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Building Construction Industry Reacts to Weird Slab Collapse

A lot of engineers and builders from all over the world have reacted to the weird partial collapse of a concrete slab in a residential building. The failure was shown in a picture that has been circulating across several civil engineering social media platforms since this week.

In the picture, some section of a concrete slab of an apparently live bedroom spalled off and crashed to the floor of the room in what could have been a life threatening situation. The failure showed no reinforcements, and evidence from the rubble suggested that no reinforcement was provided in the zone that gave way. While half of the section collapsed, the remaining section stayed in place, leaving engineers to wonder what could have led to that pattern of failure.


On reacting to the failure, some people said that it is due to poor concrete mixture.

Poor concrete mixture

Segregation caused by poor materials and Inadequate proper mixture of concrete

Some others attributed the failure to lack of reinforcement.

I can’t see any reinforcement

Is there bottom reinforcement there?

Another person suggested that the ceiling fan could have been part of the cause of the failure. According to him;

If we critically look at the image, I will say the failure is as a result of weak thick sand-mortar which must have cracked due to vibration force generated from the ceiling fan. I am seeing mortar of up to 100 mm thick without mesh reinforcement. I will recommend that the ceiling fan should be removed.

Someone else attributed it to excess concrete cover as he said;

This is critical the reinforcement cover seems to be 5 inches thick

While there may not be enough data to make proper conclusion, what is your opinion on the cause of the failure?

Analysis and Design of Arch Bridges

The use of arches as a structural form can be dated back to antiquity. Arch structures are unique structural forms which resists forces majorly by converting them to compressive forces, in a process popularly referred to as arch action. By transferring the compressive forces through the arch rib or barrels, they are transferred to the base of the arch as outward thrusts, which implies that the final support of the arch must be stiff and stable. According to [1], the economic viability of any arch bridge depends on the suitability of the site’s geology and soil condition. This article aims to explore the analysis and design of a concrete arch bridges subjected to Load Model 1 of Eurocode, using Staad Pro software.

Historically, most arch bridges were associated with stone masonry, which later gave way to the use of bricks in the nineteenth century. These structures were designed to minimise the development of tensile stresses in the members, and hence often gave rise to very massive structures. However, with advances in materials such as concrete and steel, more slender and aesthetically pleasing structural forms can be achieved.

Brick arch bridge
Masonry Arch Bridge

Arch bridges can be classified according to the following;

  • Materials of construction
  • Structural scheme, and
  • Shape of arch

As far as materials is concerned, arch bridges can be constructed from timber, stone masonry, bricks, concrete, or steel. However, in recent times, timber bridges are usually restricted to small spans. An example of a timber arch bridge is the Mur River Bridge in Austria (also called the Holzeuropabrücke wood bridge) which is made of three-hinged parabolic timber. It is considered to be the largest cantilevered timber bridge in Europe. Also, the Eagle River Timber Bridge in Michigan is another example of three-hinged arch timber bridge with a span of about 23-24 metres. The Tynset Bridge in Norway built in the year 2001 is considered the longest timber bridge in the world designed for full highway loading with a span of 70 m. The structural form consists of tied timber truss arches supporting the bridge deck with the use of suspension cables.

Eagle River Timber Bridge
Eagle River Timber Bridge, Michigan
Another timber bridge
Mur River Bridge (Holzeuropabrücke wood bridge) in Austria

Reinforced concrete and steel arches are altogether much lighter structures than masonry arch bridges. The structure consists basically of the arch, the deck and usually some supports from the arch to the deck – in that order of importance. The basic parts of an arch bridge are;

  • The deck
  • The crown
  • The spandrel
  • The arch rib or barrel
  • The springings
  • The extrados or back
  • The intrados or soffit
  • The skewback or abutment
  • The rise, and
  • The span

These components are shown in the figure below;

Parts of an arch bridge
Components of an arch bridge [1]

Concrete arches can be made of full width curved arch, or series of ribs. Steel is usually made of series of ribs.

Full width arch rib
Full width curved arch bridge under construction
concrete arch with series of ribs
Concrete arch bridge with two ribs

Steel arch bridges can be lower arch bridge or through trussed arch bridge.

Steel arch bridge
Lower steel trussed arch bridge
Through arch bridge 2
Through-trussed steel arch bridge

The structural scheme adopted in any arch bridge can be influenced by a lot of factors such as the type of deck, environmental conditions, cost, and feasibility. However in terms of structural form, arches can be broadly classified as hinged or fixed. A hinged arch can be two-hinged arch or three-hinged arch. While the former is statically indeterminate, the later is statically determinate. Statically determinate arch structures are free from secondary stresses from indirect actions such as differential settlement and temperature difference. An example of a three-hinged arch bridge is the Rossgraben Bridge in Switzerland.

In terms of shape, an arch bridge can be segmental (circular), parabolic, or elliptical. However, the parabolic arch is the most popular shape for arch bridges. According to [1], the ratio of span to rise should generally be in the range of 2:1 to 10:1. The flatter the arch the greater the horizontal thrust and this may affect the structural form selected, i.e. whether or not a tie should be introduced, or the stiffness of the deck relative to the arch.

Analysis of an arch bridge on Staad Pro

It is possible to model and analyse arch bridges using Staad Pro software. We are going to demonstrate this using a parabolic arch bridge. The general structural form of the bridge is shown below. The structural form can be said to be a bit similar to that of Krka River Bridge in Croatia.

free body diagram of arch bridge
Schematic of the arch bridge

The equation of the parabolic arch bridge is given by;

y = 4x/5 – x2/50 ———– (1)

Using equation (1), the nodes for the vertical coordinates of the arch were established at 1m interval along the horizontal axis, and connected using linear line elements.

The arch is made of two ribs connected to each other with rigid reinforced concrete members along the axis of the arch and at the deck level. The arch ribs are made of concrete members 1500 mm deep, and 750 mm wide. The spandrels are made of concrete columns of dimensions 600 mm x 600 mm transferring the load of the bridge deck to the arch. The rendered structural form of the bridge deck is shown below;

Rendered skeleton of the arch bridge
Structural scheme of the arch bridge

The longitudinal girders of the bridge deck are 5 in number with dimensions of 1000 mm x 400 mm, spaced at 2 m centre to centre. They are supported by transverse girders of the same dimension, which transfer the deck load to the columns. The columns (spandrels) ultimately transfer the deck load to the arch ribs. The deck slab is 200 mm thick and has a total width of 10.4 m. The vehicle carriage way is 8.0 m wide, with 1.2m cantilever on either side with raised kerbs for pedestrian walkway. The overall dimensions of the arch bridge is shown below.

staad model arch
Dimensions of the arch bridge

The bridge deck has been subjected to Load Model 1 on 2 notional lanes, and a remaining area of 2 m. The tandem load system on the bridge was modelled as a moving load on Staad Pro. Hence, the loads considered on the arch bridge are the self weight, UDL traffic action, and wheel load traffic action.


The analysis results are as follows;

(1) Self weight

support reation
Support reactions under self weight
bending moment under self weight
Bending moment under self weight

Maximum sagging moment in arch rib = 259 kNm
Maximum hogging moment in arch rib = 901 kNm
Maximum Bending moment in column (spandrel) = 138 kNm (4th column from the left)

Shear force under self weight

Maximum shear force in arch rib = 359 kN
Maximum shear force in column (spandrel) = 101 kN (4th column from the left)

Axial force under self weight

Maximum axial force in arch rib = 3276 kN (compression)
Maximum axial force in column (spandrel) = 501 kN (1st column from the left)

(2) Traffic UDL

Bending moment traffic UDL
Bending moment under UDL traffic action

Maximum sagging moment in arch rib = 82 kNm
Maximum hogging moment in arch rib = 222 kNm
Maximum Bending moment in column (spandrel) = 39.7 kNm (4th column from the left)

Shear force under UDL traffic action

Maximum shear force in arch rib = 93 kN
Maximum shear force in column (spandrel) = 28.8 kN (4th column from the left)

axial force traffic UDL
Axial force diagram under UDL traffic action

Maximum axial force in arch rib = 855 kN (compression)
Maximum axial force in column (spandrel) = 160 kN (1st column from the left)

(3) Traffic Wheel Load

The variation of bending moment as wheel load travels through the bridge deck is shown below;

Variation of bending moment as wheel load travels through bridge deck
Variation of bending moment as wheel load travels through bridge deck
Variation of bending moment as wheel load travels through bridge deck

For moving traffic action;
Maximum hogging moment = 1593.285 kNm
Maximum sagging moment = 900.343 kNm
Maximum shear force = 646.233 kN
Maximum axial compression = 1414 kN
Maximum axial tension = 804.699 kN

There are other forces such as torsion that should be checked in the analysis result. For design purposes, the self weight and traffic actions can be combined using 1.35Gk + 1.5Qk. Other actions on bridges should also be considered.

Thank you for visiting Structville today, and God bless you. Remember to contact us for your structural designs, detailing, and project management and training. You can send an e-mail to ubani@structville.com or a whatsapp message to +2347053638996.

Melbourne C. (2008): Design of Arch Bridges. In ICE Manual of Bridge Design, Institution of Civil Engineers, UK

Analysis of Moving Load on Cable-Stayed Bridges Using Staad Pro

Stays can be used to support orthotropic bridge decks which consists of continuous girders. The stays which are inclined cables passing over or pinned to the piers are attached to the girders and forms part of the supporting system of the bridge deck. Wide application of cable stayed bridges have been achieved recently due to the development of high strength steel, improved bridge deck systems, and analytical tools/software. In this article, we intend to explore the applicability of Staad Pro software (v8i) in the non-linear analysis of cable-stayed bridges under moving traffic load. This will be evaluated using a simple bridge deck model.

In cable-stayed bridges, the tension members (inclined cables) should be able to develop high degree of stiffness due to prestress under the dead load of the brdige deck, with additional capacity to take loads from the live load. In the example adopted in this article, the radial or converging cable stayed system was adopted, which is deemed the most efficient arrangement due to its ability to carry the maximum component of the dead and live load, while keeping the axial load in the bridge deck to a minimum. An example of this arrangement is the Ikoyi-Lekki link bridge in Lagos, which is the first cable-stayed bridge in West Africa.

Lekki Ikoyi Link Bridge
Ikoy-Lekki Link Bridge, Lagos, Nigeria

In Staad Pro, the simplified arrangement adopted is shown below.

Model of a cable stayed bridge on Staad Pro

The properties of the sections used in the analysis are as follows;
Pylons – Concrete (1000 x 500)mm
Main girders – Steel (UB 762 x 267 x 147)
Cross girders – Steel (UB 457 x 152 x 60)
Stays – 50 mm diameter steel cables

The pylons were placed on a fixed support, while the two ends of the bridge deck were placed on pinned and roller support respectively. The geometry and dimensions of the bridge components are shown below;

Cable bridge dimensions
Dimensions of the bridge

The load cases that were considered in the model are the self weight of the bridge and moving traffic wheel load. Since the deck slab was not modelled, it was not accounted for in the self weight of the bridge. Also, the UDL components of traffic action and full wheel load recommendations according to EN 1991-2 were not considered. Therefore, the results from this analysis are only representative of the assumptions made, and may not fully reflect the behaviour of cable-stayed bridges.

Read Also…
Non-linear analysis of cable-stayed structures on Staad Pro
Static analysis of suspension bridge structures

A tandem load of 4 wheels (300 kN each) with a width of 3 m and longitudinal spacing of 1.2 m was used in the model, and applied at the centre of the bridge.

Vehiche definition
Definition of vehicle wheel load on Staad Pro

Linear Analysis Results

When analysed on Staad Pro using linear elastic analysis, the bending moment, shear forces, axial force, and displacements were obtained due to the self weight and the moving load.

The variation of the bending moment as the wheel load travels on the bridge deck is shown in the figures below;

L1 1
L2 1
L3 1
L4 1
L5 1

The deflection and bending moment of the structure under self weight is shown below. Note that this linear analysis was carried out under zero initial tension in the cable.

Deflection of the bridge under self weight – Linear Analysis
bmd 9
Bending moment of the bridge under self weight – Linear Analysis

The tension in the cables are;
Cable 1 (closest to the piers) = 19 kN
Cable 2 (intermediate) = 22.3 kN
Cable 3 (farthest from the pier) = 11.2 kN

Non-Linear Cable Analysis

A preliminary attempt to run a non-linear cable analysis for moving load using Staad Pro was not successful. However, a non-linear analysis result was obtained for the self weight of the bridge members. The non-linear cable analysis command used is shown below. You can click HERE to see the definition of the terms. An initial tension force of 0.5 kN was applied to the cables.

non linear command
Non-linear cable analysis command on Staad Pro

Using the parameters above, the self weight load case converged 100% with zero errors and zero warnings. The non-linear displacement of the structure under self-weight is shown below.

non linear displacement of cable supported bridge
Deflection of the bridge under self weight – Non-Linear Analysis

The value of deflection was observed to be higher than the deflection obtained from linear analysis. The tension in the cables are shown below, but were observed to be lesser than the result obtained from static linear analysis.

Cable 1 (closest to the piers) = 17.3 kN
Cable 2 (intermediate) = 16.5 kN
Cable 3 (farthest from the pier) = 7.7 kN

The maximum moment under the self weight for non-linear analysis is shown below;

Bending moment of the bridge under self weight – Non-Linear Analysis

Further analysis showed that the result of non-linear cable analysis is heavily influenced by ‘Sag Minimum’. The closer ‘Sag Minimum’ is to 1.0, the closer the non-linear result is to linear analysis and vice versa. ‘Sag minimum’ is a factor used to account for sagging in the cable when the tension is low. This is achieved is Staad Pro by modification of the modulus of elasticity of the cable. However, if the value is too low, the analysis will not converge properly.

Since the non-linear cable analysis of the structure was not successful for moving load, I recommend you run linear analysis of the moving load and obtain the critical load locations. Later, you can apply the loads statically at the critical location, and run the non-linear cable analysis under a single load case. A example of this process is shown below.

Application of wheel load statically for non-linear cable analysis

The wheel load shown in the figure above has been applied statically, and the load case was combined with the self weight of the structure. Using the same non-linear parameters used above, the analysis results are as follows;

Deflection of the bridge under self weight and wheel load – Non-Linear Analysis
Bending moment of the bridge under self weight and wheel load – Non-Linear Analysis

The tension in the cables at the left hand side of the piers are;
Cable 1 (closest to the piers) = 259 kN
Cable 2 (intermediate) = 185 kN
Cable 3 (farthest from the pier) = 0

The tension in the cables at the right hand side of the piers are;
Cable 1 (closest to the piers) = 14.8 kN
Cable 2 (intermediate) = 76 kN
Cable 3 (farthest from the pier) = 195 kN

A better option for handling this can as well be recommended.

You can book a zoom meeting request for training or discussion with the author by sending an e-mail to ubani@structville.com or Whatsapp message to +2347053638996

Structville Announces Webinar on Design of Box Culverts – 6th June, 2020

In our core commitment to provide a flexible platform for learning, improvement, and disseminating civil engineering knowledge, we are delighted to announce that we will be holding our webinar for the month of June, 2020. Details are as follows;

Theme: Structural Design of Box Culverts
Date: Saturday, 6th June, 2020
Time: 6:00 pm (WAT)
Platform: Zoom
Fee: NGN 1,500 only ($5.00 USD)


  • Comparison of box culvert loading and design to BS 5400 and Eurocodes
  • Comparative methods on analysis of box Culverts (Manual analysis and computer aided finite element analysis)
  • Design calculation sheets on design of box culverts
  • Design drawings
  • Interactive question and answer sessions
  • Certificate of participation

To book a space for this webinar, click HERE.

For more information, contact:
WhatsApp: +2347053638996
E-mail: info@structville.com

Eurocode 2Btraffic 0A 0A 2Bload 2Bon 2Bculvert
Load 2BDispersal 2Bon 0A 0A 2BBox 2BCulvert

Over a time of about 4 years, www.structville.com has published over 200 free unique articles on different topics in civil engineering, and continues to get better. We sincerely appreciate the patronage and support we have received over the years, as more and more people all over the world continue to benefit from the services we offer. We look forward to an exciting future together in the civil engineering community. God bless us all.


IABSE Invites Participants and Calls for Abstracts for Ghent 2021

The International Association of Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE) has announced that the IABSE Congress Ghent 2021 will be held from 22 to 24 September 2021. The International Association of Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE) is a scientific / technical association with members including renowned and top-level engineers in more than 100 countries. The upcoming Congress will be held at International Convention Centre (ICC) Ghent, and is organised by Belgian and Dutch Groups of IABSE in co-operation with Ghent University. The theme of the Congress is ‘Structural Engineering for Future Societal Needs‘.

Download the preliminary invitation card and call for abstracts HERE

According to the information on IABSE website, the Congress will be an excellent forum to discuss the latest innovations on structural and bridge engineering, especially regarding the future needs of society. Scientists, students, designers, contractors, owners and experts from international organisations around the world are given the opportunity to share their latest experiences. In addition to the congress, plenty of technical and social events are organised in order to expand your knowledge and network. All of this is organised with the historical city centre of Ghent as the background.

Based on the theme, the scientific committee of the congress stated that future societal needs comprise building and maintaining safe and reliable buildings and infrastructures while coping with the effects of climate change in a world with scarcer resources and satisfying the ambition to reduce mankind’s CO2 footprint. Anticipated sub-themes are therefore amongst others ‘Structural safety and reliability with respect to climate change’ and ‘Circularity, re-use and sustainability of structures’.

Important Dates for the congress are as follows;

February 28, 2020
September 15, 2020
November 30, 2020
January 21, 2021
March 1, 2021
April 30, 2021

June 15, 2021
June 15, 2021
September 20-21, 2021
September 22-24, 2021
  Call for abstracts
Deadline for abstract submission
Notification of acceptance abstract
Submission deadline for full papers
Final Invitation and registration opens
Notification of acceptance of full papers and
announcement of presentation types
Registration deadline for all presenting authors
Deadline for early-bird registration
IABSE Annual Meetings
IABSE Congress Ghent 2021

Anticipated sub-themes amongst others are:

  • Structural safety and reliability with respect to climate change
  • Circularity, re-use and sustainability of structures
  • Emission free building of structures

Special sub-themes are:

  • Enhancing resilience of civil infrastructure to hurricane and thunderstorm hazards under changing climate
  • Structural bearings and anti-seismic devices: innovation, standards and testing requirements
  • Towards extending the service life of existing concrete infrastructure through advanced assessment methods

However, also more traditional sub-themes may be addressed, if the abstract and paper refer to the main conference theme, e.g.:
  • All types of bridges
  • Large span structures
  • Light-weight structures
  • High-rise buildings
  • All structural materials
  • Structural health monitoring
  • Design for earthquakes
  • Case studies
  • Failures and forensic engineering
  • Strengthening and retrofitting
  • Dynamics of structures
  • Innovative structures
  • Fatigue and fracture
  • Structural analysis and optimisation
  • Parametric design
  • Structural behaviour under fire conditions
  • Soil-structure Interaction
  • Exceptional loads on structures
  • Safety, reliability and risk
  • Architecture of structures
  • Additive manufacturing

According to the scientific committee, all written papers submitted will be peer-reviewed. The large majority of the presentations will be delivered orally in normal presentation sessions but also poster sessions, poster ‘elevator pitch’ sessions, discussion sessions, a Pecha Kucha session and special sessions will take place. In order to accommodate all sessions and speakers, parallel sessions run simultaneously in 6 to 8 breakout rooms on the three main congress days. Keynote speakers will introduce relevant topics to the congress theme and/or give a state-of-the-art overview on these topics. The technical programme will attract all those involved and interested in the state of the art and the future of bridge and structural engineering. You are hereby invited to contribute to this IABSE Congress and join IABSE community in Ghent in 2021!

www.structville.com is neither an agent, staff, nor representative of IABSE. This information obtained from IABSE website has been shared here as news in our commitment to spread qualitative information that will beneficial to the civil engineering community for their general development and career enhancement. Therefore all further inquiries regarding this congress should be directed to IABSE official website.

The Role of Compression Steel in Deflection of Reinforced Concrete Structures

Deflection is one of the most important serviceability limit state criteria in the design of reinforced concrete structures. Excessive deflection in a structure can lead to cracking of finishes, impaired functionality, and unsightly appearance. Different codes of practice have provisions for controlling deflection in concrete structures. In BS 8110-1:1997 and EN 1992-1-1 (Eurocode 2), deflection can be assessed using the simplified span/depth ratio (deemed-to-satisfy rules) or by following the rigorous method (direct calculation of deflection). However, rigorous method is lengthy and has numerous uncertainties involved in the calculation, hence the span/depth ratio approach is widely used. In both codes of practice, compression reinforcement has been shown to be beneficial to the deflection response of reinforced concrete structures.

Concrete is good in compression but weak in tension. As a result, steel reinforcement is usually provided in the tension zone of concrete structures to resist tensile stresses. Sometimes, steel is provided in the compression zone to assist concrete in resisting compression, and in this case, is normally referred to as doubly reinforced section. The major reasons for providing compression reinforcement in concrete structures are;

  • to reduce long-term deflection due to sustained loading,
  • to increase ductility,
  • to changing failure mode from compression-initiated to tension-initiated, and for
  • ease in construction (for example using hanger bars to provide support for stirrups).

However, it has been recognised that deflection in a concrete beam and slab increases with time for up to nine years[1]. The long-term deflection of a reinforced concrete member under sustained load is mainly due to creep and shrinkage, and it is usually larger than the immediate deflection[2]. It is important to realise that creep and shrinkage are time-dependent properties of concrete, which are influenced by environmental conditions and the concrete mix design[3]. While creep depends on the sustained load, shrinkage is independent of the load. Other important concrete properties used in assessing level of deflection are the modulus of elasticity, modulus of rupture, and tensile strength properties.

In normal strength concrete, compression reinforcement helps in reducing creep under sustained load in the compression zone, and this helps in reducing the final deflection of the structure. However, research has suggested that the effect of compression reinforcement may be minimal in reducing deflection in high strength concrete structures due to low creep[4]. Studies have shown that the effect of compression reinforcement in reducing long term deflection is dependent on the compressive strength of the concrete[4]. However, compression reinforcement is rarely used for the purpose of resisting deflection in concrete structures.

When the props and formwork are removed from the soffit of a slab, it undergoes immediate elastic deflection if the load is low. If the load is high, there will be cracks in the tension zone (say mid-span), and the deflection may not be entirely elastic[1]. However in the long term, the initial deflection under sustained load will increase because of shrinkage, creep, and increased cracking (note that cracking is deemed normal in concrete members).

Concrete drying shrinkage will cause warping of the slab in zones where there are unequal areas of top and bottom reinforcement. This is typical in the mid-span of a reinforced concrete slab, hence the slab will warp downwards and adds to the long-term deflection. The magnitude of warping is found to be directly proportional to the drying shrinkage of the concrete. It continues at a decreasing rate with increasing time for several years after pouring, and is independent of load. Therefore, provision of top reinforcements can curtail the effect of warping, thereby reducing the final deflection.

Read Also…
Structural Design of Cantilever Slabs
Calculation of crack width and crack spacing in reinforced concrete

Furthermore, it is important to note that the actual long-term deflection of a normally reinforced slab or beam in the typical floor of a multi-level building depends on some other factors which may not be duly paid attention to during design. Some of these factors are materials supply, construction techniques, loading history, weather and time. Loading history and method of construction is known to affect the deflection of slabs. The construction load coming from the floor above have been shown to significantly influence the deflection behaviour of slabs in a multi-story building construction[5].

Assessment of deflection in BS 8110

BS 8110-2:1985 says that the sag in a concrete member will become noticeable if the deflection exceeds span/250. According to clause of BS 8110, deflections in a structure may be calculated and then compared with the serviceability requirements given in BS 8110-2:1985. However, in all normal cases the deflections of a beam will not be excessive if the ratio of its span to its effective depth is not greater than the appropriate ratio. The basic span to effective depth ratio is given in Table 3.9 of BS 8110-1:1997 with values of 7 (cantilever), 20 (simply supported), and 26 (continuous members). The basic span/effective depth ratio should be multiplied by modification factors given in in Tables 3.10 and 3.11 of the code. BS 8110-1:1997 acknowledges that compression reinforcement influences deflection.

The modification factor for tension reinforcement of reinforced concrete is given in Table 3.10 of BS 8110-1;

Modification factor = 0.55 + {(477 – fs)/[120(0.9 + M/bd2)]} ≤ 2.0

Where fs is the service stress in the member and it is given by;

fs = 2fyAsreq/3Asprov

Asprov = Area of steel provided
Asreq = Areas of steel required
fy = yield strength of reinforcement
M = Applied bending moment at ultimate limit state

The modification factor for compression reinforcement is given in Table 3.11 of BS 8110-1 as;

Modification factor for compression reinforcement = (1 + 100As’prov/bd)/(3 + 100As’prov/bd)

Where As’prov is the area of compression steel provided.

In BS 8110-1, the area of compression reinforcement used for the calculation may include all bars in the compression zone, even those not
effectively tied with links.

Read Also…
Formulas for calculating different properties of concrete to Eurocode 2
Structural design of flat slab to Eurocode 2

Assessment of deflection in Eurocode 2

Clause 7.4.1(4) of EC2 says that the utility and appearance of a structure may be impaired when the deflection exceeds span/250. This limit accounts for both long term and short term deflection. Eurocode 2 follows a slightly different approach in assessing the deflection of a reinforced concrete member using the span/depth ratio approach.

EC 2 allows span/effective depth limits (L/d) to be calculated from equations 7.16a, 7.16b and 7.17 of the code:

L/d = K[11+(1.5√fck x ρ0/ρ) + 3.2√fck0/ρ – 1)1.5] if ρ0 ≤  ρ               (7.16a)

L/d = K(11+(1.5√fck x ρ0/(ρ – ρ’)) + √fck √(ρ0‘/ρ))/12) if ρ>  ρ         (7.16b)

where is a factor which depends on the static system of the structure (structural form). It has a value of 1.0 for simply supported structures, 1.5 for continuous structures, 1.3 for continuous – end span structures, 1.2 for flat slab, and 0.4 for cantilevers.

ρ0 = reference reinforcement ratio = 10-3√fck
ρ = required tension reinforcement ratio
ρ’ = required compression reinforcement ratio
fck = concrete cylinder strength (N/mm²)

Equations 7.16 above have been derived on the assumption that the steel stress at SLS at a cracked section at the midspan of a beam or slab or at the support of a cantilever is 310 MPa (corresponding roughly to fyk = 500 MPa). Where other stress levels are used, the values obtained using Expression (7.16) should be multiplied by 310/σs. It will normally be conservative to assume that:

310/σs = 500/(fyk Asreq/Asprov)           (7.17)            


σ= tensile stress at mid-span (support for cantilevers) under the design load at SLS
Asprov = area of steel provided at the section
Asreq  = area of steel required at the section for ultimate limit state.

A little observation of equation 7.16 will show that the direct value of compression reinforcement provided cannot be used in EC2 unless the reference reinforcement ratio of 10-3√fck is greater than the actual reinforcement ratio. This goes on to say that the value to be used should be based on the area of compression steel required and not the area of compression steel provided (say H12 mm hanger bars). This is where BS 8110 greatly differs from EC2.

In BS 8110, the area of steel provided can be increased to order to reduce the service stress in the reinforcement. This usually increases the modification factor and the allowable L/d value. However, some questions have been asked on the area of reinforcement to be used in Eurocode assessment of deflection such as that from Beal[6];

It is not clear how Eq. 7.16(a) and (b) are intended to be applied when the reinforcement service stress varies from 310N/mm² as it is not clear how the reinforcement ratio ρ in eq. 7.16 is to be calculated. Is it the actual amount of reinforcement present, or is it the reinforcement which would have been required for a design stress of 310N/mm²? As currently drafted, it is not clear which of these interpretations is correct.


[1] Taylor J. P. (2009): The deflection of reinforced concrete. Taylor Lauder Bersten Pty Ltd
[2] Zhon W., Kokai T. (2010): Deflection calculation and control for reinforced concrete flexural members. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 37(1):131-134 https://doi.org/10.1139/L09-121
[3] Elaghoury Z. (2019): Long-term deflection of reinforced concrete beams. M.Sc thesis Submitted to the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The University of Western Ontario
[4] Muhaisin M.H., Jawdhari A.R., Ammash H.K. (2019): Revised formula for predicting the long-term deflection ultiplier of normal and high strength concrete. Rev. IBRACON Estruct. Mater. 12(6):1345-1352 http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/s1983-41952019000600007 
[5] Vollum R. L. (2009): Comparison of deflection calculations and span-to-depth ratios in BS 8110 and Eurocode 2. Magazine of Concrete Research 61(6):465-476 https://doi.org/10.1680/macr.2009.61.6.465
[6] Beal A. N. (2009): Eurocode 2: Span/depth ratios for RC slabs and beams. The Structural Engineer, Vol. 87 No. 20, 20th October 2009

Design of Pile Foundation System for Bridge Piers

Piles are the most preferred type of foundation for supporting the piers of overhead bridges. They offer greater resistance to vertical and horizontal actions from the bridge deck than shallow foundations. Furthermore, they extend the foundation of piers beyond scouring zones so that there will be no loss of bearing capacity. In this article, we are going to show how to design the foundation of a bridge pier using piles.

We have previously talked about the design the piers and pier cap of an overhead bridge. If you missed the post, read it below.

Structural Design of Pier and Pier Caps of Highway Bridges

Let us go ahead and design the foundation of the bridge pier using the soil investigation report shown below.

Safe working load of piles

Step 1: Determine the load from the superstructure

The loading on the pier cap at ultimate limit state and serviceability limit state are shown below;

Loading on bridge pier
Actions on the pier cap

When analysed on Staad Pro, the following support reactions were obtained;

Vertical support reaction on each pier = 6001.483 kN
Horizontal reaction = 368.443 kN
Bending Moment = 702.032 kNm

Vertical support reaction on each pier = 4259.247 kN
Horizontal reaction = 260.901 kN
Bending Moment = 497.125 kNm

Step 2: Determination of the number of piles required and the layout

We normally use the service loads to determine the number of piles required for the structure, and use ultimate loads (factored loads) for the structural design.

Using 900 diameter piles, Number of piles required per pier = 4259.247/1210 = 3.52
Therefore, provide 4 Piles per pier leg. The layout of the pile cap is shown below. However, attempts were made to combine the two piers under one pile cap, but no economical solution was reached due to the wide spacing of the piers (6 m).

pile cap layout
Adopted layout of the pile cap

Step 3: Provide longitudinal reinforcement for the piles

The reinforcements required for the piles is usually based on the minimum required for the selected pile diameter

Relationship between pile diameter and longitudinal reinforcement
Relationship between minimum area of reinforcement and pile diameter

For a pile diameter of 900 mm, the minimum area of steel required is 2500 mm2
Therefore provide 9H20 mm (Asprov = 2826 mm2)
Provide helical links of H10@250 pitch

Read also…
Reinforcement design of piles

Step 4: Analyse and design the pile cap

The required thickness of the pile cap is usually estimated from the diameter of the piles.

h = 2 x diameter of piles + 100 = 2(900) + 100 = 1900 mm deep pile cap

Different approaches can be used for analysing the pile cap such as bending theory, strut and tie method, or finite element analysis. Let us obtain the internal forces in the pile cap from finite element analysis using Staad Pro.

3D model of the pile cap on Staad Pro

When analysed at ULS, the maximum moment in the pile cap is shown below;

FE model of pile cap
Bending moment in the pile cap

MEd = 1796 KN.m/m

Effective depth d = 1900 – 100  = 1800 mm

k = MEd/(fckbd2) = (1796 × 106)/(40× 1000 × 18002) = 0.0138

Since k < 0.167, no compression reinforcement required
z = d[0.5+ √(0.25 – 0.882k)]
z = d[0.5+ √(0.25 – 0.882(0.0138))] = 0.95d

As1 = MEd/(0.87yk z) = (1796 × 106)/(0.87 × 500 × 0.95 × 1800) = 2414 mm2/m
Provide 20H25mm BOT (ASprov = 8380 mm2)

If we are to use simplified strut and tie method;

Ft = (NEd x l)/8d = (6001.483 x 2.7)/(8 x 1.8) = 1125.28 kN
Ast = Ft/0.87fyk = (1125.28 x 103)/(0.87 x 500) = 2587 mm2/m

You can compare the two results above.

To calculate the minimum area of steel required;

ASmin = 0.26 (fctm/fyk)bd
fctm = 0.3fck2/3 = 0.3 x 40(2/3) = 3.51 N/mm2
ASmin = 0.26 x (3.51/500) x 1000 x 1800 = 3285 mm2/m

Check if  ASmin < 0.13bd/100 = 2340 mm2/m

Provide H32 @ 225 c/c (Asprov = 3573 mm2)

Read also…
Structural aspects of pile foundation design

Step 5: Check for punching shear around the pier perimeter

VEd = 6001.483 kN

Column perimeter u = πd = π x 1200 = 3769.9 mm

v = V/ud
v = (6001.483 × 1000)/(3769.9 × 1800) = 0.8844 N/mm2
VRd,max = 0.2(1 –  fck/250)fcd
VRd,max = 0.2 (1 – 40/250) x 40/1.5 = 4.48 N/mm2

0.8844 N/mm2 > 4.48 N/mm2 This is okay

This shows that the punching shear around column perimeter is ok.

shear checks of pile caps
Critical shear checks for pile caps

Step 6: Check for critical punching shear

Consider the critical section for shear to be located at 20% of the pile diameter inside the pile cap.

Distance of this section from the column face;
av = 0.5(Spacing between piles – width of column) – 0.3(pile diameter)
av = 0.5(2700 – 1200) – 0.3(900) = 480 mm

Length of corresponding perimeter for punching shear
u = 4(2160) = 8640 mm

Perimeter of pile cap = 4(3900) = 15600 mm

The contribution of the column load to the shear force may be reduced by applying a factor β = av/2d, since av < 2d where 0.5d ≤ a≤ 2d

But a little consideration will show that av(480 mm) < 0.5d(900 mm), therefore, take av as 0.5d (900)
Therefore β = 900/2(1800) = 0.25

v = βV/bd
V = 6001.483/4 = 1500.37 kN

v = (0.25 x 1500.37 x 103)/(1000 x 1800) = 0.208 N/mm2

VRd,c = [CRd,c.k.(100ρ1 fck)(1/3)]

CRd,c = 0.18/γc = 0.18/1.5 = 0.12
k = 1 + √(200/d) = 1 + √(200/1800) = 1.33 > 2.0, therefore, k = 1.33
ρ1 = As/bd = 3573/(1000 × 1800) = 0.001985 < 0.02

VRd,c = [0.12 × 1.33(100 × 0.001985 × 40)(1/3)]=  0.318 N/mm2

Since VRd,c (0.318 N/mm2) > VEd (0.208 N/mm2), No shear reinforcement is required Okay.

Step 7: Check for Anchorage Length

Let us calculate the design tension anchorage length of H32mm bar (fyk = 500 N/mm2, concrete cover = 100 mm, Concrete cylinder strength fck = 40 N/mm2) for a bent bar assuming good bond conditions.

lbd = α1 α2 α3 α4 α5 lb,req ≥ lb,min
lb,rqd = (ϕ/4) σsd/fbd
fbd =2.25η1 η2 fctd
η1 = 1.0 ‘Good’ bond conditions
η2 = 1.0 bar size ≤ 32

fctd = (αct fctk 0.05)/γc

fctk 0.05 = characteristic tensile strength of concrete at 28 days = 2.5 N/mm2 (Table 3.1 EC2)
γc = partial (safety) factor for concrete = 1.5
αct = coefficient taking account of long-term effects on the tensile strength, this is an NDP with a recommended value of 1.

fctd = (1.0 × 2.5)/1.5 = 1.667 N/mm2
fbd = 2.25 × 1.0 × 1.0 × 1.667= 3.75 N/mm2

lb,rqd = (ϕ/4) σsd/fbd
σsd = 0.87 × 500 = 435 N/mm2

lb,rqd = (ϕ × 435 )/(4 × 3.75) = 29ϕ


lbd = α1 α2 α3 α4 α5(29ϕ) (see Table 8.2 EC2)

For a bent bar
α1 = 1.0 (Cd = 75 mm is ≤ 3ϕ = 3 × 32 = 96 mm)
α2 = 1.0 – 0.15 (Cd – 3ϕ)/ ϕ = 0.901 < 1.0
α3 = 1.0 conservative value with k = 0
α4 = 1.0 N/A
α5 = 1.0 conservative value
lbd = 0.9 × (29ϕ) = 26.1ϕ = 26.1 × 32 = 835 mm

With the effective depth of 1800 mm, the pile dimension will satisfy the anchorage requirements.

Design of Bridge Pier and Pier Cap

Bridge pier caps are horizontal structural members used for transferring bridge deck loads to the piers, before they are transferred to the foundation. They can be made of different shapes or forms, depending on the required aesthetics of the bridge. However, pier caps (or heads) must be designed to resist the actions transferred from traffic, self weight of the bridge deck, wind actions, or accidental actions due to vehicle impact. By the nature of their configuration, the piers and the pier cap/head of bridges should be designed as monolithic rigid frames.

However, some of the different configurations that are obtainable in bridge piers are;

  • Solid wall pier
  • Hammer head bridge pier
  • Rigid frame bridge pier
rigid wall pier cap
Solid wall Pier
Hammer head pier cap
Hammer head Pier Cap
Rigid frame pier cap
Rigid Frame Pier Cap

In this article, we are going to show how to design reinforced concrete rigid frame bridge pier and pier cap using Staad Pro software. Different methods can be used for obtaining the reactive forces from the bridge deck such as grillage analysis, finite element analysis, or classical methods such as Courbon’s theory. We will pick the reactive forces from finite element analysis, and apply them to the bridge pier cap.

The configuration of the bridge deck is shown below;

Bridge deck Staad Pro 1
Finite element model of the bridge deck

The length of the bridge deck is 15 m, and the loading and configuration is shown below;

Bridge deck with five girder
Structural configuration of the bridge deck
Loaded bridge deck 1
Traffic action on the bridge deck (LM 1)

The maximum reactive forces from finite element analysis are as follows;

Self weight = 276.288 kN
Traffic UDL = 194.839 kN
Traffic moving load = 320.762 kN

These reactions are transmitted through the elastomeric pad bearing to the pier cap. Note that there are accompanying horizontal actions due to braking, acceleration forces, skidding of vehicles etc. Design value of braking or acceleration forces depend on the vertical loads applied on notional lane 1. The values of horizontal forces should be combined with appropriate value for vertical traffic load corresponding to its frequent value. However, when the leading traffic loads are vertical ones, the accompanying value of the braking and acceleration forces are to be defined in the National Annex and can be set to zero. But for simplicity, horizontal actions have not been considered in this article.

Therefore the ultimate load that will be transferred to the pier cap is given by;

VEd = 1.35Gk + 1.5Qk = 1.35(276.288) + 1.5(194.839 + 320.762) = 1146.39 kN

Since this is assumed to be an intermediate pier, the pier cap will be subjected to double of the load above. Therefore, the maximum ULS load from each girder will be 1146.39 x 2 = 2239 kN. Note that the factored self weight of the pier and pier cap should be included in the model.

Fro proper analysis and design of the foundation, it is important to separate the service and ultimate loads properly. At SLS, the maximum reactive force from each girder is 791.889 kN. The preliminary sizing of the rigid frame pier cap and the design data of the pier system is shown below;

Diameter of piers = 1200 mm
Dimensions of pier cap = 950 x 1200 mm
Support of frame = Fixed

Loaded Bridge Pier 1
Bridge Deck Load on the Pier Cap
3D Model of bridge pier on Staad Pro

When analysed on Staad Pro, the internal forces in the rigid frame pier cap are as follows;

Bending moment diagram
Shear force diagram
Axial force diagram

The summary of the internal forces at ULS are as follows;

Pier Cap
Sagging moment = 3298.257 kNm
Hogging moment = 2911.468 kNm
Maximum shear force = 3468.85 kN
Maximum axial force = 368 kN (compression)

Maximum moment = 1508.62 kNm
Maximum shear force = 368.443 kN
Maximum axial force = 6001.483 kN

Structural design of the Pier Cap

Let cover to reinforcements = 50 mm
Yield strength of reinforcement fyk = 500 MPa
Compressive strength of concrete fck = 40 MPa

Span – Sagging

MEd = 3298.257 KN.m

Effective depth (d) = h – Cnom – ϕ/2 – ϕlinks
Assuming ϕ25 mm bars will be employed for the main bars, and ϕ12 mm bars for the stirrups (links)
d = 1200 – 50 – 12  – 12 = 1126 mm

k = MEd/(fckbd2) = (3298.257 × 106)/(40× 950 × 11262) = 0.0684

Since k < 0.167, no compression reinforcement required
z = d[0.5+ √(0.25 – 0.882k) ]
z = d[0.5+ √(0.25 – 0.882(0.0684))] = 0.935d

As1 = MEd/(0.87yk z) = (3298.257 × 106)/(0.87 × 500 × 0.934 × 1126) = 7209 mm2
Provide 20H25mm BOT (ASprov = 8380 mm2)

MEd = 2911.468 KN.m

k = MEd/(fckbd2) = (2911.468 × 106)/(40 × 950 × 11262) = 0.0604
Since k < 0.167, no compression reinforcement required
z = d[0.5+ √(0.25 – 0.882K)]
z = d[0.5+ √(0.25 – 0.882(0.0604))] = 0.943d

As1 = MEd/(0.87fyk z) = (2911.468 × 106)/(0.87 × 500 × 0.943 × 1126) = 6303 mm2
Provide 16H25mm TOP (ASprov = 6704 mm2)

Shear Design (Support A)
VEd = 3468.85 kN
NEd = 368 KN (compression)

We are going to anchor the 16No of H25mm reinforcement provided fully into the supports.

VRd,c = [CRd,c.k.(100ρ1 fck)(1/3) + k1cp]bw.d

CRd,c = 0.18/γc = 0.18/1.5 = 0.12
σcp = NEd / bd = (368 × 1000) / (950 × 1126) = 0.344 N/mm2
k = 1 + √(200/d) = 1 + √(200/1126) = 1.42> 2.0, therefore, k = 1.42
ρ1 = As/bd = 6704/(950 × 1126) = 0.00627 < 0.02; K1 = 0.15

VRd,c = [0.12 × 1.42(100 × 0.00627 × 40 )(1/3) + (0.15 × 0.344)]  × 950 × 1126 =  588745.259 N = 588.745 KN

Since VRd,c (588.745 KN) < VEd (3468.85 KN), shear reinforcement is required.

The compression capacity of the compression strut (VRd,max) assuming θ = 21.8° (cot θ = 2.5)

VRd,max = (bw.z.v1.fcd)/(cot⁡θ + tanθ)
V1 = 0.6(1 – fck/250) = 0.6(1 – 40/250) = 0.504
fcd = (αcc ) fck)/γc = (1 × 40)/1.5 = 26.667 N/mm2
Let z = 0.9d

VRd,max = [(950 × 0.9 × 1126 × 0.504 × 26.667) / (2.5 + 0.4)] × 10-3 = 4461.811 kN

Since VRd,c < VEd < VRd,max
Hence, Asw/S = VEd/(0.87fykzcot θ) = 3468850/(0.87 × 500 × 0.9 × 1126 × 2.5) = 3.147

Minimum shear reinforcement;
Asw/S = ρw,min × bw × sinα (α = 90° for vertical links)
ρw,min = (0.08 × √(fck))/fyk = (0.08 × √40)/500 = 0.001012
Asw/S (min) = 0.001012 × 950 × 1 = 0.961

Maximum spacing of shear links = 0.75d = 0.75 × 1126 = 844.5 mm
Provide 6H12mm @ 200mm c/c (Asw/S = 3.39) Ok

Note that this link must be properly closed with adequate anchorage length, because it will assist in resisting torsion.

Side Bars
Provide H16@200 c/c

The typical detailing of the pier cap is shown below. Note that bar marks and layer information were not included.

Detailing of a pier cap
Typical detailing sketch of the pier cap

Design of the piers

You are expected to go through the process of designing columns according to Eurocode 2. You will need to check if the column is short or slender. If the column is slender, you will need to obtain the additional moments due to second order effects.

However for simplicity in this post, let us add the effect of imperfection to the column moment. You can go through the rigourous process of ensuring that you are designing for the worst effect.

Let us assume that effective length of the pier is 0.85L = (0.85 x 6000) = 5100 mm (note that Eurocode requires a more rigourous approach for calculating the effective length of columns)

The geometric imperfection of the column ei = [(1/200) x (5100/2)] = 12.75 mm

eiNEd = 6001.483 x 0.01275 = 76.5189 kNm

Let us therefore take the column design moment MEd to be = 1508.62 + 76.5189 = 1585.13 kNm

NEd = 6001.483 kN
MEd = 1585.13 kNm
d = 1200 – 50 – 50 = 1100
d/h = 0.9 (say)

Interaction diagram for circular columns

Let fcd = (0.85 x 40)/1.5 = 22.667 N/mm2

NEd/h2fcd = (6001.483 x 1000)/(12002 x 22.667) = 0.183 (Conservatively say 0.2)
MEd/h3fcd = (1585.13 x 106)/(12003 x 22.667) = 0.04

Therefore, Asfyd/h2fcd = 0.1
As.req = (0.1 x 12002 x 22.667)/(0.87 x 500) = 7504 mm2

The minimum area steel required is 0.1NEd/fyd = 1379 mm2 or 0.002Ac = 2262 mm2 whichever is greater.

Therefore provide 20H25 (Asprov = 8380 mm2)

To determine the shear reinforcement, shear design should be carried out. The reinforcement provided should be used to check the pier against vehicle collision. Note that this accidental load case should be unfactored and considered to be acting alone.

Structural Stability of a Ten-Storey Braced Steel Frame

Structural stability is broadly defined as the capacity of a structure to recover equilibrium. As a topic in structural engineering, it is concerned with structural members that are subjected to external loading that induces compressive stresses in the body of the structure. Emphasis is on understanding the behavior of structures in terms of load displacement characteristics; on formulation of the governing equations; and on calculation of the critical load. An approach based on continuum method has been presented in this article for the evaluation of critical load of a ten-storey braced steel frame.

This is based on the work of Zalka (2013) and the assumptions in the analysis are as follows;

  • The structure at least four storeys high with identical storey heights
  • The frame is regular in the sense that their characteristics do not vary over the height
  • Sway structures with built-in lower end at ground floor level and free upper end
  • The floor slabs have great in-plane and small out-of-plane stiffness
  • The deformations are small and the material of the structures is linearly elastic
  • P-delta effects are negligible
  • The frameworks are subjected to uniformly distributed vertical load at storey levels
  • The critical load defines the bifurcation point

Analysis Example

Calculate the critical load of the ten-storey steel frame work shown below. The height of each floor is 3m, and the properties of the members are given below. Take the modulus of elasticity of steel as 210,000 N/mm2.

Columns – UC 305 x 305 x 158 (Area = 201 cm2, Iyy = 38800 cm4)
Beams – UB 406 x 178 x 60 (Area = 76.5 cm2; Iyy = 21600 cm4)
Diagonal bracing = UA 100 x 100 x 10 (Area = 19.2 cm2; Iyy = 177 cm4)


The shear stiffness of the structure (for single braced frames) is shown below;

Bracing type

d = √(32 + 42) = 5 m
l = 4 m
h = 3 m
Ad = 19.2 cm2 = 19.2 x 10-4 m2
Ah = 76.5 cm2 = 76.5 x 10-4 m2
Eh = Ed = 210 x 106 kN/m2

K = {[53/(19.2 x 10-4 x 210 x 106 x 3 x 42)] + [4/(76.5 x 10-4 x 210 x 106 x 3)]}-1 = 137198.521 kN

The global second moment of area is;

Ig = ∑Ac,iti2 = 2 x (201 x 10-4 x 22) = 0.1608 m4

Load distribution factor rs is obtained from Table 1 as rs = 0.863.

Table 1: Load distribution factor rs as a function of n (the number of storeys) (Zalka, 2013)

Load distribution factor table

The global bending critical load is;

Ng = (7.837rsEIg)/H2 = (7.837 x 0.863 x 210 x 106 x 0.1608)/302 = 253760.179 kN

As a function of βs = K/Ng = 137198.521/253760.179 = 0.541

The critical load parameter αs is obtained by interpolating from the Table 2.
αs = 0.9

Table 2: Critical load parameter αs as a function of parameter βs (Zalka, 2013)

Critical load parameter 1

Finally, the critical load of the framework Ncr = αsK

Ncr = 0.9 x 137198.521 = 123485.25 kN

As a comparison, let us model the frame in Staad Pro software and carry out buckling analysis on the structure.

Staad Model

Based on the assumptions made in the analysis, the frame has been subjected to a load of 5 kN/m at each level. From the analysis result;

Total vertical load on the structure = 200 kN
Buckling amplification factor αs for Mode 1 = 687.439

Therefore, the critical buckling load Ncr = 200 x 687.439 = 137489 kN

Buckling mode 1

The difference obtained in the analysis result is 10.1%, but the continuum method appears to be more conservative than finite element analysis. According to Zalka (2013), the maximum error (difference obtained from finite element analysis result) expected from using this method is 17%.

Zalka K.A. (2013): Structural Analysis of Regular Multi-storey Buildings. CRC Press Taylor and Francis Group

What is the immediate solution to these geohazards?

Erosion, landslides, earthquakes, etc are identified are geohazards which normally require significant engineering efforts to put their effects under control. While the destructive effects of earthquakes can only be prevented by designing earthquake resistant structures, erosions and landslides are slightly unique.

erosion 1
erosion 3

Depending on their stage of development, erosion control structures can be built to stop the expansion of gullies. This can accompanied by slope stability solutions, use of geogrids, geotextiles, etc. Since we are committed to learning and development at Structville, let us say that you are invited to site to offer solution to the problems shown in these pictures. Which solution will offer and what procedure will you follow?

Grand River