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Standards for Highway Materials in Nigeria

Earth materials are extensively utilised for highway construction in Nigeria. It has been recognised that high quality lateritic soils which are abundant in Nigeria can be used as fill, sub-base, and base course materials in highway construction. In this article, we are going to show the recommended standards for highway materials based on Federal Ministry of Works Specifications for Roads and Bridges (1997).

Generally, the material to be used for highway construction shall not be excavated from swamps, marshes or bogs. Furthermore, they shall be free from peat, logs, stumps, roots, and other perishable or combustible materials. Top soils and highly organic clays and silt shall not to be used for constructiont. All clays having liquid limit exceeding 80% or plasticity index exceeding 55 should be rejected.


The basic recommendations given for base course materials are for crushed stone base in clauses 6250, 6251, and 6252. Therefore, the recommendations for sub-base course materials shall be deemed to apply to base course earth materials too. Recommendations for crushed stone base will not be covered in this this article.

List of Tests for selection of highway earth materials
The lists of test that shall be conducted for highway materials are;

(1) Plasticity tests
(2) Grading tests
(3) Compaction tests
(4) Laboratory CBR tests

CBR testing machine 1

Materials for sub-base course (Type 1) – Heavy Traffic
(1) The percent by weight passing No 75μm sieve shall not be greater than 35%
(2) The material passing 425μm sieve shall have a liquid limit not more than 35% and plasticity index of nit more than 12%
(3) The material shall have unsoaked CBR value of 80% using Modified AASHTO or West African Standard Compaction and minimum CBR of 30% after 24 hours soaking.

Materials for sub-base course (Type 2) – Light Traffic
(1) The percent by weight passing No 75μm sieve shall not be greater than 35%
(2) The material passing 425μm sieve shall have a liquid limit not more than 35% and plasticity index of nit more than 12%
(3) The material shall have unsoaked CBR value of 80% using Modified AASHTO or West African Standard Compaction and minimum CBR of 20% after 24 hours soaking.

Materials for sub-base course (Type 3) – Substandard materials
When the site engineer recognises that suitable materials are not available for use, and the materials slightly fall short of the required standard, the following measures can be adopted;

(1) Compacting the material to a lesser density at the wet side of the optimum to contain the tendency of the material to shrink or swell.
(2) Mechanical stabilisation of the material with sand (if available) to reduce the fines content

Inclusion of women in construction industry

Growing up as a Nigerian from one of the least developed communities, I have identified that our continent Africa and Nigeria in particular has a problem in infrastructure that is yet to be addressed.

Engineering as a discipline is male dominated both globally and locally. For us to retain the women we have, we need to create more opportunities for them whether as colleagues, wives, sisters or friends.

Inclusion of women in construction

In the construction industry generally, it is perceived that only men work on site. Everyday at work, I hear a lot of people say things like, “this is my first time of seeing a female engineer on site”. What this literarily means is that we have left the work for men alone, allowing them to decide a significant part of our lives – building homes.

intersectionality 1

There is need for us to begin to rethink the way we build infrastructure and who builds them. This will begin from design to procurement, construction, finishes, and even commissioning. On the long run, this will help us to recognize talent inclusively, bridge the gender gap, increase the retention of women, and also work towards achieving global goals.

For example, on a construction site, you will discover that most safety wears, boots and signs are designed to be more compatible with men. Some read – ‘Men at Work’. Some are with visual signals that denotes men.

162 1628253 gender equality feminism gender symbol social equality women

As a starting point to inclusion on construction sites, access to construction areas including walk-ways, stairs, and temporary platforms should include women in the design. Also, initial site planning and management should include restrooms for women as well as men.

While some women are working hard and pushing to be outstanding in the profession whether as technical leaders, engineers and project managers, there are some reasons why many people feel women should not be on site.

Firstly engineering and construction is male oriented, as workers on site are already used to taking instructions from men, which has been a norm for centuries.

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Secondly women are believed to have poor leadership skills and as such receive bais from both the society and those above them who ought to be an excellent support to enhance their productivity and performance.

Thirdly women are believed to be too sensitive amidst a few others which are not true. Perhaps on site when they delegate responsibilities and follow up to ensure that it gets done, managers may conclude that those are small things. One way to help is by constructively critising them when necessary, evaluating their performance for the sole purpose of providing useful feedback that could lead to self-improvement.

NAWIC image 4

Overall, we recognize that over 90% of workers in construction are men. There is need for managers, leaders, engineers and decision makers to begin to shape the future through inclusion, shared opportunities, equity and promoting a culture of respect and empathy.

Analysis of Vehicle Collision on Bridge Piers

EN 1991-1-7 discussed and gave guidance on accidental actions and their applications in the design calculations for bridge structures. It is obvious that there is a possibility of vehicles impacting on the substructure and/or superstructure of bridges. In order to reduce the negative effects in accidental actions, priority should also be given to reducing the risk of accidental impacts. Some risk reducing measures are;

(1) Preventing the accidental action from occurring or reducing the probability and/or magnitude of the action to a reasonable level.
(2) Protecting the structure against accidental actions (for example by using traffic bollards)
(3) Designing the structure in a such a way that neither the whole structure nor an important part of it will collapse if local failure should occur.
(4) Designing key elements of the structure with special care
(5) Applying prescriptive design and detailing rules which will lead to a robust structure.

Fig 1: Typical vehicle collision with bridge pier
vehicle collision
Fig 2: Failure of bridge pier due to vehicle collision

Traffic Impact on Bridge Piers
Impacts on the substructure of bridges (such as piers) by road vehicles are a relatively frequent occurrence and may have considerable consequences (see Figure 1 and 2). For soft impacts (when the impacting body consumes most of the available kinetic energy), the design values for the horizontal actions due to impact on vertical structural elements (e.g columns, walls) are shown in Table 1.

Table 1: Equivalent horizontal static action for traffic impact of bridge substructures (Vrounwenvelder and Diamantidis, 2010)

Equivalent static horizontal action on bridge piers

The forces Fdx and Fdy denote respectively the forces in the driving direction and perpendicular to it. There is no need to consider them simultaneously. The collision forces are supposed to act at 1.25 m above the level of the driving surface (0.5 m for cars). The force application area may be taken as 0.25 m (height) by 1.50 m (width) or the member width, whichever is the smallest.

Design Example
Consider a circular bridge pier with a diameter of 1200 mm. The height of the column is 6 m and is assumed to be hinged to the bridge deck and fixed to the foundation (pile cap) as shown in Figure 3. The main reinforcement consists of 30Y25 (Asprov = 12570 mm2) with a yield strength of 460 Mpa, and concrete strength of 40 Mpa. Let us check the column for truck vehicle collision under motorway conditions.

Vehicle impact force on bridge
Fig 3: Truck collision model for a bridge pier

The simple structural idealisation of the system and the analysis result is shown in Figure 4. You can analyse the structure using any means at your disposal.

Bending moment and shear force diagrams
Fig 4: Internal stresses diagram due to vehicle collision

Note that other loads are not relevant in this case. The self weight of the bridge deck and traffic loads on the bridge will lead to normal force in the pier. Therefore, at the point of impact, the axial force will interact with the bending moment, but for this article, let us ignore the effect of the axial force and confine ourselves to the accidental action only. Note that this accidental action is not supposed to be factored.

Therefore the simplified moment capacity of the section without considering axial force can be obtained from the interaction diagram (d/h = 0.9) given in Figure 5.

Interaction diagram for circular columns
Fig 5: Moment-Axial interaction diagram for a circular column (d/h = 0.9)

Design strength of reinforcement fyd = 0.87fyk = 0.87 x 460 = 400.2 MPa
Design strength of concrete in compression fcd = αccfckc = (0.85 x 40)/1.5 = 22.667 MPa

Asfyd/h2fcd = (12570 x 400.2)/(12002 x 22.667) = 0.154

MEd/h3fcd = (886.5 x 106)/(12003 x 22.667) = 0.0226
At zero axial force (NEd/h2fcd = 0), Asfyd/h2fcd = 0.05 (Figure 4).

Therefore, the area of steel required to resist bending moment due to impact only;
As = (0.05 x 12002 x 22.667)/400.2 = 4078 mm2

A little consideration will show that this is less than the area of steel provided (Asprov = 12570 mm2). It is left for the designer to evaluate the axial force coming from the bridge deck to fully verify the adequacy of the reinforcement provided. The shear capacity of the section should also be checked.

Vrounwenvelder T., and Diamantidis D. (2010): ‘Accidental Actions’ in Guidebook 2 Design of Bridges (Pietro Croce Ed). Faculty of Engineering University of Pisa and Leonardo De Vinci Project.


Natural Frequency Analysis of Multistorey Frames Using Staad Pro

Vibration (or Oscillation) is a time-dependent, repeated motion which a body undergoes when it is excited in its natural state or by an external force. Frequency is the number of cycles of vibration the system undergoes in a unit of time which is expressed in Hertz (Hz) or (cycles per second). When a structural system is undergoing undamped vibration in its natural state (under self excitation), it is said to be undergoing free vibration. A structure has as many natural frequencies as its degree of freedom, but the frequency with the highest mass participation is often regarded as the natural frequency.

We have made a post in the past on how to calculate the natural frequency of multistorey frames using the method described by Zalka (2012). When we compared the result with finite element analysis result from Staad Pro, a good agreement was observed. Furthermore, we have also carried out free vibration analysis of trusses, free vibration analysis of tank stands when filled with water, and modal analysis of mutistorey rigid frames.

In the video shown above, a ten storey frame of total height of 30 m (each storey height = 3m) was analysed to determine the natural frequency under a floor load of 40 kN/m at each level. All the columns are 400 mm x 400 mm in dimension while the beams are 600 mm x 400 mm. The support conditions were treated as fixed. When analysed using the steps described in the video, the results below were obtained;

Mode shape 1 1

The horizontal natural frequency was observed to be 0.587 Hz, with a period of 1.705 seconds. The mass participation factor for this mode vibration was found to be 81.89%. The implication of this is that when carrying out the wind load analysis, the frequency of the wind action should not be close to 0.587 to avoid resonance.

The vertical frequency of the structure was observed to be 5.854 Hz with a period of 0.171 seconds, and mass participation factor of 70.981%. This can be important when evaluating human-structure interaction if the building will be subjected to crowd action.

Here are some textbooks you can purchase from Amazon that will help your understanding of the subject:

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Analysis of Wind Load on Bridge Decks

In the design of bridges, environmental actions such as wind, snow, and temperature should also be considered alongside traffic actions. In this article, we are going to show how to apply wind action on bridge decks according to the procedures described in EN 1991-1-4. The specifications in this code apply to bridges of constant cross-section with one or more spans. Different bridge deck sections are permitted such as mono-cell box sections, closed box sections, beam and slab deck systems, etc (see Fig 8.1 of EN 1991-1-4).

In EN 1991-1-4, wind load on bridge decks are considered to be coming from the longitudinal (y-direction) or from transverse (x-direction) axes, and these actions generate stresses in the x,y,z directions of the bridge deck (see Figure 1). During analysis, you can only consider the wind coming in one direction only (either x or y direction) for each load combination.

Direction of wind load on bridges
Fig 1: Wind direction on bridge deck (Fig 8.2 EN 1991-1-4)

Wind forces acting on a bridge deck
Wind forces acting in the x-direction of a bridge deck is given by the simplified equation (1);

Fwk = 0.5ρVb2C.Aref,x —– (1)

ρ = density of air = 1.25 kg/m3
Vb = basic wind speed of the site
C = Wind load factor for the bridge
Aref,x = Reference area

In the absence of traffic, the reference area Aref,x should take into account the total height d of projection on a vertical plane of all beams, including the part of one cornice or footway or ballasted track projecting over the front main girder, plus the sum d1 of solid parapets, noise barriers, windshields, and open safety barriers installed on the bridge. In the case of truss girders, the total height d of the projection on a vertical plane of all truss members should be considered.

In the presence of traffic, the reference area Aref,x should be assumed as the larger between the area evaluated considering the absence of traffic, and the area obtained taking into account the presence f traffic. For road bridges, the lateral surface of vehicles exposed to wind is represented by a rectangular area 2m in height starting from the carriageway level.

The wind load factor C is given by equation (2);

C = cecf,x —–(2)

Where ce is the exposure coefficient for kinetic pressure and cf,x is the force coefficient which is the drag coefficient without free end flow. The exposure coefficient can be evaluated by considering a reference height ze given by the distance from the lowest point of the ground and the center of the bridge deck disregarding additional parts, parapets, barriers, etc.

For bridges with solid parapets and/or solid barriers and/or traffic, the force coefficient cf,x can be determined using equation (3);

cf,x = min {2.4; max[2.5 – 0.3(b/dtot); 1.3]} —- (3)

Where b is the total width of the bridge and dtot is the height considered in the evaluation of Aref,x = dtot.L

From the above considerations, equation (1) can also be given as equation (4);

Fwk = qp(ze)Cf,x.Aref,x —– (4)

Analysis Example
Evaluate the wind load on the bridge deck with the profile shown in Figure 2. The bottom of the bridge deck is 7m above the ground (see Figure 3), and it is located in a category III area.

Bridge deck profile 2
Fig 2: Bridge deck profile
Height of deck above the ground
Fig 3: Height of the bridge deck above ground level

We will therefore take our reference height ze = 7.0 + 1.25 = 8.25 m

For the area under consideration, let the basic wind velocity Vb,0 = 40 m/s.
Vb = Cdir . Cseason . Vb,0 = 1.0 × 1.0 × 30 = 40 m/s

The mean wind velocity Vm(z) at a height z above the terrain depends on the terrain roughness and orography, and on the basic wind velocity, Vb, and should be determined using the expression below;

Vm(z) = cr(z). co(z).Vb

cr(z) is the roughness factor (defined below)
co(z) is the orography factor often taken as 1.0

The terrain roughness factor accounts for the variability of the mean wind velocity at the site of the structure due to the height above the ground level and the ground roughness of the terrain upwind of the structure in the wind direction considered. Terrain categories and parameters are shown in Table 1. We will assume that the tank support we are designing is located in an area that can be described as Category III.

Table 1: Terrain Categories and parameters (Table 4.1 EN 1991-1-4:2005)

Terrain cateogory for wind load 1

cr(z) = kr. In (z/z0) for zmin ≤ z ≤ zmax
cr(z) = cr.(zmin) for z ≤ zmin

Z0 is the roughness length
Kr is the terrain factor depending on the roughness length Z0 calculated using
Kr = 0.19 (Z0/Z0,II)0.07

Z0,II = 0.05 m (terrain category II)
Zmin is the minimum height
Zmax is to be taken as 200 m
kr = 0.19 (0.3/0.05)0.07= 0.215

cr(z) = kr. In (z/z0)
cr(8.5 m) = 0.215 × In(8.5/0.3) = 0.605

Vm(8.5 m) = cr(z). co(z).Vb = 0.605 × 1.0 × 40 = 24.2 m/s

Wind turbulence
The turbulence intensity Iv(z) at height z is defined as the standard deviation of the turbulence divided by the mean wind velocity. The recommended rules for the determination of Iv(z) are given in the expressions below;

Iv(z) = σv/Vm = k1/[c0(z).In (z/z0)] for zmin ≤ z ≤ zmax
Iv(z) = Iv.(zmin) for z ≤ zmin

k1 is the turbulence factor of which the value is provided in the National Annex but the recommended value is 1.0
Co is the orography factor described above
Z0 is the roughness length described above.

Iv(8.5 m) = σv/Vm = k1/[c0(z).In (z/z0)] = 1/[1 × In(8.5/0.3)] = 0.299

Peak Velocity Pressure
The peak velocity pressure qp(z) at height z is given by the expression below;

qp(z) = [1 + 7.Iv(z)] 0.5ρVm2 (z)= ce(z).qb

qp(8.5 m) = [1 + 7(0.299)] × 0.5 × 1.25 × 24.22 = 1132.115 N/m2 = 1.132 kN/m2

From equation (4);

Fwk = qp(ze)Cf,x.Aref,x

From Figure 2, we can verify that dtot = 2.5 m + 1.0 m = 3.5 m
b = 10.5 m

cf,x = min {2.4; max[2.5 – 0.3(b/dtot); 1.3]} = min {2.4; max[2.5 – 0.3(10.5/3.5)]; 1.3} = min {2.4; max[1.6; 1.3]}
The minimum value of 1.3 recommended is always deemed unsafe sided, therefore take cf,x = 1.6

Fwk = 1.132 x 1.6 x 3.5 = 6.3392 kN/m

Wind load on bridge deck
Fig 4: Application of wind load on the deck without vehicle

Thank you for visiting Structville today and God bless you.

Important checklists before casting concrete on site

Concreting or casting days are usually big days for site engineers. It is very typical to see engineers and project managers work very hard to ensure that nothing goes wrong on such days. Thinking ahead is an important skill in construction site management as it gives room for the elimination of all factors that may cause glitches during construction. In this article, we are going to provide some important checklists to help you know whether you are fully ready to cast concrete on site.

A lot of activities precede concrete casting on site such as formwork installation, reinforcement installation and fixing, quality control checks etc. Having gone through these processes to get everything right, the final stage is concreting. It is important to make a checklist in order to ensure that you have done everything properly. Omitting any of these checklists might cause a delay you will not expect on your day of casting.

Here are some important checklists before concreting in a low scale – low-cost construction project:

(1) Formwork
The formwork installation must be checked and approved by a third party. Checks should include dimensions and tolerances, bracings, location of props, tightness of formwork to prevent excessive loss of cement slurry etc.

multiflex girder slab formwork

(2) Reinforcement
The reinforcement works must be checked and approved by the structural engineer and other relevant agencies. Checks should ensure that the correct grade and sizes of bars have been used, the rebar spacings are according to the drawings, lap lengths and positioning of bars are appropriate etc. The inspector should also check the concrete covers, and certify them as adequate.

reinforcement installation

(3) Levels
The levels for concreting should be established and checked using available instruments. The levels can be established using nails, markers, pegs etc. It is not ideal to start establishing casting levels on the day of concreting. It will lead to delays.

levelling concrete slab 2

(4) Scaffolds, walkways, and platforms
Sometimes site engineers may forget to make provisions for walkways and platforms and start running around on a casting day. If you are casting at a height, make sure you provide safe benches, walkways, scaffolds, and platforms to enable the casters to walk freely and pour concrete in a safe manner.

product range

(5) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
All PPEs must be available on-site prior to the day of casting and given to workers before the commencement of casting. Safety officers should stop the casting operation if safety precautions are not taken seriously.

Personal Protective Equipment PPE Safety Equipment for

(6) Materials
All the materials needed for casting should be available before the day of casting. These include sand, granite, cement, admixtures, and water. As practically as possible, ensure that all the materials you need to complete the casting are on the ground a day prior to the casting date.

Suppliers may disappoint you on the casting day or there might be a breakdown of vehicles or unforeseen interruptions. This will completely ruin your big day and you will not meet your target. Also, make sure that you have calculated the quantity of materials you need properly, and verify that the suppliers did not undersupply. Lack of water on site can ruin your casting day too. Therefore, you must pay careful attention to the materials you need.

bags of cement

(7) Equipment/Machinery
Ensure that all tools, equipment, and machinery you need for the job are on stand-by prior to the day of casting. You should have at least two vibrators and two concrete mixers on-site, depending on the size of the job to be done. Breakdown of equipment can completely ruin your day. Also make sure that ancillary equipment such as your concrete cube moulds, buckets, headpans, shovels, trowels, etc are all available.

Concrete mixer 1

(8) Personnel
Make calls and confirm the availability of all personnel you will need for the job at least 24 hours before the casting day. This includes all supervisors, safety officers, operators, foremen, labourers, etc. Also, make sure that at least one iron bender, one carpenter, and one mechanic (technician) are available on your casting day for quick fixes just in case something goes wrong.

concrete foreman

(9) Casting sequence/planning
Plan your casting operations very well before the actual casting date. You may want to look at the areas that you will cast before the others. Factors that may influence these are the location of materials, location of concrete mixers, concrete thermal cracking considerations, ease of access and pouring, construction methodology etc.

A site manager must work out these details properly and discuss them with the foremen and supervisors. Their inputs will be helpful for a successful casting operation. Also based on the size of the job, you can request two or more gangs (two or more concrete mixers with different casting teams) working simultaneously so that you can finish on time. Make provisions for adequate lighting on site if the casting must finish in one day, and you anticipate it might creep into dusk.

With all these checklists certified, you can be sure that your casting can progress without many problems.

Modelling and Analysis of Spherical LPG Tanks (Horton Sphere)

Spherical tanks (Horton Sphere) are used in several applications such as water storage, nuclear cooling, and storage of liquefied gases such as liquefied natural gas (LNG) and liquefied petroleum gas. One of the most common utilization of spherical vessels in the industry is pressurized gas storage because they can withstand higher internal pressure and have fewer size limitations than cylindrical pressure vessels. Horton Spheres usually contain pressurized gas inside the steel shell. The shell is supported by heavy steel columns which transmit the load to a reinforced concrete foundation.

Fig 1: Typical LPG spherical tank

Spherical tanks have high rigidity and durability. According to Khan (2015), the performance of a 200 m3 liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) tank with a wall thickness of 24 mm under 1.7 MPa pressure was evaluated after it had been in operation for three years. The result showed high resistance to micro cracking and shell deformation, with minimal wall thinning.

Fig 2: LPG Tank farm under construction in Lagos, Nigeria
Fig 3: Author at an LPG tank farm construction site in Lagos

In this article, we are going to evaluate the potentials of Staad Pro software in the modeling and analysis of LPG sphere tanks. We are not going to deeply evaluate the design considerations for such structures but you should know that the tank shell should be able to withstand the vapour pressure from the liquefied petroleum gas.

This pressure is dependent on temperature and the design temperature is selected from the environment under consideration. For example, LPG gas cylinder pressure (LPG gas bottle pressure) is 0 kPa at -43ºC and goes up to 2482 kPa at 70ºC.

In this article, let us model and analyse an LPG sphere tank on Staad Pro with the following data;

(1) Diameter of tank = 20 m
(2) Thickness of tank shell = 25 mm
(3) Columns – Hollow circular steel columns of external diameter 900 mm (thickness = 40 mm)
(4) Design pressure = 1700 kPa

Fig 4: Spherical LPG model on Staad Pro
Fig 5: 3D rendering of LPG tank model

When analysed on Staad Pro for a gas pressure of 1700 kPa, the following results were obtained.

Bending moment on LPG Tank Shell
Fig 6: Lateral bending moment on the tank shell due to gas pressure
MY 1
Fig 7: Longitudinal bending moment on the tank shell due to gas pressure
Fig 8: Twisting moment on the tank shell due to gas pressure
Fig 9: Lateral shear stress on the tank shell due to gas pressure
Fig 10: Longitudinal shear stress on the tank shell due to gas pressure
Fig 11: Lateral axial tension on the tank shell due to gas pressure
Fig 12: Longitudinal axial tension on the tank shell due to gas pressure

The video tutorial for this modeling and analysis is available on special request by sending an e-mail to ubani@structville.com. Also free contact us for special designs related to infrastructures in oil and gas facilities and tank farms.

Khan F.A. (2015): Spherical tanks in energy storage systems. A PhD thesis subimtted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering, WORCESTER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE .

How to price/quote for concrete works

In civil engineering construction works, contractors bidding for a job are always required to specify the rate they will use in executing a given item of work. In a competitive bidding, the client will review the rates supplied by the bidders, and award the contract to the person he finds most suitable.

Concrete is a common construction material that is basically made from cement, sand, gravel, and water. The main aim of this article is to teach you how to build up your rate, and quote for concrete in construction works.

The unit of concrete in construction is specified in cubic metres (m3). For instance, if a floor slab has a net area of 250 m2, and a thickness of 150 mm, the volume of concrete required will be stated as (250 x 0.15 = 37.5 m3). In the bill, a contractor is expected to state the cost of casting a cubic metre of the specified grade concrete (say grade 25), which can be used to relate the cost of casting the entire slab.

Note that the rate supplied by the contractor is expected to include the cost of materials, plant, transportation, labour, and contractor’s profits.

concrete slab

There are basic considerations to make while quoting for concrete because you should not bid too high or too low. It is possible for contractors to have a wide difference in their rates for the same job. For a competitive tender without bias, a company that is going to hire equipment will likely bid higher than a company that has its own equipment. The same goes with labour, transport facilities, etc.

Bidding for a job should be an intelligent process, and the contractor should know his capacity as it will likely influence his cost and profitability. The cost of casting concrete in one day is not the same with casting it for two days. Therefore, a contractor’s capacity can enable him bid higher or lower depending on the context.

Bidding war

To make it simpler, let us give an idea on how you can build up your rate for grade 25 concrete.

In the past, we have made a post on how you can achieve grade 25 concrete on site. We were able to show that the mix ratio of 1:2.5:3.5 can yield grade 25 concrete. Let us assume you wish to use this mix ratio in building your rate.

The total volume in the mix ratio is given by;
1 + 2.5 + 3.5 = 7

Ratio of cement by volume = 1/7
Density = mass/volume
Mass of cement required = (1/7) x 1440 = 205.7 kg
Making allowance for shrinkage = 1.54 x 205.7 = 316.77 kg
Number of bags of cement required per of concrete = 316.77/50 = 6.33 bags (use 7 bags)

Ratio of sand by volume = 2.5/7
Density = mass/volume
Mass of sand required = (2.5/7) x 1650 = 589.285 kg
Making allowance for shrinkage = 1.54 x 589.285 = 907.498 kg
Making allowance for waste = 1.2 x 907.498 = 1088.99 kg/m3

Ratio of granite by volume = 3.5/7
Density = mass/volume
Mass of granite required = (3.5/7) x 1650 = 825 kg
Making allowance for shrinkage = 1.54 x 825 = 1270.5 kg
Making allowance for waste = 1.15 x 1270.5 = 1461.075 kg/m3

Build up of rates

(a) Materials
Mix ratio = 1:2.5:3.5
Cement = 7 bags/m3
Sand = 1088.99 kg/m3
Aggregate = 1461.075 kg/m3

Market Prices of Materials including transportation to site;
Cement = ₦4100 per bag
Sharp sand = ₦ 3500 per tonne
Granite aggregate = ₦ 16000 per tonne (the current basic rate of granite is about NGN 9000 per tonne, but the cost of transportation is currently so high)

Cost of materials
Cost of cement per cubic metre concrete = 7 x 4,100 = ₦28,700
Cost of sharp sand per cubic metre of concrete = 3500 x 1.08899 = ₦3,812
Cost of granite per cubic metre of concrete = 16000 x 1.461 = ₦23,376
Total Material Cost = ₦55,888 per cubic metre of concrete

(b) Plant
Rate of Concrete mixer per cubic metre of concrete = ₦600
Rate of vibrator per cubic metre of concrete = ₦350
Operator = ₦500
Total Plant Cost = ₦1,450 per cubic metre of concrete

(c) Labour
Labour output (production and placement) per cubic metre of concrete = ₦7,000

Total cost of production = ₦55,888 + ₦1,450 + ₦7,000 = ₦64,388

(d) Profit and Overhead (20%)
1.2 x ₦64,388 = ₦77,205

Therefore the cost of producing one cubic metre of grade 25 concrete is ₦64,388

The West African Standard Compaction Test

The West African Standard (WAS) compaction test is a type of compaction procedure that utilises intermediate compaction energy (compactive effort) for densification of soils. It has been recommended for densification of soils for highway construction in Nigeria and some other West African Countries. The compaction energy of WAS lies between the compaction energy of BS Light (Standard Proctor) and BS Heavy (Modified Proctor).

The details of the West African Standard compaction test using BS Mould are as follows;

Volume of mould = 1000 cm3 = 0.001 m3
Number of blows = 10
Number of soil layers = 5
Weight of rammer = 4.5 kg
Height of fall = 0.4575 m

Therefore, the compaction energy (compactive effort) of WAS using BS Mould is given as follows;
Compactive effort = (9.81 x 10 x 5 x 4.5 x 0.4575)/0.001 = 1009816.875 N.m/m3 = 1009.816 kN.m/m3.

The details of the West African Standard compaction test using the CBR Mould are as follows;

Volume of mould = 2305 cm3 = 0.002305 m3
Number of blows = 25
Number of soil layers = 5
Weight of rammer = 4.5 kg
Height of fall = 0.4575 m

Compactive effort using CBR mould = (9.81 x 25 x 5 x 4.5 x 0.4575)/0.002305 = 1094.527 kN.m/m3.

It can be observed that WAS compaction test an intermediate compaction energy when compared with BS Light (605.49 kN.m/m3) and BS Heavy (2726.5 kN.m/m3).

Applications of WAS compaction in Nigeria
(1) Laboratory compaction of sub-base course according to Federal Ministry of Works Specification (1997)
(2) Soaked CBR test of base course (clause 6200)
(3) Soaked CBR test of sub-base course Type 2 (clause 6200)

Tips for Civil Engineering Job Interviews

Landing a good job soon after graduation is the dream of many young civil engineering students. On the other hand, as a professional engineer grows on the job, there might come a time when he will want to switch from one civil/structural engineering job to another. This can happen for a lot of reasons which may be personal or professional. The process of finding a new job often involves passing through interviews during which the employers will try to know as much as possible about the person interested in working for them.

The questions asked during interviews are usually related to the ideals of the organisation, and the requirements of the position they are seeking to fill. All civil engineering firms do not offer the same services. As a result, it is important to research properly on the company, know what they do, and what they stand for. Employers will also try to take a look at you, and at how your attitude and appearance will reflect their brand. Once again, it strongly depends on the area that the company will be needing your services.


Having said that, let us look at what you should expect during interviews for graduate trainee/internship roles in various civil engineering companies.

Consultancy firms
Consultancy firms are usually involved in civil engineering designs, drawings, supervision, and project management. For beginner roles, they will likely be more interested in your basic knowledge of civil engineering structures, analyses, design, and drawings. They will expect the candidate to be sound, smart, and trainable. Having a basic knowledge of AUTOCAD, and other civil engineering software will be added advantage.

Small and medium scale consultancy firms usually conduct in-house interviews, and will be more interested in your technical capacity and how well you will fit into their team. For such job assessments, you might be given simple beams and slabs to analyse and design, and asked questions on the behaviour of some construction materials such as concrete. A hands-on test on AUTOCAD and other civil engineering software might be done.

On the other hand, bigger/multinational firms who have distinguished Human Resources Department might wish to conduct a larger scale interview, or might outsource the recruitment process to external consultants. In this case, the interview questions will usually extend to leadership and competency-based questions. For such bigger firms, the interview panel might consist of only one engineer and other members who might have studied sociology or business administration.

In such cases, therefore, you should widen your scope and present yourself as a general problem solver, as it will excite them more. Your ability to analyse and design complex frame structures might not really excite them as much as when you tell them how you solved a complex social problem during a volunteering activity. Apart from your technical capacity, they are very much interested in your leadership, emotional, and social credentials. Smaller design firms may not pay much attention to those aspects.

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You should note that in both cases, the organisation and the interviewers understand that you are a fresh graduate with no experience, hence, they are simply looking out for a few basic things during the interview. Your ability to communicate, answer questions smartly, coordinate yourself properly, and present yourself as a quick learner will earn you serious consideration.

If you have made any significant achievement such as publications, verifiable unique designs, significant contributions, or possession of a unique skill, you should try and talk about them so that they can take you seriously from the onset. It simply gives the impression that you are an achiever. What might distinguish you from another civil engineering graduate may be your ability to write computer programs or codes, and in this digital age, any serious organisation will likely give you preferential treatment.

In summary, find the right time to talk about your special skills and experience during interviews. An organisation might wish to hire you because you did your student internship with a company they rate highly, or perhaps because you have participated in the construction of a green building, which is an area they might be interested in.

Generally, from the way you present yourself and answer questions, they will decide whether to hire you or not. As hinted earlier, your technical ability and academic records will excite smaller firms than bigger firms. This is because when an interview is done in-house, you are going to be interviewed by engineers and other technical people who will eventually become your direct colleagues. But in bigger firms, the requirements often appear broader as they seem to focus more on ‘general problem solving’ skill than specialised technical ability. Therefore, it is important to understand your interviewers based on the kind of questions they ask, and know how to answer accordingly.

best interview

Note that consultants often go to site visitation, supervision, and meeting with clients or contractors. As a result, you will be representing your firm on many occasions as an image of the organisation. Therefore, your ability to dress properly and communicate effectively is of paramount importance. It will be observed during the interview, and if your communication skills are poor, it might limit your chances.

Construction firms
There are some companies that are mainly builders/contractors and rarely do designs. Interviews for civil engineering jobs with such companies are usually not focused on designs and theory of structures but on site practices. You might be asked questions like:

How do you set out a building?
How do you establish levels?
What concrete mix ratio will give you grade 25 concrete?
How can you calculate the quantity of tiles needed to tile an area?
Describe the process of constructing a flexible pavement?
What is the minimum gauge of aluminium roof required to roof a steel roof building?
How do you prepare bar bending schedule? etc

As you can see, these are more of practical site questions, because the firm knows that they will be sending you to a construction site. However, they know you are a fresh graduate with limited or no site experience, but you still need to impress with knowledge of basic site practices.

Bigger firms might also be interested in other things such as your knowledge of HSE, project management tools/techniques, and ability to manage people. However, for many trainee positions, most organisations will rather train you in their own way provided you are trainable.

It is important to know that highway/road construction companies will typically ask you highway-related questions, while water resources engineering companies will ask you water-related questions. But it is generally important that you exhibit good competency and knowledge of civil engineering, to the extent required of a fresh graduate.