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How to Analyse Sub-frames For Column Design Moment

In our last post, I highlighted the different methods of loading sub-frames such as to obtain the maximum design moment on the columns (Follow the link below to see it). In this post, I am going to show with a practical solved example how to analyse sub-frames for obtaining the maximum moment.

How to Load R.C. Columns for Maximum Design Moment 

We are going to use the general arrangement given below as a case study.


We have already analysed the load on this building. Just in case you missed it follow the link below;

Analysis of Columns Loads in A Building By Considering Beam Support Reactions

We are going to pick column A1 as a case study, to obtain the design moment in the z direction. Due to the location of this column (corner column), we are going to consider one span (Beam A:1-2) only fully loaded at ultimate limit state 1.35gk + 1.5qk.

In our previous post following the link above, this has been determined as 41.752 kN/m .

Therefore, the loading is as shown below;


We know that the preliminary dimensions of the columns are 230 x 230mm, while the beams are 230 x 450mm. However, we know that the beams are technically not rectangular sections (they are L- beams) by virtue of their location. Therefore, we have a little job of calculating the beams flange width, and moment of inertia. Note that at this stage, we do not consider the effect of reinforcement in determining the moment of inertia, and the main aim of this process is to determine the value of k in the picture above so that our calculation will be as accurate as possible.

For an L-beam, the flange width is as given below;
Beff = 0.2(5770/2) + 0.1 (0.85 × 50000 + 230 = 1232mm

To learn how to calculate flange width, click here;

Therefore, the section is as shown below;


We can use our knowledge of statics to find the moment of inertia of the shape above. I believe there are charts that can help us compute this faster based on the bw/beff and h/h ratio or thereabout. But let us just go through this the old school way.


We can now calculate the moment of inertia using the parallel axis theorem;

For rectangle 1;
IG = bh3/12 = (1232 × 1503)/12 = 346500000 mm4

y = 375 – 313.829 = 61.171 mm

Ixx1 = IG + Ay2
Ixx1 = 346500000 + (184800 × 61.1712) = 1.038 × 10mm4

For rectangle 2;
IG = bh3/12 = (230 × 3003)/12 = 517500000 mm4

y = 313.829 – 150 = 163.829 mm

Ixx2 = IG + Ay2
Ixx2 = 517500000  + (69000 × 163.8292) = 2.3694 × 10mm4

Therefore, IB = Ixx1 + Ixx2
IB = (1.038 × 109) + (2.3694  × 109) = 3.4074 × 10mm4

We have now gotten the moment of inertia for the beam

We can quickly verify that for the columns, the moment of inertia can be obtained by;

IC = bh3/12 = (230 × 2303)/12 = 2.332 × 108  mm4
Summarily, we can now say that;

k = IB/IC = (3.4074 × 109)/(2.332 × 108) = 14.611

Having obtained our k, the diagram of the structure is as shown below. But because we are actually overestimating the stiffness of the structure by assuming all ends to be fixed, we have to reduce this value by half. Therefore k/2 = 7.3055


We are going to tackle this problem using the stiffness approach. Kinematically, the structure is indeterminate to the first order, being the rotation at node 1.

We are going to fix the node up, so as to restrain it from any form of rotation. This forms the basic system of the structure. Now, we will apply a unit rotation at the node, and the resulting bending moment on the basic system is as given below;


The appropriate cannonical equation is given by;

k11Z+ k1P = 0

The bending moment at point 1 due to unit rotation at point 1 (k11) is given by;

k11 = (4EI/3) + (4EI/3) + (29.222EI/5) = 8.511
k1P = fixed end moment due to external load at that point = -ql2/12  = (-41.752 × 52)/12 = -86.983 kNm

8.511Z= 86.983
On solving;
Z= (10.22/EI) radians

Therefore the moment at the top of the column;
M1B = (10.22/EI) × (4EI/3) = 13.627 kNm

So by implication, the ground floor column A1 is subjected to a moment of 13.627 kNm in the z-direction at the top. Can you model this structure on Orion or Staad and see what your answer will be? 

You can also follow the same procedure and obtain the design moment in the x-direction.

Just in case you are not very familiar with stiffness method of structural analysis, this post below will help.

Analysis of Sub-frames Using Stiffness Method

Thank you for visiting Structville today! See you next time.

How to Load R.C. Columns for Maximum Design Moment

Previously, we have made a submission on how to calculate column axial loads by considering beam support reactions. Just in case you missed it, you can read it by following the link below. But this post highlights the methods of loading columns in a building in order to obtain the maximum design moment.

How to Calculate Column Axial Load By Considering Beam Support Reactions

Columns in buildings may be axially, uniaxially, or biaxially loaded. An axially loaded column is a column that is subjected to axial load only. This type of column usually exists in the centres of a building where bending moments from floor beams will normally neutralise each other. When a column is subjected to a bending moment in one direction, then it is uniaxially loaded, and when it is subjected to bending in both directions, it is biaxially loaded.


Consider the general arrangement of a building that is as shown above;

Column A1 is a biaxially loaded column because the load from beam 1:A-B is generating a bending moment in the x-direction, while the load from beam A:1-2 is generating a moment on the column in the z-direction. This moment is usually in the form of a fixed end moment, which is finally distributed to the other members meeting at that node based on their stiffness.

Column B1 is a typical example of a uniaxially loaded column. The bending moments from beams 1:A-B and 1:B-C will typically neutralise each other, while the load from beam B:1-2 will exert a bending moment in the z-direction. Typical examples of axially loaded columns in the building are columns B2 and C2.

When a structural design is to be carried out manually, the design engineer has to determine the bending moment on columns as appropriate, alongside the axial loads.

However, while it has been pointed out above that column B1 is uniaxially loaded due to the beams on gridline 1-1 neutralising each other, have you considered a situation whereby PANEL 1 is fully loaded with stored materials, while PANEL 2 is empty?

This situation is very possible during the service life of the structure, and as a result, the column at that instance will not behave as uniaxially loaded, but as biaxial. This is just to give us a little idea of what may influence our loading while carrying out such an analysis. The consideration to be made during designs is usually the worst possible load regime.

Reynolds and Steedman (2005) gave us a good idea of how to approach some aspects of this issue. Loading all the spans at the ultimate limit state (say 1.35gk + 1.5qk) will seldom give us the maximum design moment. However, alternating the loads (say one span 1.35gk + 1.5qk and the other span 1.0gk) will give us an unbalanced moment, which is a possible worst scenario in practice.

So I am going to give us a rundown of the methods that we can use to load structures (sub-frames) in order to determine the maximum bending moment on columns.

Method 1: Full Subframe


Let us consider the image above showing the sub-frame of a building with the intent of determining the maximum design moment of the lower column at joint C. What we have to do is to load 1.0gk and (1.35gk + 1.5qk) on the spans adjoining span C such that the unbalanced moment is maximised.

In this case, it is preferable to apply 1.35gk + 1.5qk on the longer span which is CD, and 1.0gk on the shorter span BC. While this is more representative, the setback is that you will have to solve a 5 x 5 simultaneous equation using the stiffness method of structural analysis before arriving at your answer and hence may not be very handy for a simple scientific calculator process.

Method 2


In this case, the sub-frame is simplified as shown above, but it works best if span BC is longer than the adjoining spans. If span BC is shorter than the adjoining span, you can switch to the use of method 3. Here, we apply a load of 1.35gk + 1.5qk on span BC, and 1.0gk on span AB and CD.

We only solve a 2 x 2 simultaneous equation when using this method, and it is very convenient for classroom and simple design purposes. Realise also that we have to reduce the stiffness of the adjoining beams by half because we are actually overestimating the actual stiffness of the beam by considering all ends to be fully fixed.

Method 3


In this case, we are going to load (1.35gk + 1.5qk) on the longer span, and 1.0gk on the shorter span such that the unbalanced moment at C is maximum. We are still going to reduce the stiffness of the beam by half for the same reasons stated in method 2 (see how to calculate the stiffness of beams).

The advantage of this method is that we are going to solve for just one unknown (rotation at point C) in order to obtain the design moment in question. This is the most popular approach that is taught in most classrooms and utilised for simple designs or checks. I have written some MATLAB programs for carrying out such analysis.

After loading the column, we can now analyse the structure completely by using the stiffness method (my recommendation). An example of this has been done in the next post, and you can take a look by clicking the link below;

How to Analyse Sub-Frames For Column Design Moment

Thank you for visiting Structville Today. Ensure you follow the link above for the full package of this post.

How to Carry Out Bridge Deck Grillage Analysis Using Staad Pro

Grillage analysis presents a sufficiently accurate method of analysing bridge decks for estimation of design bending moment, torsion, shears force etc, and has been adapted for use in most computer software around the world. Basically, the grillage analogy method uses the stiffness approach for analyzing the bridge decks (Jaggerwal and Bajpai, 2014). The whole bridge deck is divided into a number of longitudinal and transverse beams (planar grids).

In grillage analysis, the elements of a grid are assumed to be rigidly connected, so that the original angles between elements connected together at a node remain unchanged. Both torsional and bending moment continuity then exist at the node point of a grid (Qaqish et al, 2008). The method has proved to be reliable and versatile for a wide variety of bridge decks. Conceptually, the grillage analogy method attempts to discretize the continuous or dispersed stiffness of the bridge and concentrates it into discrete longitudinal and transverse members.

grillage analysis
Fig 1: Equivalent grillage of a bridge deck (Source: Kalyanshetti and Bhosale, 2015)

According to Shreedhar and Kharde (2013), the basic steps in carrying out grillage analysis are as follows;

  1. Idealization of the physical deck into equivalent grillage
  2. Evaluation of equivalent elastic inertia of members of grillage
  3. Application and transfer of loads to various nodes of grillage
  4. Determination of force responses and design envelopes and
  5. Interpretation of results.

Some basic guidelines in carrying out grillage analysis are as follows;

  • Gridlines are placed along the centre line of the existing beams, if any and along the centre line of the leftover slab, as in the case of T-girder decking.
  • Longitudinal gridlines at either edge are placed at 0.3D from the edge for slab bridges, where D is the depth of the deck.
  • Gridlines should be placed along lines joining bearings.
  • A minimum of five grid lines are generally adopted in each direction.
  • Gridlines are ordinarily taken at right angles.
  • Gridlines in general should coincide with the centre of gravity of the section. Some shifts, if it simplifies the idealisation, can be made.
  • Over continuous supports, closer transverse grids may be adopted. This is so because the change is more dependent upon the bending moment profile.
  • For better results, the side ratios i.e. the ratio of the grid spacing in the longitudinal and transverse directions should preferably lie between 1.0 to 2.0.


While it is easy to visualise a grillage model of a bridge deck, there must be a careful thought process especially when you want to model on software like StaadPro. In this post, we are going to carry out a grillage analysis for the bridge deck model shown below.


The intermediate transverse beams are assumed to be 700mm deep, and 300mm wide. The profile of the bridge can be assumed to be of the form shown below;


To adequately present the grillage analogy of the bridge deck, we will discretize the deck as shown in the image below. If you have AUTOCAD, it is advisable to carefully map out your grids and verify all dimensions and sections before proceeding to Staad Pro for modelling. In the image shown below, I have used AUTOCAD to show the disposition of my gridlines, and the sections they are representing are given in the legends that follow.


The legend that gives the description of the lines is given below;


Having known these, we can now go over to Staad Pro for the modelling;

Step 1: Launch Staad and identify the model as a space structure

Step 2: Create the nodes on the plan view to reflect the general arrangement


Step 3: Connect all the nodes as adequate

This lands us somewhere here as shown below. Make sure you utilise the ‘connect along’ command for speed of execution.


Step 4: Assign supports

Since only the main girders will be sitting on bearings, we will model this by placing one support on a pin, and the other on a roller. You can obtain roller support by using the ‘enforced but’ command. This gives you the option of releasing other support constraints and leaving only the vertical reaction. What we obtain is shown below.


Step 5Create properties and assign them to where they belong

By looking at the legends above, you can create the section properties, and assign them to where they belong. If any section is not available in Staad by default. You just have to input the section properties manually. Note that for the slab sections, you can use the rectangle option to define it, we have a T-beam by default in Staad, while we will have to define the L-section manually.

An example for the T-section model is shown below;

t section

Step 6Apply the traffic loads and analyse

In grillage analysis, uniformly distributed loads are applied on the main girders, while tandem loads are better applied as moving loads. For instance using the Eurocodes, the tandem load of 300kN is applied on notional lane 1 (150 kN per axle at disatance of 1.2m) with a width of 2.0m. You can define the moving load as you wish based on the code of practice you are using. Staad automatically distributes this load as appropriate to the members.

How to Apply Load Model 1 on Highway Bridges

For our model above, this only has been applied (other loads have been neglected for brevity), and deflection of the grillage at different locations is as shown in the images below;


The deflection profile when the load is at another location is as shown below;


In such a similar way, you can view the internal forces when the load is at different locations. You can verify that we are interested in the location of the load that will produce the worst effect on the structure. 

N/B: Some dummy members from the initial model were removed.

So we will stop this post here for now, see you later….. 


[1] Jaggerwal H. And Bajpai Y (2014): Effects of skewness on Three Span Reinforced Concrete T-Girder Bridges. International Journal of Computational Engineering Research. ISSN(e): 2250-3005 Vol 04 Issue 8 pp 1-9
[2] Qaqish M., Fadda E., Akawwi E. (2008): Design of T-beam Bridge by Finite Element Method and AASHTO specification. KMITL Science Journal Vol 8 No 1 (January- June 2008) pp24-34
[3] Shreedhar R., Rashmi Kharde (2013): Comparative study of Grillage method and Finite Element Method of RCC Bridge Deck. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 4, Issue 2, February-2013 1 ISSN 2229-5518
[4] Kalyanshetti M.G., Bhosale (2013): Alternative Forms of Two Lane T-Beam Bridge Superstructure – Study by Grillage Analogy. International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJLTET) Vol. 5 Issue 3 ISSN: 2278-621X pp 88-96

Analysis of Elevated Steel Tank Using Staad Pro

Overhead steel tank is one of the most adopted water storage system due to lots of reasons. The speed and ease of construction, flexibility in supporting different types of storage facilities, and diverse options are some of the most profound reasons. Furthermore, it can be easily dismantled and removed unlike their concrete counterpart that will offer more difficulties if it were to be removed at a later time.

This post succinctly explains the process of carrying out the analysis of overhead tank using the popular Staadpro software. The tank to be modelled is as shown below. The stanchions are braced at intervals of 2.5m, and forms a square profile of 3m x 3m in plan. There are two primary beams sitting directly on top of the stanchions, and six secondary beams sitting on the primary beams. The secondary beams receive the tank directly, and are spaced at distance of 1m centre to centre at the middle span. The cantilever area has 0.8m projection (see image below). Note that this arrangement is just to briefly show modelling steps. I am convinced this structural arrangement could be made better especially when you look at the final result. That is what structural engineering is all about, you can treat this as a preliminary analysis that has been carried out, prior to final and more refined modelling, analysis and design.


Step 1: Create your nodes to form the base and the location of the stanchion.
To make this step easier, change your view to plan view. To switch to plan view, click on the icon circled in red at the top left corner of the screenshot below. Make sure that your UCS icon is as shown in the bottom left corner of the screen shot. You can create the first node, and use the copy and paste command to create the other nodes.


Step 2: Create other nodes to capture the exact geometry of the frame
Using the ‘copy and paste’ command can make this step very fast for you. The ‘translational repeat’ command can also be used.  For instance to create the next level using the copy and paste command, you can highlight the entire nodes, right click, select the copy command, and paste in the positive Y direction.

At the end of the process, you should be able to obtain something like this as shown below. It may not be so clear looking at the 3D view, but I hope it makes some sense to you.

Step 3: Connect the nodes to represent the form of the structure
You can use the ‘connect geometry’ command (go to geometry, and select ‘connect along’) but note that the members to be connected must be selected or highlighted. Alternatively, you can use the ‘add beam’ command.


Step 4: Assign the member properties
The properties that we are going to assign is as follows;
Stanchions – UB 254 x 102 x 25
Tie beams – UB 127 x 76 x 13
Top beams – UB 203 x 102 x 23
Bracings – UA 50 x 50 x 6

(Note that for practical purposes, it is very advisable to keep the variability of sections to a minimum).

To create properties, click on general, go to properties, and click on section database (circled on the screen shot below). Select the properties above, and click add.


Assign the properties to the designated members. Your rendered view should look as shown below;


Step 5: Model the steel tank
We want the frame shown above to carry a cube steel tank of dimension 3m. This can be achieved by using the mesh tool. We are going to use a steel plate of thickness 15mm to model the square tank. Just in case the steel frame is going to carry plastic tanks as usually obtainable  in Nigeria, you can model the floor plate only, and apply pressure load on the plate to represent the weight of the tank and water.


As you can see, the storage tank has been modelled. You can notice from the 3D rendering above that the centroid of the plates coincide with the centroid of the main beams. We can model it to look as realistic as possible by offsetting the beams such the plates will rest on the beams (the way it appears in construction). However, the only difference is that Staad will see this as a form of geometric imperfection, and high magnitude of unrealistic axial forces will be induced in the beams.  But for all design and practical purposes, leaving it this way is very okay, and gives a representation of the loads transferred so that appropriate sections can be selected.

However, we know that the primary beams are not receiving the loads from the tank directly. The load from the tank goes first to the secondary beams, which now transfer the loads to the primary beams, and to the stanchions. You can achieve this by merging the primary beams where necessary.


Step 6: Support
Assign pinned support to the structure. This shouldn’t be challenging to you at all.


Step 7: Loading
The height of the main storage tank is 3m, but the maximum water level is 2.8m before it is discharged through a spill way.

The loading of the structure is as given below;
(1) Hydrostatic pressure on the walls of the tank (trianular load of 28 kN/m2)
(2) Full pressure load of 28 kN/m2 on the bottom of the tank
(3) Dynamic wind pressure of 2.5 kN/m2 acting on one side of the tank
(4) A live load of 1.5 kN/m2 acting on the exterior perimeter of the tank (maintenance area)
(4) Self weight of structural members.

We will treat the weight of water as dead load in this case, since we know the maximum level it can get to.

Step 8: Analysis and results
When the structure is analysed, the following results are obtained;

Maximum Axial loads:
Dead load – 82.2 kN (compression)
Live load – 4.39 kN (compression)
Wind load – 36.3 kN (compression) and 36.3 kN (tension)

Maximum bending moment
Dead load – 0.73 kNm
Live Load – 0.33 kNm
Wind Load – 4.21 kNm

Main beams
Bending Moment
Dead load = 28.6 kNm
Live load = 0.913 kN

A sample bending moment of the structure is as given in the image below;


The deflected profile of the structure due to wind load is given below;


After such analysis, you can take your time to view the results of your model. This was just to show some salient approaches that can be used to model overhead tank. I will keep improving on the post terms of delineating the steps, and reporting the results as appropriate as time goes bye……

Your reactions are highly welcome.
See you later……..

Design of Raft Foundation

Raft foundation is a type of shallow foundation that is mostly used on soils of low bearing capacity, where the foundation pressures need to be spread over a large area. They are also used in areas where the foundation soils are of varying compressibility and the foundation has to bridge over them. The geotechnical design of raft foundation ensures that there is no bearing capacity failure and that the settlement is kept to a minimum, while the structural design ensures that adequate thickness and reinforcements are provided to avoid structural failure of the raft plate.

The types of raft foundation commonly encountered in practice are;

  1. Flat slab rafts for framed buildings
  2. Beam and slab rafts for framed buildings
  3. Cellular rafts
  4. Piled rafts
  5. Annular rafts
  6. Strip rafts forming grid rafts (Grid foundations)

Factors Affecting Choice of Raft Foundation

  1. A flat raft slab can be adopted and analysed using the ACI empirical method called the direct design method (DDM) when there is a symmetrical arrangement of spacing of columns and loadings that leads to uniform ground pressure. The DDM method involves analysing the flat raft foundation as flat slab (similar to the analysis and design of an inverted roof flat slab).
  2. When there is uniform ground pressure but with unequal spans which do not satisfy the conditions for DDM, a flat slab can be adopted, but it has to be analyzed by the equivalent frame method (EFM). However, beam and slab rafts are generally preferred in such cases.
  3. A beam and slab raft construction should be adopted when there is a symmetrical arrangement of unequally loaded columns but with uniform ground pressure.
  4. On soils of very low bearing capacity, the loads on the raft can be compensated by excavation of soil, and the raft designed as a cellular raft.
  5. When there is non-symmetrical loading with the centre of gravity of loads not coinciding with the centre of gravity of the area, the ground pressures will vary from place to place. In such cases, it is advisable to adopt a beam and slab construction for such cases. To some extent, the space around the loading area should be adjusted to give the least eccentricity. The slab should then be designed for the maximum pressures. The beam loading must be for the maximum values of the varying pressure in its location.
  6. When the bearing capacity is satisfactory but there is excessive settlement, some parts of the load on the raft can be relieved by installing a few piles so that raft settlement can be reduced. This is known as piled raft foundation.

Raft foundations can be analysed using the rigid approach or flexible approach.

The conventional rigid combined footing approach is a method of analysing raft foundation using simple statics without any consideration of the elastic properties of the raft and the soil and their interaction. Here, the raft is analysed as a large beam member independently in both directions. The row of column loads perpendicular to the length of the beam is coupled together in single column load. Then for these column loads acting on the beam, the upward soil pressure is calculated and the moments and the shears at any section is determined by simple statics. Hence, the moment per unit width of the raft is determined by dividing the moment values by the corresponding width of the section (Gupta, 1997).

In order to obtain the upper bound values of the stresses, the raft is divided into strips bounded on the centre line of the column bays in each direction. Each of these strips is then analysed as independent combined footing by simple statics. Using the column loads on each strip the soil pressure under each strip is determined without reference to the planar distribution determined for the raft as a whole.

The eccentricity of the load and the pressure distribution below the raft which is considered to be linearly varying are taken into account in this analysis.

Approximate Rigid Analysis of Flat Raft Foundation with Eccentricity

In theory, the flat slab analysis is restricted to uniformly distributed load. However, if the eccentricity is small, we may proceed as follows. We adopt the following steps to analyze such a flat slab:

Step 1: Check eccentricity of the resultant load and find ex and ey with service loads.

Step 2: Find Mx and My with factored loads of all loads about XX- and YY-axes to calculate the varying base pressures.

Step 3: Find the moment of inertia of the raft slab in the x-x direction (Ixx) and y-y direction (Iyy).

Step 4: A flat slab has to be analyzed in frames formed by cutting the slab along mid-spans in the XX- and YY-directions. Find the ground pressures due to the eccentric loading at the end and mid points of the slab at the top and along the bottom.

Step 5: Check whether the maximum pressure exceeds the safe bearing capacity or not.

Step 6: Take each strip along YY. As the pressure in the strip varies, find the average pressures over the top edge and also at the bottom edge. (This average pressure for the interior frame will be pressure along the column line.) Draw the load diagram with the column loads P1, P2, etc. and base reaction in the strip along its length.

Step 7: Check for balance of downward and upward forces. If they do not match, modify the ground pressures for equilibrium.

Step 8: Draw the shear force and bending moment for the strip for design. As the loads from the top and the base pressure from below are known, we may use any of the following:

(a) Simple statics or neglecting colulmn loads used
(b) Direct design Methd (DDM), or
(c) Equivalent Frame Method (EFM) (we may use the transverse distribution percentage in detailing of steel).

(As a quick and short procedure, we first find the pressures along the boundary lines of the spans take and design each span for the average pressure in the span. We will also assume for simplicity that the load from the apron below the peripheral column is transmitted directly to the beams.)

Step 9: Distribute the moments using transverse distribution.

Design Example of a Flat Raft Foundation

It is desired to design the raft slab shown below to support the column loads for a building as given below. All columns are 230 x 450mm, the grade of concrete (fck) is 30 N/mm2, and the yield strength of the reinforcement (fyk) is 500 N/mm2. The allowable bearing capacity for the supporting soil is 60 kN/m2.

design of flat raft foundation

The service loads on the columns are given in the table below;

Total axial load = 18296 kN

Eccentricity along the x-direction
This is obtained by taking moment about grid 5
x = [22.4(770 + 1050 + 776 + 350) + 16.8(870 + 1450 + 860 + 660) + 11.2(1211 + 1850 + 1000 + 779) + 5.6(875 + 1400 + 865 + 660)] / 18296 = 11.258 m

ex = x – (L/2) =  11.258 – (22.4/2) = 0.058 m

Eccentricity along the y-direction
This is obtained by taking moment about grid D
y = [15.1(770 + 870 + 1211 + 875 + 770) + 9.1(1050 + 1450 + 1850 + 1400 + 1050) + 3.1(776 + 860 + 1000 + 865 + 700) ] / 18296 = 7.8045 m

ey = x – (B/2) =  7.8045 – (15.1/2) = 0.2545 m

Moment Due to Eccentricity

Mx = P.ex =  (18296 × 0.058) = 1061.168 kNm
My = P.ey =  (18296 × 0.2545) = 4656.332 kNm

Read Also
Analysis of Column Loads in Buildings By Considering Beam Support Reactions
Analysis of Coupled Shear Walls Under The Effect of Wind Load

Other geometrical properties

Moment of inertia of the raft slab about the x-direction;
Ix = (17.1 × 24.43) / 12 = 20700.6672 m4

Moment of inertia of the raft slab about the y-direction;
Iy = (24.4 × 17.13) / 12 = 10167.0957 m4

A = Area of raft slab = (17.1m × 24.4m) = 417.24 m2

The soil pressure at any point is given by the equation below;


P/A = (18296 kN / 417.24 m2) = 43.85 kN/m2
My/Iy = (4656.332 kNm / 10167.0957 m4) = 0.45798 kN/m2
Mx/Ix = (1061.168 kNm / 20700.6672 m4) = 0.05126 kN/m2

Substitutinh these values into equation (1) we can obtain the soil pressure at any pomt on the raft slab as follows;

σ = 43.85 ± 0.45798x ± 0.05126y

At  corner A1;
σA1 = 43.85 – (0.45798 × 12.2) + (0.05126 × 8.55) = 38.7 kN/m2

At  corner A5;
σA5 = 43.85 + (0.45798 × 12.2) + (0.05126 × 8.55) = 49.975 kN/m2

At  corner B1;
σB1 = 43.85 – (0.45798 × 12.2) + (0.05126 × 1.55) = 38.342 kN/m2

At  corner B5;
σB5 = 43.85 + (0.45798 × 12.2) + (0.05126 × 1.55) = 49.516 kN/m2

At  corner C1;
σC1 = 43.85 – (0.45798 × 12.2) – (0.05126 × 4.45) = 38.07 kN/m2

At  corner C5;
σC5 = 43.85 + (0.45798 × 12.2) – (0.05126× 4.45) = 49.209 kN/m2

At  corner D1;
σD1 = 43.85 – (0.45798 × 12.2) – (0.05126 × 8.55) = 37.824 kN/m2

At  corner D5;
σD5 = 43.85 + (0.45798 × 12.2) – (0.0512 × 8.55) = 48.999 kN/m2

At  corner A2;
σA2 = 43.85 – (0.45798 × 5.6) + (0.05126 × 8.55) = 41.723 kN/m2

At  corner A3;
σA3 = 43.85 + (0.05126 × 8.55) = 44.288 kN/m2

At  corner A4;
σA4 = 43.85 + (0.45798 × 5.6) + (0.05126 × 8.55) = 46.852 kN/m2

At  corner D2;
σD2 = 43.85 – (0.45798 × 5.6) – (0.05126 × 8.55) = 40.847 kN/m2

At  corner D3;
σD3 = 43.85 – (0.05126× 8.55) = 43.411 KN/m2

At  corner D4;
σD4 = 43.85 – (0.45798 × 5.6) – (0.05126× 8.55) = 40.847 KN/m2

A little consideration will show that the bearing capacity checks are satisfactory.

Limit State Calculations
A factor of 1.37 has been used to convert the load from service load to ultimate load.

For strip A – A bearing the most critical load;

Analysis of the raft strips

For strip A – A bearing the most critical load;

The analysis of the strip will be carried out using simple statics.


Check for balance of loads;

Total column load (summation of downward forces) = A1 + A2 + A3 + A4 + A5 = 770 + 870 + 1211 + 875 + 770 = 4496 kN

Width of strip = 4 m
Length of strip = 24.4 m
Taking the average load = (38.7 + 49.975) / 2 = 44.3375 kN/m2
Summation of upward force = (44.3375 × 4m × 24.4m) = 4327.34 kN

Check; 4496 kN – 4327.34 kN = 169 kN
Now the average ground pressure can be increased by [169 kN/(4m × 24.4m) = 1.73 kN/m2] which is 44.3375 + 1.73 = 46 kN/m2. This has been however ignored in this analysis.

Multiplying by the width of the strip = 44.3375 kN/m× 4m = 177.35 kN/m
On factoring at ultimate limit state = 1.37 × 177.35 = 242.9695 kN/m

Using simple statics and analysing as a continuous beam as shown below, the bending moment and shear forces along the strip can be determined.


This analysis is repeated using the same procedure for all the strips in the raft foundation.

Structural Design
Check for punching shear at column perimeter
We can determine the thickness of the raft slab by considering the punching shear at the column perimeter. At the column perimeter, the maximum punching shear stress should not be exceeded.

VEd < VRd,max

VEd = βVEd /u0d

VRd,max = 0.5vfcd

Considering Column B3 bearing the maximum axial load, VEd = 1.37 × 1850 kN = 2534.5 kN
β = 1.15 (an approximate value from clause 6.4.3(6))
u= column perimeter = 2(230) + 2(450) = 1360mm
= 0.6[1 – fck/250] (strength reduction factor for concrete cracked in shear)
= 0.6[1 – 30/250] = 0.528
fcd = αccfckc
fcd = (1.0 × 30)/1.5 = 20 N/mm2
VRd,max = 0.5 × 0.528 × 20 = 5.28 N/mm2
VEd = (1.15 × 2534.5 × 1000) / (1360 mm × d)

2914675/1360d = 5.28
On solving; dmin = 405.89 mm

The basic control perimeter for punching shear check is normally taken at 2d, but when the concentrated force is resisted by high pressure as can be found in foundations, the punching control perimeter is taken at less than 2d.

Let us consider a trial footing depth of 700mm.

Effective depth (d) = 700 – 70 – (20/2) = 620 mm (concrete cover is taken as 70mm and assumed diameter of bar is 20mm) 

Design of bottom reinforcement
MEd = 781.67 kNm

As1 = MEd/(0.87fyk z)
As1 = (781.67 × 106)/(0.87 × 500 × 0.95 × 620) = 3050.836 mm2

Minimum area of reinforcement Asmin = 0.0013bd = 0.0013 × 1000 × 620 =  806 mm2/m

Provide 18H16 @ 225mm c/c BOT (ASprov = 893 mm2/m or 3216 mm2) along the strip.

Design of top reinforcement
MEd = 529.47 kNm

As1 = MEd/(0.87fyk z)
As1 = (529.47 × 106)/(0.87 × 500 × 0.95 × 620) = 2066.506 mm2

Minimum area of reinforcement = 0.0013bd = 0.0013 × 1000 × 620 =  806 mm2/m (clause
Also provide 18H16 @ 225mm c/c TOP (ASprov = 893 mm2/m or 3216 mm2) along the strip.

Beam shear
Check critical section d away from column face considering the highest force in the shear force diagram.
The point of contraflexure for shear between column A1 and A2 is 2.315 m.

The shear force at d from column A2 (towards the left) can therefore be calculated using similar triangle. The length d from column face is 0.15 m + 0.62 = 0.77 m (width of column is 230 mm).
VEd = 611 kN
vEd = VEd/bd = (611 × 1000) /(4000 × 620) = 0.246 N/mm2

vRd, c = CRd, c × k × (100 × ρ1 × fck) 0.3333
CRd, c = 0.12
k = 1 + √ (200/d) = 1 + √ (200/620) = 1.568
ρ = As/bd = 3216/(4000 × 620) = 0.00129
vRd, c = 0.12 × 1.568 × (100 × 0.001296 × 30)0.333 = 0.295 N/mm2
Vmin = 0.035k(3/2) fck0.5
Vmin = 0.035 × (1.568)1.5 × 300.5 = 0.376 N/mm2
=> vEd (0.246 N/mm2) < vRd,c (0.376 N/mm2) beam shear is ok

Punching Shear (Use column A3)
Punching shear: Basic control perimeter at 2d from face of column
vEd = βVEd/uid < vRd,c

β = 1,
a = 2d = 2(620) = 1240 mm
Perimeter length, u = 2(c1 + c2 + π × a)
c1 = 230 mm; c2 = 450 mm
ui = 2(230 + 450 + π × 1240) = 9151 mm

VEd = load minus net upward force within the area of the control perimeter)
Area inside the perimeter A = c1 × c2 + 2 × (c1 + c2) × a + π × a2 = 0.23 × 0.45 + 2 × (0.23 + 0.45) × 1.24 + π × 1.242 = 6.62 m2
Average earth pressure at ultimate limit state = 1.37 x 44.3357 = 60.733 kN/m2 (note that the SLS actual soil pressure under the column is44.288 kN/m2). Since this is meant to beneficial, the lowest value can be used.

VEd = 1.37 × 1211 kN = 1659.07 kN

VEd,red = 1659.07 – (60.733 x 6.62) = 1257 kN
vEd = (1257 x 103)/(9151 x 620) = 0.221 N/mm2

vRd, c = 0.12 × 1.568 × (100 × 0.001296 × 30)0.333 = 0.295 N/mm2
Vmin = 0.035 × (1.568)1.5 × 300.5 = 0.376 N/mm2
Punching shear at 2d is therefore okay

This shows that shear is ok.
Using this approach, the entire reinforcement for the mat foundation can be obtained in the longitudinal and transverse directions.

Thank you for visiting Structville today. Feel free to join the interaction on our facebook page at; www.facebook.com/structville

Design of Combined Footings

A combined footing is a type of shallow foundation where a common base is provided for two closely spaced columns. When a common base in form of a strip is provided for three or more rows of columns, it is better described as a continuous footing. Combined footings are normally employed in cases where two or more columns are closely spaced such that their individual pad footings would overlap each other. They can also be used where property boundaries would not permit the design of separate bases.

The design of a combined footing involves the geotechnical and structural design, where the proper proportioning of the dimensions, thickness of the base, and proper reinforcement is provided. The foundation of a combined footing must not undergo excessive settlement or shear failure, and the footing itself must be strong enough to resist the bending moment and shear forces as a result of the superstructure load. The thickness of combined footings is usually governed by shear force considerations.

In the design of combined footings, the centre of gravity of the two column loads should as practically as possible coincide with the centre of area of the base. The base should preferably be rectangular in plan and symmetrically disposed about the line of loads. If it is not practicable to proportion the base as described above, the load will be eccentric, and the centre of pressure of the higher ground pressure will have the same eccentricity relative to the centre of the base.

If the base is thick enough, the pressure distribution diagram will be trapezoidal for eccentric loads, but uniform for concentric loads. If the base is relatively thin, the pressure distribution will be variable, with the maximum pressure occurring directly under each column.

The most common method of design of combined footings is the rigid approach, which makes the following assumptions.

  1. The footing is infinitely rigid, and therefore, the deflection of the footing does not influence the pressure distribution.
  2. The soil pressure is distributed in a straight line or a plane surface such that the centroid of the soil pressure coincides with the line of action of the resultant force of all the loads acting on the foundation.

However, flexible method can also be used for the design of combined footings, taking into account soil-structure interaction.

Solved example on the design of combined footing

Two (300 x 300)mm square columns spaced at a distance of 2.45 m c/c are loaded as shown below. The foundation is founded on soil of a bearing capacity of 125 kN/m2. It is desired to design the footing to satisfy all requirements using the concrete grade of 30 N/mm2 and steel of yield strength 500 N/mm2. The concrete cover is 50mm.

Combined footing

At serviceability limit state;
PEd = 1.0Gk + 1.0Qk
Total service load on column P1 = 665 + 122 = 787 kN
Total service load on column P2 = 825 + 145 = 970 kN
Total load on both columns = 787 + 970 = 1757 kN

Assuming 10% of the service load to account for the self-weight of the footing;
Sw = 0.1 × 1757 = 175.7 kN

Area of footing required = Total service load/Allowable bearing capacity = (1757 + 175.7)/125 = 15.46 m2

Adopt a rectangular base = 6.5m x 2.5m (Area provided = 16.25 m2)

proportioning of combined footing

To locate the centroid of the footing, let us take moment about column P1;
(970 × 2.45) – 1757x = 0
On solving, x = 1.352m from column P1

Let the projection of the footing from the lighter column be L1
L1 + 1.352m = (Total length of footing)/2 = 6.5/2 = 3.25 m
Therefore, L1 = 3.25 – 1.352 = 1.898 m (say 1.9 m)
Hence L3 = 6.5 – (1.9 + 2.45) = 2.15 m

Alternatively, the footing can be proportioned using a straight-forward formula based on the calculations done above;

L3 = 0.5L – P1L2/(P1 + P2) = (6.5/2) – (787 × 2.45)/(787 + 970) = 2.15 m

The final disposition of the footing is given below assuming a trial footing depth of 600 mm.


We can check the preliminary thickness of 600 mm by considering the punching shear at the column perimeter. At the column perimeter, the maximum punching shear stress should not be exceeded.

At ultimate limit state; 
P1 = 1.35Gk + 1.5Qk = 1.35(665) + 1.5(122) = 1080.75 kN
P2 = 1.35Gk + 1.5Qk = 1.35(825) + 1.5(145) = 1331.25 kN
Total ultimate load = 1080.75 + 1331.25 = 2412 kN

VEd < VRd,max

VEd = βVEd /u0d

VRd,max = 0.5vfcd

Considering Column P2 bearing the maximum axial load, VEd = 1331.25 kN

β = 1.5 (an approximate value from clause 6.4.3(6) of EN 1992-1-1:2004)
u= column perimeter = 2(300) + 2(300) = 1200 mm
= 0.6[1 – fck/250] (strength reduction factor for concrete cracked in shear)
= 0.6[1 – 30/250] = 0.528
fcd = αccfckcfcd = (1.0 × 30)/1.5 = 20 N/mm2
VRd,max = 0.5 × 0.528 × 20 = 5.28 N/mm2

VEd = (1.5 × 1331.25 × 1000) / (1200mm × d)

1996874/1200d = 5.28

On solving;
The minimum thickness of footing dmin = 315.263 mm

Hence the depth provided exceeds the minimum required.

Earth pressure intensity at ultimate limit state = (1080.75 + 1331.25)/16.25 = 148.43 kN/m2

For a width of 2.5m, q = 148.43 × 2.5 = 371.075 kN/m

earth pressure on combined footing 1

Bending moment at column P1 = (371 × 1.92)/2 = 669.65 kNm
Bending moment at column P2 = (371 × 2.152)/2 = 857.47 kNm

The maximum bending moment in the span will occur at the point of zero shear;
Mx = 371x2/2 – 1080.75(x – 1.9) = 185.5x2 – 1080.75x + 2055.425
∂Mx/∂x = 371x – 1080.75 = 0
On solving; x = 1080.75/371 = 2.91 m

Mmax = 185.5(2.91)2 – (1080.75 × 2.91) + 2055.425 = 479.275 kNm

The shear force just to the left of column P1 = (371 × 1.9) = 704.9 kN
The shear force just to the right of column P1 = 704.9 – 1080.75 = -375.85 kN
The shear force just to the left of column P2 = -375.85 + (371 × 2.45) = 533.1 kN
The shear force just to the right of column P2 = 533.1 – 1331.25 = -798.15 kN


As an be seen, there is no hogging moment in the combined footing.

Bottom Reinforcement
We are supposed to take our maximum moment from the column face which can be easily determined as shown below.

MEd = 857.47 kNm
Effective depth (d) = 600 – 50 – 10 = 540 mm (assuming 20mm bars).
b = 2000mm

k = MEd/(fckbd2 )
k = (857.47 × 106)/(30 × 2500 × 5402 ) = 0.039

Since k < 0.167 No compression reinforcement required
z = d[0.5 + √(0.25 – 0.882k)] = z = d[0.5 + √(0.25 – (0.882 × 0.039)] = 0.95d

As1 = MEd/(0.87fyk z)
As1 = (857.47 × 106)/(0.87 × 500 × 0.95 × 540) = 3842 mm2
Provide 13H20mm @ 200mm c/c BOT (ASprov = 4082 mm2)

Read Also….
Design of Cantilever Retaining Wall Supporting Lateritic Earthfill
Design of Continuous Beam and Slab footing to BS 8110-1:1997

Top reinforcement

There is no hogging moment on the footing as shown in the bending moment diagram. However, we can provide minimum reinforcement at the top.

Asmin = 0.0013bd = (0.0013 × 1000 × 540) = 702 mm2
Provide H12mm @ 150mm c/c BOT (ASprov = 753 mm2/m)

Transverse Reinforcement
Cantilever arm = (2.5 – 0.3)/2 = 1.1 m
Designing per unit strip (per 1000 mm)
MEd = [148.43 × 1.12]/2 = 89.8 kNm
Effective depth (d) = 600 – 50 – 10 = 540 mm (assuming H20mm bars).

k = MEd/(fckbd2 )
k = (89.8 × 106)/(30 × 1000 × 5402 ) = 0.010

Since k < 0.167 No compression reinforcement required
z = d[0.5+ √(0.25 – 0.882k)] = z = d[0.5+ √(0.25 – (0.882 × 0.010)] = 0.95d

As1 = MEd/(0.87fyk z)
As1 = (89.8 × 106)/(0.87 × 500 × 0.95 × 540) = 402 mm2
Provide H12mm @ 200mm c/c BOT (ASprov = 565 mm2/m)

Check for shear
Clause 6.4.2(2) of EN 1992-1-1:2004 states that control perimeters at a distance less than 2d should be considered where the concentrated force is opposed by a high pressure (e.g. soil pressure on a base), or by the effects of a load or reaction within a distance 2d of the periphery of the area of application of the force.

Beam shear
Check critical section d away from the most loaded column face
VEd = 148.43 x (2 – 0.54) x 2.5 = 541.7 kN
vEd = (541.7 x 103)/(2500 x 540) = 0.401 N/mm2

vRd, c = CRd, c × k × (100 × ρ1 × fck) 0.3333
CRd, c = 0.12
k = 1 + √ (200/d) = 1 + √ (200/540) = 1.608
ρ = 4082/(540 × 2500) = 0.00302
vRd, c = 0.12 × 1.608 × (100 × 0.00302 × 30)0.333 = 0.402 N/mm2
=> vEd (0.401 N/mm2) < vRd,c (0.402 N/mm2) Beam shear ok

Punching Shear
Punching shear: Basic control perimeter at 2d from face of column
vEd = βVEd/uid < vRd,c

β = 1,
ui = (300 x 4 + 540 x 2 x 2 x π) = 7986 mm

VEd = load minus net upward force within the area of the control perimeter)
VEd = 1331.25 – 148.43 x (0.302 + π x 1.0802 + 1.080 x 0.30 x 4) = 581.6 kN
vEd = (581.6 x 103)/(7986 x 540) = 0.1348 N/mm2

Punching shear resistance of the section
VRd,c = [CRd,c.k.(100ρ1 fck)(1/3) ]  × 2d/a ≥ (Vmin × 2d/a)
a = 540 + 540 = 1080 mm

CRd,c = 0.18/γc = 0.18/1.5 = 0.12
k = 1 + √(200/d) = 1 + √(200/540) = 1.606 > 2.0, therefore, k = 1.608

Vmin = 0.035k(3/2) fck0.5
Vmin = 0.035 × (1.608)1.5 × 300.5 = 0.391 N/mm2

ρx  (in the transverse direction) = As/bd = 565/(1000 × 524) = 0.001078
ρz  (in the longitudinal direction) = As/bd = 4082/(2500 × 540) = 0.003023

ρ1 = √(ρ× ρz) = 0.0018054 < 0.02

VRd,c = [0.12 × 1.608 (100 × 0.0018054 × 30 )(1/3)] × (2 × 540)/1080 = 0.338 N/mm2 (Take Vmin = 0.391 N/mm2)

0.1348 N/mm2 < 0.391 N/mm2

The section is ok for punching shear.


With this, the reinforcement detailing can be drawn.

Thank you for visiting Structville today.

Have you read…
How to Estimate The Cost of Tiling a Three Bedrooms Flat

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Analysis of Statically Indeterminate Truss Using Force Method: Solved Example

Indeterminate trusses are analysed usually analysed using force method or direct stiffness method. In this post, we are going to analyse step by step, the analysis of the truss loaded as shown below.


(EA = Constant)


Step 1: Determine the degree of static indeterminacy
For a truss to be determinate;
m + r = 2j
m = number of members = 13
r = number of support reactions = 4
j = number of joints = 8

13 + 4 – 2(8) = 1
Therefore, the truss is indeterminate to the 1st order at the supports.

Step 2: Select redundant and remove constraint
To solve for the single degree of indeterminacy, the structure has to be reduced to a statically determinate and stable structure. This can be achieved by removing a redundant support, and a little consideration will show that for the structure to be stable, only a horizontal redundant will have to be removed. In this case, let us remove the horizontal support at H. This will give us the basic system that is given below.


Step 3: Analyse the basic system completely and obtain the internal forces
We now have to obtain the support reactions and internal forces using the principles of statics.

Support Reactions

∑MH = 0 (clockwise positive)
16Ay – (4 × 12) – (10 × 8) – (5 × 4) – (3 × 2) = 0
16Ay = 154
Ay = 9.63 kN
∑MA = 0 (anticlockwise positive)
16Hy – (5 × 12) – (10 × 8) – (4 × 4) + (3 × 2) = 0
16Hy = 150
Hy = 9.37 kN
∑FX = 0 
Ay + 3 = 0
Ay = -3 kN
Read Also…..
Internal Forces
Joint A

Geometrical Properties
θ = tan-1(2/4) = 26.57°

∑Fy = 0
-FAC sinθ + 9.63 = 0
FAC = 9.63/sin 26.57° = 21.53 kN (Tension)

∑Fx = 0
FAB + FAC cosθ – 3 = 0
FAB = 3 – (21.53 cos 26.57) = -16.27 kN (Compression)

Joint B


∑Fy = 0
-FBC – 4 = 0
FBC =  -4kN (Compression)

∑Fx = 0
-FAB + FBD = 0
FAB = FBD = -16.27 kN (Compression)

To simplify our analysis, we can obtain the forces in members CE and CD through the method of sections.

∑MC = 0
(9.63 × 4) – (3 × 2) + (2 × FBD) = 0
FBD = -16.27 kN (Compression, verification of our answer above)
∑MD = 0
(9.63 × 8) – (4 × 4) + (2 × FCE) = 0
FBD = 30.52 kN (Tension)
∑MA = 0
(30.52 × 2) – (4 × 4) + (8 × FCD sinθ) = 0
FCD = -12.59 kN (Compression)
Joint H

∑Fy = 0
-FGH sinθ + 9.37 = 0
FGH = 9.37/sin 26.57° = 20.95 kN (Tension)

∑Fx = 0
-FFH – FGH cosθ = 0
FFH = -(20.95 cos 26.57) = -18.74 kN (Compression)

Joint E


∑Fy = 0
FED + 0 = 0
FED =  0 (No force)

∑Fx = 0
-FCE + FEG = 0
FCE = FGE = 30.52 kN (Tension)

Joint D


∑Fy = 0
-FDC sinθ – FDG sinθ – 10 = 0
-(-12.59 sinθ) – FDG sinθ – 10 = 0
FDG = -4.37/sin 26.57° = -9.77 kN (Compression)

Step 4: Calculate the deformation at the redundant
Having obtained the internal forces at the redundant, we can now use virtual work method to calculate the horizontal translation at support H which corresponds to the removed redundant Hx. This is done by removing the external load on the basic system and applying a unit horizontal force in the direction of the removed force.


By looking at what is happening at the above structure, you will agree with me that the entire top chord is in a uniform compression of -1.0 kN.

FAB = FBD = FDF = FFH = -1.0 (Compression)
All other members of the truss have zero forces.

Since the horizontal displacement at H in the original structure is equal to zero, it means that the horizontal reaction at support H must produce a deflection in the opposite direction that will counter the deflection.

Deformation of the basic system due to externally applied load can be obtained by using the relationship below;


m = number of members
n = Internal forces due to virtual load
N = Internal forces due to externally applied load
L = Length of member
A = Cross sectional area of member
E = Modulus of Elasticity of member

To analyse it, we normally present this in tabular form. Due to the fact that the force  in the members in the virtual load state are zero in all members except the top chord, we will just focus  on the top chord.


δ1P = 2(65.08/AE) + 2(74.96/AE) = 280.08/AE

The deflection at point H due to the virtual load can be obtained using the same relationship, and this is shown in the table below;


δ11 = 4(4/AE)) = 16/AE

The appropriate cannonical equation is therefore given by;

δ11X+ δ1P = 0

On substituting;
16X+ 280.08 = 0
X= -17.51 kN ←

Therefore, the horizontal reaction at H (Hx) is 17.51 kN←

Having obtained this, we can now analyse the truss again to obtain the final internal forces.

We are always happy to have you around at Structville.

Have you read…
Analysis of Statically Indeterminate Frames Using Force and Displacement Methods

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ProtaStructures Conference/Live Event Coming Up in Nigeria

ProtaSoftware in conjuction with ApeleDesigns invites you to the first ever live event/conference in Nigeria. ProtaStructure is the all-in-one package for multi-material modelling with steel, concrete and composite members, 3-D finite element analysis and code-compliant design of building structures.


Innovations in 3D Modelling of Steel and Concrete Together with Advancements in BIM Technology for Coordination, Fabrication, and Construction

DATE:  Saturday, March 03, 2018
TIME: 09:30am – 02:30pm

VENUE: NECA House Plot A2, Hakeem Balogun Street, Central Business District, Alausa, Ikeja, Lagos, NIGERIA.
Registration: FREE
Please register at www.protasoftware.com/events 
(note: the venue has limited seats which will be allocated on a first come first serve basis)
In this year’s seminar series, we will explore innovations Prota is making in helping engineers take advantage of changes in the way projects are designed, documented, coordinated, and constructed. Attendees will learn how 3D modelling technology can be effectively used to design multi-material structures including steel and concrete elements, automatically produce and manage high quality drawing and calculation documentation, and share 3D BIM information with Architects, Owners and other project stakeholders. 
Joseph Kubin [Msc] – CEO, Prota and Creator of CSC Orion
Nigel Watts Beng (Hons) Civil NZ – Managing Director for Prota Asia
Mustafa Tümer Tan (Msc) – Product Manager, Prota
Event Programme:
9:30 am   Registration 
10:00 am   Introduction today’s Agenda
10.15 am  Unveiling ProtaStructure 2018 – Integrated Multi-Material Design Solution for Building Systems
11.00 am  Revolutionary Automated Detailing, Drawing Management & Component Design with ProtaDetails 2018
11.45 am   Morning Tea Break
12:15 am  Introducing ProtaSteel 2018 – Revolutionary Automated Steel Detailing and Connection Design
1.15 pm   Synchronise and Coordinate BIM Models for Project Efficiency with ProtaBIM 2018
2:00 pm  Question & Answer 
2:30 pm  End of seminar
Register for this free event: http://www.protasoftware.com/events
You don’t want to miss this opportunity. Invite your friends, colleagues, partners, school and company.
Engr. Osarenkhoe Osayanmon

How to Apply Load Model 1 (LM 1) on Highway Bridges

Highway bridges are designed to resist various systems of loads (actions) and load combinations. One of the most prominent actions on highway bridges is vehicular traffic. Practically, traffic actions on bridges consist of different vehicular categories, such as standard automobiles, lorries (trucks), and specialized industrial transport vehicles.

However, for the purpose of bridge design, traffic actions on highway bridges can simplified using traffic Load Models specified in the Eurocodes. Other codes in the world such as AASHTO, IRC, etc have their specialised loadings for bridges. The resulting loads manifest as a complex interplay of vertical and horizontal forces, further categorized as static (constant) and dynamic (variable).

In the Eurocodes, traffic load models were calibrated for highway bridges having carriageway width less than 42m, and span length up to 200m. The load models aim to reproduce the real values of the effects induced in the bridges by real traffic. Therefore, these models are artificial models and not necessarily real vehicles.

Calibration of the traffic models was based on real traffic data recorded in experiments performed in Europe between 1980 and 1994.

European Bridge Load Models

– Load Model 1 (LM 1): This load model reproduces traffic loads to be used for local and global verifications. It is made up of concentrated load and UDL, which can be thought of in terms of HA load of BS 5900, even though they are very different.

– Load Model 2 (LM 2): This load model reproduces effects on short structural members and is composed of single axle load on specific rectangular tyre contact areas.

– Load Model 3 (LM 3): This is for special vehicles, and it is to be considered on request. It represents abnormal vehicles.

– Load Model 4 (LM 4): Crowd loading.

To ensure a robust and safe bridge design, it is important to employ load models that are specifically tailored to the location of the bridge. By accounting for the aforementioned variations in traffic patterns and vehicle types, location-specific load models provide a more accurate representation of the actual loading conditions the bridge will encounter throughout its service life.

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Division of Carriageway into notional lanes

A carriageway is the part of the roadway sustained by a single structure (deck, pier etc). It includes all the physical lanes, the hard shoulders, the hard strips, etc. The carriageway is divided into notional lanes and the remaining area.

The subdivision of roads into notional lanes is summarised in the table below;

Carriageway width (w)Number of notional lanes (n)Width of the notional laneWidth of the remaining area
w < 5.4 m1 3mw – 3m
5.4 ≤ w < 620.520
6m ≤ wint(w/3)3mw – (3 x n)

Load Model 1

Load Model 1 represents the effects of normal traffic and comprises tandem axles (TS) superimposed over a uniformly distributed load (UDL) whose intensity remains constant with the loaded length. The model is very different from the Type HA loading given in BD37. Type HA loading consists of a uniformly distributed load, the intensity which varies with the loaded length, and a constant Knife Edge Load (KEL) of 120 kN.

There are also lane factors for different lengths which account for the simultaneity of loading in adjacent lanes as a function of loaded length. Eurocode (EN 1991-2) load model also differs from BD37 in the way that the carriageway is divided into notional lanes. In EN 1991-2, the notional lane width is constant at 3.0m except for a small range of carriageway width between 5.4m and 6.0m when the lane width varies from 2.7m to 3.0m. (See Table above).

The load model 1 which generally represents normal vehicles consists of two sub-systems;

(1) A system of two concentrated axle loads representing a tandem system weighing 2.αkQk


(2) A system of distributed load having a weight density per square metre of αkqk


The characteristic values of LM 1 forces;


The Tandem System

For the assessment of local effects, a tandem axle system should be placed at the location on the bridge deck that experiences the most unfavourable loading conditions. In scenarios where two tandem systems are considered on adjacent design lanes, these systems may be positioned closer together. However, the minimum centre-to-centre spacing between wheel axles within each tandem system must not be less than 0.50 meters.

In Load Model 1, each axle within a tandem system shall be modelled as possessing two identical wheels. Consequently, the load acting on each individual wheel is calculated as one-half the product of the factor α, the characteristic axle load (Qk), and a distribution factor.

The contact surface of each wheel shall be idealized as a square with a side length of 0.40 meters. This simplifies the analysis by representing the wheel’s footprint as a uniformly distributed load over a defined area of 0.16 m2.

The Uniformly Distributed Load

This load model represents a constant weight distributed per unit area across a designated lane width. The characteristic load intensity (qk) is multiplied by an adjustment factor (αik) to obtain the characteristic value (αikqk) for UDL application. These adjustment factors account for potential variations in traffic patterns and weight distributions.

Load Model 1, incorporating the UDL system just described, should be applied to each designated traffic lane (“notional lane”) as well as any remaining bridge areas not designated as traffic lanes. For each notional lane “i,” the characteristic load magnitudes are denoted as αikQik and αikqik, respectively, referencing the values provided in Table 4.2 of EN-1991-2.

These symbols represent the adjusted axle load (αikQik ) and the adjusted UDL load (αikqik) specific to lane “i.” In the remaining bridge areas not designated for traffic, the design load magnitude is denoted as αrkqrk, where αrk is the corresponding adjustment factor and qrk is the characteristic load intensity for that area.

Selection of Adjustment Factors

The specific values assigned to the adjustment factors depend on the anticipated traffic patterns on the bridge and may also vary based on the classification of the route (e.g., highway versus local road). They are however usually specified in the national annex. If no specific information is available regarding these factors, they should be assumed to be equal to 1.0 for all cases.

The adjustment factors specified in Eurocode 1, National Application Document (NAD, UK), and UK National Annex are shown in Table below.

adjustment factors

Rules for applying Load Model 1

  1. In each notional lane, only one tandem system should be considered, situated in the most unfavourable position.
  2. The tandem system should be considered travelling in the longitudinal axis of the bridge.
  3. When present, the tandem system should be considered in full i.e with all four wheels
  4. The UDL’s are applied longitudinally and transversally on the unfavourable parts of the influence surface.
  5. The two load systems can insist on the same area.
  6. The dynamic impact factor is included in the two load systems.
  7. When static verification is governed by the combination of local and global effects, the same load arrangement should be considered for the calculation of local and global effects.

Solved Example

A simply supported bridge deck has a carriageway width of 8m and a span of 18m. Determine the maximum bending moment on the bridge deck due to Load Model 1.


Carriageway width w = 8 m
Number of notional lanes = 8/3 = 2
Width of the remaining area = 8m – (3 x 2) = 2m

Load Model 1 on Bridge Deck

Let us analyse for the worst load condition on Notional Lane 1;

Axle Load
Each axle load of TS = αQ1Q1k = 1.0 x 300 = 300 kN

Figure 2 illustrates the calculation of bending moment (My) and shear force (Vz) at a specific section “s” located at a distance “x” from the support of a simply supported beam. The beam is subjected to two point loads positioned 1.2 metres apart, representing the configuration of a Load Model 1 Tandem System (LM1 TS) oriented longitudinally. The calculations are performed using the influence line method.


The influence line for the bending moment is drawn with their positive values below the reference line. Load effects from that model are as follows:

My = φ1 + φ2

Where φ1 and φ2 are the corresponding influence line ordinates under the point loads.
φ1 = x (L – x) /L
φ2 = x (L – x – 1.2) /L

Notably, the maximum bending moment induced by these tandem wheel loads does not occur precisely at the midpoint of the beam span. The location of the section experiencing the greatest bending moment can be determined by solving the following equation:

dM/dx = (2L – 4x – 1.2)/L = 0

The section with the maximum bending moment from the Load Model 1 tandem system is at a distance from the support:
x = 0.5L – 0.3

Therefore, in a simply supported beam system, the maximum bending moment for the Load Model 1 tandem system occurs under the axle when the vehicle is positioned such that the midpoint of the beam span coincides with the midpoint of the distance between the centre of gravity (centroid) of the entire vehicle load and the axle closest to that support.

With an 18m span and the axles spaced 1.2m apart, the rear axle is placed at 0.3m from the mid-span.

critical loading location

Support Reactions

Let ∑MB = 0
18VA – (300 x 9.3) – (300 x 8.1) = 0
VA = 290 kN

Let ∑MA = 0
18VB – (300 x 8.7) – (300 x 9.9) = 0
VB = 310 kN

M1 = 290 x 8.7 = 2523 kNm
M2 = 310 x 8.1 = 2511 kNm

Maximum bending moment on 1m width of the lane due to TS = 2523/3 = 841 kNm/m

Uniformly Distributed Load
Adjustment factor αq1 = 0.61
Hence UDL system = 0.61 x 9 = 5.5 kN/m2

The maximum mid-span moment on 1m width of lane due to UDL = 5.5 x 182/8 = 222.75 kNm/m

Total maximum moment due to LM1 = 841 + 222.75 = 1063.75 kNm per metre width of lane.

Sources and Citations
Pietro Croce et al (2010): Guidebook 2 Design of Bridges; Published by Czech Technical University in Prague, Klokner Institute. ISBN 978-80-01-04617-3

Design Example of Steel Beams According to Eurocode 3

This post deals with the design of simply supported I-beam section subjected to permanent and variable loads according to Eurocode 3. The design involves selecting the appropriate section that will satisfy limit state requirements.

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Problem Statement
It is desired to select an appropriate section to satisfy ultimate and serviceability limit state requirements for a laterally restrained simply supported beam that is subjected to the following loads;
Permanent Load Gk = 38 kN/m
Variable Load Qk = 12 kN/m

The length of the beam = 7.5m


At ultimate limit state,
PEd = 1.35Gk + 1.5Qk
PEd = 1.35(38) + 1.5(12) = 69.3 kN/m


An advanced UK beam S275 is to be used for this design.
Fy = 275 N/mm2
γm0 = 1.0 (Clause 6.1(1) NA 2.15 BS EN 1993-1- 1:2005)


The required section is supposed to have a plastic modulus about the y-y axis that is greater than;
Wpl,y = My,Edγm0/Fy

Wpl,y = (487.265 × 103 × 1.0)/275 = 1771.872 cm3

From steel tables, try section 457 x 191 x 82        Wpl,y = 1830 cm3

Design of Steel Beams to BS 5950 – 1: 2000
Structural Analysis of Compound Arch-Frame Structure

h = 460.0mm; b = 191.3mm; d = 407.6mm; tw = 9.9mm; tf; r = 10.2mm; A = 104 cm4; Iy = 37100 cm4; Iz = 1870 cm4; Wel,y = 1610 cm3; Wel,y = 1830 cm3

hw = h – 2tf = 428.0mm

E (Modulus of elasticity) = 210000 N/mm(Clause 3.2.6(1))

Classification of section
ε = √(235/Fy) = √(235/275) = 0.92 (Table 5.2 BS EN 1993-1- 1:2005)

Outstand flange: flange under uniform compression c = (b – tw – 2r)/2 = [191.3 – 9.9 – 2(10.2)]/2 = 80.5mm

c/tf = 80.5/16.0 = 5.03

The limiting value for class 1 is c/tf  ≤ 9ε = 9 × 0.92
5.03 < 8.28
Therefore, outstand flange in compression is class 1

Internal Compression Part (Web under pure bending)
c = d = 407.6mm
c/tw = 407.9/9.9 = 41.17

The limiting value for class 1 is c/tw ≤ 72ε = 72 × 0.92 = 66.24
41.17 < 66.24
Therefore, the web is plastic. Therefore, the entire section is class 1 plastic.

Member Resistance Verification
Moment Resistance
For the structure under consideration, the maximum bending moment occurs where the shear force is zeo. Therefore, the bending moment does not need to be reduced for the presence of shear force (clause 6.2.8(2))

MEd/Mc,Rd ≤  1.0 (clause 6.2.5(1))

Mc,Rd = Mpl,Rd = (Mpl,y × Fy)/γm0

Mc,Rd = Mpl,Rd = [(1830 × 275)/1.0] × 10-3 = 503 kNm

MEd/Mc,Rd = 487.265/503 = 0.9687 < 1.0 Ok

Shear Resistance (clause 6.6.2)
The basic design requirement is;

VEd/Vc,Rd ≤  1.0

Vc,Rd = Vpl,Rd = Av(F/ √3)/γm0 (for class 1 sections)
For rolled I-section with shear parallel to the web, the shear area is;

Av = A – 2btf + (tw + 2r)tf (for class 1 sections) but not less than ηhwtw

Av = (104 × 102 – (2 × 191.3 × 16) + [9.9 + 2(10.2)] × 16 = 4763 mm2
η = 1.0 (conservative)
ηhwt= (1.0 × 428 × 9.9) = 4237 mm2
4763 > 4237
Therefore, Av = 4763 mm2

The shear resistance is therefore;
Vc,Rd = Vpl,Rd = [4763 × (275 / √3)/1.0]  × 10-3 = 756 kN

VEd/Vc,Rd = 259.875/756 = 0.343 < 1.0 Ok

Shear Buckling
Shear buckling of the unstiffnened web will not need to be considered if;

hw/t≤  72ε/η

hw/t= 428.0/9.9 = 43
72ε/η  = (72 ×  0.92)/1.0  = 66

43 < 66 Therefore shear buckling need not be considered.

Serviceability limit state
Vertical deflections are computed based on variable loads. Permanent loads need not be considered.(BS EN 1993-1-1 NA 2.23)

Qk = 12 kN/m

w = 5ql4/384EI

w = (5 × 12 × 75004)/(384 × 210000 × 37100 × 104) = 6.345mm
Span/360 = 7500/360 = 20.833mm (BS EN 1993-1-1 NA 2.23)

6.345mm < 20.833mm. Therefore, deflection is satisfactory

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