to boost learning, career development, and assimilating knowledge. To some engineers, the major focus is on networking, training, and development.

Three (3) major career development considerations are;

  1. Learning Style: Learning style ranges from visual learning by seeing and practicing, auditory learning by hearing and listening, and kinesthetic which is learning by touching and practicing.
  2. Type of Gap: Its no surprise engineers strive to get better by filling some various gaps which includes, knowledge gap, skills or experience gap and leadership gap. These gaps are closed by education and training, exposure to situations so as to learn.
  3. Leadership gaps: Learning and performing at high levels mostly from senior management positions in organizations.
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As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, there is a need for shorter product developments. Sustained technological advancement suggests that engineers would lead projects and engineering professions would take on extra responsibilities. This is an exciting time to be alive and to be an everyday engineer. Check out available civil engineering jobs.

Be passionate for more. Stay curious, stay inspired.

Top Civil Engineering Professional Bodies in the World

Civil Engineering is the oldest engineering profession in the world, and has been at the forefront of developing infrastructures such as buildings, roads, bridges, towers, sanitary and water supply systems, etc for the benefit of mankind. Different professional bodies have been formed in different countries to foster competence, development, unity, and coherence in the civil engineering profession. This article highlights the biggest civil engineering professional bodies in the world whose members are widely recognised as professionals.

(1) The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

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The American Society of Civil Engineers was founded in the year 1852, and represents more than 150,000 members of the civil engineering profession in 177 countries. It is the oldest engineering society in the United States of America. ASCE stands at the forefront of a profession that plans, designs, constructs, and operates society’s economic and social engine – the built environment – while protecting and restoring the natural environment.

Through the expertise of its active membership, ASCE is a leading provider of technical and professional conferences and continuing education, the world’s largest publisher of civil engineering content, and an authoritative source for codes and standards that protect the public. ASCE publishes about 35 technical journals to build professional knowledge.

The Society advances civil engineering technical specialties through nine dynamic Institutes and leads with its many professional- and public-focused programs. Members have special benefits of free PDHS, mentorship, discounts on journal and articles, free and paid webinars and conferences with discounts, career enhancements, etc.

ASCE has different membership cadres such as:

  • Student member
  • Member
  • Affiliate member
  • Associate member
  • Fellow
  • Life member
  • Distinguished member

(2) Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE)

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The Institution of Civil Engineers UK was formed in the year 1818 and boasts of about 95,000 civil engineer members in more than 150 countries. ICE can be regarded as the oldest civil engineering professional body in the world. The Institution aims to support the civil engineering profession by offering professional qualification, promoting education, maintaining professional ethics, and liaising with industry, academia and government. Under its commercial arm, it delivers training, recruitment, publishing and contract services.

ICE is a licensed body of the Engineering Council and can award the Chartered Engineer (CEng), Incorporated Engineer (IEng) and Engineering Technician (EngTech) professional qualifications. ICE publishes hundreds of civil engineering journals.

The membership grades of the Institution are;

  • Student
  • Graduate (GMICE)
  • Associate (AMICE)
  • Technician (MICE)
  • Member (MICE)
  • Fellow (FICE)

(3) International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE)


The International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE) was founded in the year 1929, and has its seat in Zurich, Switzerland. It is a scientific / technical Association comprising members in 100 countries and counting 55 National Groups worldwide.

The aim of the Association is to exchange knowledge and to advance the practice of structural engineering worldwide in the service of the profession and society.

The objectives of the association are;

  • to promote cooperation and understanding among all those concerned with structural engineering and related fields by worldwide exchange of knowledge and experience
  • to encourage awareness and responsibility of structural engineers towards the needs of society
  • to encourage actions necessary for progress in structural engineering
  • to improve and foster cooperation and understanding between organisations having similar objectives.

Different membership cadres are available and they are;

  • Student member
  • Individual member
  • Collective member (for organisations)
  • Fellows

(4) The Institution of Structural Engineers (IStructE)

The institution of structural engineers logo

The Institution of Structural Engineers is the largest professional body dedicated to the practice of Structural Engineering. It was founded in the year 1908 as the Concrete Institute, and have been known since the year 1922 as the Institution of Structural Engineers. The Institution has over 27,000 members in 105 countries. They are the publishers of The Structural Engineer magazine, and the journal Structures by Elsevier.

The Institution strives towards a structural engineering profession that is built on competence, accessibility, and community. Members are offered a wide range of opportunities to develop, refresh and extend personal competencies. The Institution also help members specialise by offering tailored courses, resources and specialist qualifications.

Membership cadres;

  • Student member
  • Graduate member
  • Member (MIStructE)
  • Fellow (FIStructE)
  • Technician member (TIStructE)
  • Associate-Member (AMIStructE)
  • Associate (AIStructE)

(5) International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE)


The ISSMGE is the pre-eminent professional body representing the interests and activities of Engineers, Academics and Contractors all over the world that actively participate in geotechnical engineering. ISSMGE provides a focus for professional leadership to some 90 Member Societies and around 20,000 individual members the world. 

The ISSMGE originated in the International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, held in June 1936 at Harvard University as one of many events held to mark the university’s 300th anniversary.

The aim of the International Society is the promotion of international co-operation amongst engineers and scientists for the advancement and dissemination of knowledge in the field of geotechnics, and its engineering and environmental applications. Benefits of membership include:

• possibility to submit papers to many conferences and symposia 
• lower conference registration fees 
• possibility of membership of one the many technical committees working on specific topics 
• access to work of ISSMGE in various fields of activity, including Education, Communications,
   Technology Transfer
• opportunities to demonstrate leadership in Technical Committee, conference and other activities 
• opportunities to build lasting world-wide relationships 
• a clear demonstration of interest and professionalism in the field of Geotechnics 

Application of Courbon’s Theory in the Analysis of T-Beam Bridge Decks

Courbon’s theory is one of the popular classical methods of analysing slab and beam girder (T-beam) bridges. However, the results obtained from the method are usually very uneconomical when compared with other numerical methods like grillage analogy. It is one of the easiest manual calculation methods that can be adopted in evaluating the effect of traffic actions in bridge deck girders.

Courbon’s theory was originally developed for bridge girders with series of cross beams (diaphragm) in which the cross beams are stiff enough to provide adequate lateral stiffness. By implication, the application of the method requires that the cross beams will have a depth not less than 75% of the main longitudinal girders. It also requires that the span to width ratio of the bridge will be greater than 2 but less than 4.  

T beam bridge deck arrangement

Let us consider the application of Courbon’s theory on the bridge deck arrangement shown above. When the beams are equally spaced and geometrically equal, the reaction factor for each beam is given by equation (1);

Ri = P{(1/n) + 6ei/[nS(n + 1)]} ——- (1)

Ri = Reaction factor
P = Applied load
n = Number of longitudinal beams
S = Spacing of longitudinal beams
ei = Eccentricity of load with respect to the centroidal axis of the bridge deck

If we set P = 1.0, we can obtain the influence line pertaining to each beam.

Solved Example

A T-beam bridge deck with 3 girders is loaded according to Load Model 1 of EN 1991-2 as shown below. Using Courbon’s method, calculate the bending moment and shear force on girder number 1.

Loaded bridge deck

Setting P= 1.0 at girder number 1 as shown below, we can obtain the influence diagram using equation (1).


Ri = P{(1/n) + 6ei/[nS(n + 1)]}

R1 = 1.0{(1/3) + (6 x 3.6)/[3 x 3.6(3 + 1)]} = 0.833
R2 = 1.0{(1/3) + (6 x 0)/[3 x 3.6(3 + 1)]} = 0.333
R3 = 1.0{(1/3) + (6 x -3.6)/[3 x 3.6(3 + 1)]} = -0.167

The influence diagram for the girder is therefore given below. The values at the two cantilever portions of the bridge deck can be obtained using similar triangles.

Influence diagram for bridge deck

We can therefore apply the Load Model 1 on the influence line diagram. You will need careful calculation of the ordinates of the influence line diagram using similar triangle.

influence line of a loaded bridge

For the tandem wheel loads (concentrated wheel actions), we will multiply the wheel load by the ordinate that the influence line makes with the centreline of each tandem wheel load;
QT = (600 x 0.625) + (400 x 0.209) = 458.6 kN

For the uniformly distributed loads, we will multiply the load (udl) by the width and by the centroid the load makes with the ordinate of the influence line. We normally neglect the beneficial effect of the negative part of the influence line.
wT = (3 x 1.45 x 0.934) + (9 x 3 x 0.625) + (2.5 x 3 x 0.209) = 22.51 kN/m

Let us assume that we are dealing with 20m span bridge, the preliminary effect of the vehicle action on the girder can be taken as given below;

Loaded beam with internal stresses diagram

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Design of Timber Beams

Design of flexural members such as timber beams principally involves consideration of the effects of actions such as bending, deflection, vibration, lateral buckling, shear, and bearing. The process of design of such structures is described in Eurocode 5 (EN 1995-1-1:2004), and a design example is shown in this article.

Design Example

Loaded Timber beam

A 75 mm by 200 mm deep sawn timber beam in a domestic residence supports the characteristic loading shown above. The beam has a clear span of 2.75 m, the bearing length has been restricted to 100 mm at each end, is of strength class C24 to BS EN 338:2003, and functions in service class 2 conditions. The beam is laterally restrained against lateral buckling along its length.

Given that;

Gk.udl  = 1.3 kN/m (characteristic uniformly distributed permanent action)
Qk.udl = 1.5 kN/m (characteristic uniformly distributed medium-term action)
Gk.p = 1.00 kN characteristic point load at mid-span

1. Beam geometric properties
Breadth of the beam b = 75 mm
Depth of the beam h = 200 mm
Clear span of the beam, lc = 2750 mm
Bearing length of the beam at each end, bl  = 100 mm
Design span of the beam l = (lc + lb) = 2750 + 100 = 2850 = 2.85 m
Section modulus of the beam about the yy axis, Wy = bh2/6 = (75 × 2002)/6 = 5 × 105 mm3

2. Timber properties
Strength class C24 (BS EN 338:2003, Table 1):
Characteristic bending strength,  fm.k = 24 N/mm2
Characteristic shear strength,  fv.k = 2.5 N/mm2
Characteristic bearing strength,  fc,90,k = 2.5 N/mm2
Fifth-percentile modulus of elasticity parallel to the grain, E0.05 = 7.4 kN/mm2
Mean modulus of elasticity parallel to the grain, E0,mean = 11 kN/mm2
Mean shear modulus, G0,mean = 0.69 kN/mm2
Mean density of the beam timber, ρm = 420 kg/m3

3. Partial safety factors
(UKNA to BS EN 1990:2002, Table NA.A1.2(B))) for the ULS
Permanent actions, γG.ULS = 1.35
Variable actions, γQ.ULS = 1.5

(UKNA to BS EN 1990:2002, Table NA.A1.1 – Category A)
Factor for the quasi-permanent value of the variable action, ψ2 = 0.3

(UKNA to EC5, Table NA.3)
Material factor for solid timber at the ULS, γM = 1.3

4. Actions

(i) ULS
(a) Characteristic self-weight of the beam, Gk,swt
Gk,swt = b · h · g · ρm = (0.075 × 0.2 × 9.81 × 420)/1000 = 0.062 kN/m
Design action from the selfweight of the beam, Fd,swt
Fd,swt = γG.ULS · Gk.swt  = 1.35 × 0.062 = 0.0837 kN/m

(b) Characteristic permanent action due to the point load, Gk,p
Gk,p = 1.00 kN
Design permanent action due to the point load, Fd.p
Fd,p = γG.ULS · Gk.p =  1.35 ×  1.0 = 1.35 kN

(c) Characteristic permanent action due to the UDL, Gk,udl
Gk,udl = 1.3 kN/m
Design action due to the permanent action UDL, Fd,p,udl
Fd,p,udl = γG.ULS · Gk.udl  =1.35 x 1.3 = 1.755 kN/m

(d) Characteristic medium-term action due to the UDL, Qk,udl
Qk,udl = 1.5 kN/m
Design action due to the variable action UDL, Fd,q,udl
Fd,q,udl = γQ.ULS · Qk.udl = 1.5 × 1.5 =  2.25 kN/m

Total UDL @ ULS = 0.0837 + 1.755 + 2.25 = 4.1 kN/m
Total concentrated action @ ULS = 1.35 kN

5. Modification factors
Factor for medium-duration loading and service class 2, kmod.med = 0.8 (EC5, Table 3.1)
Size factor for depth greater than 150 mm, kh = 1.0 (EC5, equation (3.1))
Lateral stability of the beam: kcrit = 1 (EC5, 6.3.3))
Bearing factor kc,90 = (taken as 1.0) (EC5, clause 6.1.5(2) )
Deformation factor for service class 2, kdef = 0.8 (EC5, Table 3.2)
Load sharing factor, ksys is not relevant ksys = 1.0

(6) Bending strength
The design bending moment;

Md =ql2/8 + PL/4= (4.1 × 2.852)/8 + (1.35 × 2.85)/4 = 4.162 + 0.96 = 5.122 kNm

Design bending stress, σm,y,d = Md/Wy = (5.122 × 106)/( 5 × 105) = 10.244 N/mm2

Design bending strength, fm,y,d = (kmod.med·ksys·kh· fm.k)/γM = (0.8 × 1.0 × 1.0 × 24)/1.3 = 14.77 N/mm2

σm,y,d < fm,y,d   Section is okay in bending

(7) Shear Strength
Design shear force Vd = ql/2 + P/2 = (4.1 × 2.85)/2 + (1.35/2) = 6.52 kN

Design shear stress, τv.d (EC5, equation (6.60))
τv.d = 1.5Vd/bhef = (1.5 × 6.52 × 1000)/(75 × 200) = 0.652 N/mm2

Design shear strength,  fv,d = (kmod.med·ksys· fv.k)/γM = (0.8 × 1.0 × 2.5)/1.3 = 1.54 N/mm2

τv.d < fv,d  Section is okay in shear

(8) Bearing Strength
The design bearing force will equal the design shear force in the beam, Vd

Design bearing stress, σc,90,d  = Vd/b·lb = (6.52 × 1000)/(75 x 100) = 0.833 N/mm2

Design bearing strength, (EC5,equation (6.3)))

fc.90.d = (kmod.med · ksys · kc.90 · fc.90.k)/ γM = (0.8 × 1.0 × 2.5)/1.3 = 1.54 N/mm2

σc,90,d  < fc.90.d  Section is okay in bearing

(9) Deflection

Instantaneous deflection due to permanent actions

Deflection in timber structures

uinst,point,G = (1/4) × [1/(11 × 75 × 2003)] × 28503 × [1 + 1.2 × (11/0.69) × (200/2850)2] = 0.959 mm

Uinst,udl,G = (5/32) × [(1.3 × 10-3 + 0.062 × 10-3)/(11 × 75 × 2003)] × 28504 × [1 + 0.96 × (11/0.69) × (200/2850)2] = 2.287 mm

Uinst.G = uinst,point,G + Uinst,udl,G =  0.959 + 2.287 = 3.246 mm

Instantaneous deflection due to variable action

Deflection in timber due to variable action

Uinst,Q = (5/32) × [(1.5 × 10-3)/(11 × 75 × 2003)] × 28504 × [1 + 0.96 × (11/0.69) × (200/2850)2] = 2.519 mm

Combined permanent and variable instantaneous deflection = uinst = uinst,G + uinst,Q = 3.246 + 2.519 = 5.765 mm

Eurocode 5 limit on deflection (Table 7.2, EC5) winst = l/300 = 2850/300 = 9.5 mm (uinst < winst Instantaneous deflection is okay)

Final deflection
Final deflection due to permanent actions ufin,G = uinst,G (1 + kdef) (Equation 2.3, EC5)
ufin,G = 3.246  (1 + 0.8) = 5.843 mm

Final deflection due to the variable and quasi-permanent actions,  ufin,Q = uinst,Q (1 + ψ2kdef) (Equation 2.4, EC5)
ufin,Q = uinst,Q (1 + ψ2kdef) = 2.519 (1 + 0.3 × 0.8 ) = 3.12 mm

Final deflection due to the permanent and quasi-permanent actions actions
unet,fin = ufin,G + ufin,Q = 5.843 + 3.12 = 8.963 mm

Deflection limit wnet,fin = l/150 = 2850/150 = 19 mm

The deflection of the beam is satisfactory

To download this design article in PDF format, click HERE.

IABSE Postpones 2020 Congress due to COVID-19

The International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE) has postponed the IABSE 2020 Congress ChristChurch New Zealand, initially scheduled to hold from 2 – 4 September 2020 to 3 – 5 February 2021 due to the COVID-19 global pandemic.

IABSE is a fellowship of structural engineers operating on a worldwide basis, with interests in all type of structures, in all materials. It acts to improve our knowledge and understanding of the performance of structures. Its members represent structural engineers of all ages, employed in design, academia, construction, regulation and renewal. Many of its members occupy senior roles based on a history of personal achievement.

In a statement released by the IABSE 2020 Congress Organising Committee on their website;

The IABSE 2020 Congress which was supposed to take place on 2 – 4 September 2020 is now rescheduled to take place on February 3-5, 2021. We sincerely hope that this date is far enough in the future that will allow us to have a successful and productive event.

This decision has been taken in consideration of the safety and comfort of all our participants especially those coming from abroad. February is a beautiful time of year to visit New Zealand, with it being summer we encourage you to make a plan to have an extended trip to this side of the world once international travel bookings can commence again.

The registration platform remains open and we encourage you to register as soon as you are in a position to do so. We will extend the early registration deadline out to 2 October 2020 to ensure you don’t miss out on the opportunity to get a discounted rate.

We are currently undertaking the paper review process and this will continue as normal, however authors will receive feedback at a slightly later date than previously advertised. Please refer to www.iabse.org/christchurch2020 for revised dates.

We are looking forward to welcoming you to New Zealand when we’re all in a position to meet again!

In another related event, the IABSE Symposium Wroclaw 2020 which was supposed to take place on 20-22 May 2020 has also been rescheduled to take place on 7-9 October 2020. The Registration Platform has been re-opened, and authors, registered participants will automatically receive updates through mails, newsletters and on their official symposium website at www.iabse.org/Wroclaw2020.

Minimum Area of Steel for Imposed Deformation Cracking

Minimum reinforcement is provided to ensure that yielding does not occur, and by so doing, cracking is adequately controlled in a concrete section. The aim of the calculation is to obtain the minimum area of steel that is required to prevent early thermal cracking in a concrete section, especially for water retaining structures. This minimum area of reinforcement for imposed deformation cracking is different from the minimum area of reinforcement required for actions according to detailing guidelines. The difference lies in the stress distribution factor kc.

Minimum area of reinforcement required for imposed deformation cracking is given in equation (7.1) of in BS EN 1992-1-1.

As,min = kck Act ( fct,eff /fyk)

kc = A coefficient to account for stress distribution
= 1.0 for pure tension
= 0.4 for pure bending.

When cracking first occurs the cause is usually early thermal effects and the whole section is likely to be in tension, so take kc = 1.0.

k = A coefficient to account for self-equilibrating stresses
= 1.0 for thickness h < 300 mm and 0.65 for h > 800 mm

(interpolation is allowed for thicknesses between 300 mm and 800 mm).

Act = area of concrete in the tension zone just prior to onset of cracking.
Act is determined from section properties but generally for basement slabs and walls is most often based on full thickness of the section.

fct,eff  = fctm = mean tensile strength when cracking may be first expected to occur:

for early thermal effects 3 days
for long-term effects, 28 days (which is considered to be a reasonable approximation)

For example, to calculate the tensile strength of C30/37 concrete at t = 3 days using class R cement.

s = 0.20 for Class R cement
t = 3 days;

 βcc(3) = exp{s [1 − √ (28/t)]} = 0.663

fctm for C30 = 2.89 MPa (using the relation fctm = 0.3fck2/3)
fct,eff = fctm = βcc(3)(fctm) = 0.663 × 2.89 = 1.916 Mpa

See Table 1 below for typical values of mean tensile strength at different ages of concrete.

Table 1: Typical values of mean tensile strength of concrete

Typical values of means tensile strength of concrete

Solved Example

Calculate the minimum area of steel required for a concrete slab 400 mm thick against early thermal cracking. The concrete slab is to be done using class N cement (fyk = 500 MPa).

To obtain the value of k, we have to interpolate between for h = 400 mm (between 300 mm and 800 mm)

k = 1 + {(400 – 300)/(800 – 300)] × (0.65 – 1.0) = 0.93

Act = area of concrete within tensile zone
Also note that tensile zone is that part of the section which is calculated to be in tension just before formation of the first crack.

For this example;
kc = 1.0
k = 0.93 (from interpolation)

At 3 days early cracking, fct,eff  = 1.73 MPa (class N cement)
σs = Stress in the reinforcement (fyk) = 500 Mpa
Act = 400 × 1000 = 4 × 105 mm2


As,min = (0.93 × 1.0 × 1.73 × 4 × 105)/500 = 1287 mm2

Provide at each face H12@175 c/c (Asprov = 646 mm2/m)

Total area of steel provided in the section = 2 × 646 = 1292 mm2/m > 1287 mm2    Ok

Note that the provision of minimum reinforcement does not does not guarantee design crack width. Additional calculations will need to be done to calculate the crack width due to early thermal cracking, long term cracking, and flexural cracking.

Vortex Shedding and Wind Load Analysis of Tall Buildings

In fluid dynamics, a Kármán vortex street is a repeating pattern of swirling vortices caused by the unsteady separation of flow of a fluid around blunt bodies. When wind blows across a structural member such as tall buildings, vortices are shed alternately from one side to the other. This generates alternating low-pressure zones at the downside of the structure giving rise to a fluctuating force acting at right angles to the wind direction. This phenomenon is referred to as vortex shedding.

When a vortex forms on the side of a building, it creates a suction force. The force generated by an individual vortex is not so large but the potential problem is that vortices tend to form in well-organized patterns and rock the building as they shed alternately from each side. A tall building will generate a Kármán vortex street if it has a uniform shape along its height and is in a steady wind—that is, one with little turbulence. Therefore, for tall buildings that are isolated or very tall, vortex shedding must be accounted for in the design.

Vortex shedding
Vortices can form coherently on the sides of a building
buffeted by steady winds, exert alternating forces on the
structure (black arrows), and, once detached, form a so-called
Kármán street downwind of the building (Irwin, 2010).
Vortex shedding across a cylinder
Vortex Shedding phenomenon induced by wind flowing over a cylinder (Giosan, 2005)

In the evaluation of tall buildings against vortex shedding, one needs to ascertain the natural frequency of vibration of the tall building fb, and the frequency with which vortices are shed from the building into the vortex street fv. When these two frequencies are equal, resonance sets in and the building experiences large cross wind oscillations.

A building’s fundamental frequency depends on its structural system and mass distribution, and structural designers of large buildings typically use specialized software to help them accurately compute that frequency (see video example of determination of natural frequency of a multi-storey building using Staad Pro). For a 50-story building, fb is typically about 0.2 Hz, corresponding to a period of 5 seconds. For a 100-story building, fb is in the range of 0.1– 0.125 Hz, corresponding to a period of 8–10 seconds, but some super-tall structures have been conceived for which the frequency is as low as 0.05 Hz, corresponding to a 20-second period (Irwin, 2010).

The frequency of vortex shedding is given by the Strouhal relationship;

fv = SU/w

U is the wind speed,
w is the width of the building that faces the wind, and
S is the Strouhal number, which is often treated as a constant that depends on only the cross-sectional shape of the building.

With this relationship, the critical wind speed at which at which fb = fv can be calculated.

Reducing the effects of vortex shedding

One of the ways of reducing the action caused by vortex shedding is to stiffen the building. This increases the natural frequency of the building, and subsequently increases the critical wind speed at which resonance can occur. However, increasing the stiffness can work in buildings that are not too tall, but for mega tall buildings, other strategies should be adopted to minimise cost.

Another way of reducing the effect of vortex shedding is to interrupt coherent shedding in the building under the effect of wind. One technique is to have the structure’s cross section vary with building height. Then w and S also change with building height, which makes fv a function of height as well. As a result, the wind “becomes confused” and vortices lose their coherence. This was used in the world’s tallest building, Burj Khalifa.

Burj Khalifa
Burj Khalifa

Other effective shaping strategies are softening sharp corners, creating openings in the building for the wind to bleed through, and adding spoilers that break up the vortices much as do the spiral bands, or strakes, seen on many chimney stacks.

A complementary strategy for controlling the response to vortex excitation is to draw the energy out of the building’s crosswind oscillations with special damping systems.

(1) Irwin P. A. (2010): Vortices and tall buildings: A recipe for resonance. American Institute of Physics, S-0031-9228-1009-350-6

(2) Giosan, 2005: Vortex shedding induced load on free standing structures. Structural vortex shedding estimation methodology and finite element simulation. Downloaded from http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= (Assessed on 20th February, 2019)