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Von Mises Stress and the Design of Steel Structures

In structural engineering, understanding stress and its impact on the materials to be used for construction is very important. One of the most widely used theories for assessing material failure is the Von-Mises stress criterion. In this brief article, we explore the physical significance of Von-Mises stress and its application in the design of steel structures.

Von Mises stress is a scalar value derived from the multi-axial stress state that provides a simplified metric for predicting yielding in ductile materials. The stress state within a material under load is not always a simple uniaxial tension or compression.

In most practical scenarios, a combination of normal and shear stresses act simultaneously, resulting in a multi-axial stress state. Analyzing and visualizing such complex stress states can be challenging. The von Mises yield criterion, proposed by Richard von Mises in 1913, offers a simplified approach to assess the potential for yielding in ductile materials under multi-axial loading.

Theoretical Foundation

The von Mises stress is based on the distortion energy theory, which postulates that yielding occurs when the distortion energy per unit volume reaches a critical value. Distortion energy refers to the energy stored in the material due to its deformation (excluding the volumetric change associated with hydrostatic pressure). Mathematically, the von Mises stress (σvm) is defined as:

σVM = √(σ² + σ² + σ² – σσ – σσ – σσ)

von mises stress

Application of von Mises Stress in the Design of Steel Structures

Steel structures experience complex, multi-axial stress states – a far cry from the uniaxial tension or compression encountered in textbooks. Analyzing and visualizing these variable stress states can be cumbersome. The genius of von Mises stress lies in its ability to simplify this complexity into a single scalar value. By focusing on distortion energy, a measure of deformation excluding volumetric changes, it essentially condenses the multi-axial stress state into a single, meaningful indicator of potential yielding.

For ductile materials like steel, exceeding the yield strength signifies the onset of plastic deformation. By comparing the calculated von Mises stress at critical points in the structure with the steel’s yield strength, engineers gain invaluable insights:

The von Mises stress plays a very important role in various engineering design and analysis scenarios:

  • Finite Element Analysis (FEA): In FEA software, complex structures are discretized into small elements, and stress tensors are calculated at each element point. The von Mises stress is often used as a failure criterion by comparing it to the material’s yield strength. If the von Mises stress exceeds the yield strength at any point, it indicates potential plastic deformation or yielding.
  • Pressure Vessel Design: Pressure vessels experience complex stress states due to internal pressure and external loads. Analyzing the von Mises stress distribution helps ensure the vessel remains within its safe operating limits and prevents catastrophic failure.
  • Bridges and Buildings: From towering bridges to intricate beam-column connections, engineers rely on von Mises stress to assess the load-carrying capacity of steel members, optimizing their design to withstand diverse loading conditions like wind, seismic forces, and live loads.

EN 1993-1-5 (Part 1-5 of Eurocode 3) entitled “Plated Structural Elements”, establishes the regulations for preventing local buckling in steel plated structures. This section presents designers with two primary design methodologies: the “Effective Width Method” and the “Reduced Stress Method“.

The Reduced Stress Method offers a simplified approach compared to the general form, making it particularly suitable for serviceability checks and designing non-uniform members such as tapered beams, webs with openings, and plates with non-orthogonal stiffeners. This method assumes a linear stress distribution up to the buckling limit of the first-yielding plate element. The entire cross-section remains fully effective until this stress limit is reached.

The Reduced Stress Method can be employed to determine stress limits for both stiffened and unstiffened plates. It incorporates the von Mises criterion to account for the interaction between various stress types within the plate.

Furthermore, Eurocode 3 Part 6, permits the use of ”stress design” approach for the limit state design of steel shells. When employing the stress design approach, limit states must be evaluated across three distinct stress categories: primary, secondary, and local. This categorization typically relies on the von Mises equivalent stress at specific points. However, it is very important to recognize that this value is not suitable for assessing buckling stresses.

Factor of Safety

If we define the safety factor as N = Failure Stress / Analysed Stress

For Von-Mises Stresses, the safety factor is computed using;
N = fy / σvm = Yield stress/von Mises stress

image 2

For instance, if the steel plate above is to be constructed with steel grade S275 (fy = 275 N/mm2), the factor of safety using von Mises criteria is;

Factor of Safety = (0.65 × 275)/38.5 = 4.64

In this case, the failure stress is taken as 0.65fy.

Limitations and Considerations

It is important to remember that the von Mises stress is a simplified criterion and has certain limitations:

  • Material Dependence: The von Mises criterion is primarily applicable to ductile metals. It may not be accurate for brittle materials or materials with significant pressure sensitivity.
  • Anisotropy: The criterion assumes isotropic material behaviour, meaning the material properties are the same in all directions. If a material exhibits anisotropic behaviour, alternative yield criteria like Tresca or Hill might be necessary.
  • Temperature Dependence: The yield strength of materials varies with temperature. The von Mises stress should be considered in conjunction with temperature-dependent material properties for accurate failure prediction.


Understanding the concept of von Mises stress is fundamental for engineers and scientists working with materials under complex loading conditions. This simplified metric provides a valuable tool for assessing potential yielding and guiding design decisions. However, it is important as well to acknowledge and consider the limitations associated with this criterion for accurate and reliable engineering analysis.

Finite Element Analysis (FEA) for Structures

Finite element analysis has become an indispensable tool in structural engineering, enabling complex simulations of real-world scenarios through numerical methods. By discretizing a continuous structure into smaller finite elements, the governing equations describing its behaviour are transformed into a solvable system of algebraic equations.

The human mind, despite its remarkable capabilities, faces inherent limitations in comprehending the intricacies of complex systems in one single step. In response to this challenge, a fundamental approach emerges: decomposition or discretization of complex problems. By systematically dividing systems into their constituent elements whose behaviour is easily understood, we can then reconstruct the whole system to evaluate its overall response. This principle, employed by engineers, scientists, and even economists, forms the cornerstone of the finite element method.

finite element analysis

At its core, the finite element method seeks to approximate solutions to complex problems by substituting them with simpler counterparts. This inherent simplification necessitates an approximate, rather than exact, solution. The method achieves this by discretizing the solution domain into smaller, interconnected subregions – the finite elements. Depending on the system, a finite number of such elements can often sufficiently represent the true system, which we classify as discrete.

fea 2

However, certain systems require infinite subdivision, demanding the mathematical abstraction of infinitesimals. This leads to differential equations or their equivalent, implying an infinite number of elements, characterizing continuous systems. While digital computers excel at solving large-scale discrete problems, their finite capacity precludes exact solutions for continuous systems. Existing mathematical techniques for exact solutions are often limited to oversimplified scenarios.

In this context, the finite element method emerges as a powerful computational tool capable of addressing a wide spectrum of one, two, and three-dimensional structural problems governed by ordinary or partial differential equations. It empowers engineers and scientists to navigate the complexities of intricate systems by leveraging the power of approximate solutions derived from carefully constructed discretizations.

This article introduces the fundamental concepts of Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and guides beginners through the practical application of the method using code snippets. We explore the underlying theory, discretization techniques, and implementation considerations, equipping readers with the basic knowledge to embark on their FEA journey.

finite element analysis

Applications of the Finite Element Method

While renowned for its impact in structural mechanics, the finite element method’s reach extends far beyond. Its potential has been successfully harnessed to address diverse engineering challenges, spanning heat conduction, fluid dynamics, seepage flow, and even the complexities of electric and magnetic fields. This widespread applicability has attracted the attention of mathematicians, who have adopted the method for tackling intricate boundary value problems and beyond.

The underlying foundation of this versatility lies in the ability to numerically solve both ordinary and partial differential equations. By recognizing the underlying similarities between seemingly disparate engineering problems, the finite element method emerges as a unifying tool capable of unlocking solutions across a vast spectrum of disciplines.


Steps in Finite Element Analysis for Structures

The complex nature of real-world materials, such as solids, liquids, and gases, necessitates their representation in the finite element method as a collection of smaller subdivisions called finite elements. These interconnected elements share specified points of contact known as nodes or nodal points, typically located on their boundaries.

Since the precise variation of a field variable (e.g., displacement, stress, temperature, pressure, or velocity) within the continuum remains unknown, the method assumes that its behavior within each element can be approximated by a simpler function. These approximating functions, also known as interpolation models, are defined based on the nodal values of the field variable.

By formulating field equations (such as equilibrium equations) for the entire continuum, we introduce new unknowns – the nodal values of the field variable. Solving these equations, typically expressed as matrix equations, yields the desired nodal values. With these values in hand, the approximating functions establish the field variable throughout the assemblage of elements. This systematic approach defines the core steps involved in applying the finite element method to diverse problems.

Specifically, considering static structural problems as an example, the step-by-step procedure are as follows:

Step 1: Discretization
The initial stage involves dividing the structure or solution domain into smaller sub-regions called elements. This forms the model representing the actual structure. Careful consideration goes into determining the number, type, size, and arrangement of these elements to ensure an accurate representation.

Step 2: Selecting the Right Displacement Model
Since the exact displacement response of a complex structure under specific loads is unknown, we rely on interpolation models to approximate this behaviour within each element. These models, typically implemented as polynomials, need to be computationally efficient while adhering to convergence requirements essential for accurate solutions.

Step 3: Building the Stiffness Matrices and Load Vectors
Leveraging the chosen displacement model, we derive the stiffness matrix [Ke] and load vector [Pe] for each element. This can be achieved either through equilibrium conditions or a suitable variational principle. The stiffness matrix captures the element’s resistance to deformations, while the load vector represents the external forces acting on it.

Step 4: Assemblage of element equations to obtain the overall equilibrium equations
Since the structure is composed of several finite elements, the individual element stiffness matrices and load vectors are to be assembled in a suitable manner and the overall equilibrium equations have to be formulated as;

[K][Φ] = [P]

where [K] is the assembled stiffness matrix, [Φ] is the vector of nodal displacements, and [P] is the vector of nodal forces for the complete structure.

Step 5: Solution for the unknown nodal displacements
To ensure our model aligns with the real-world structure’s constraints, we incorporate boundary conditions into the overall equilibrium equations. These conditions represent fixed points, support conditions, applied forces, or other restrictions on the structure’s behavior. With these adjustments, the equilibrium equations take the form:

[K]Φ = P

For linear problems, this system of equations can be readily solved using efficient numerical methods, revealing the unknown nodal displacements throughout the structure. However, for nonlinear problems, the complexities introduced by material behavior or large deformations necessitate an iterative approach. Each step in this sequence involves updating the stiffness matrix and/or load vector based on the current solution estimate until convergence is achieved.

Step 6: Computation of element strains and stresses
From the known nodal displacements (Φ), if required, the element strains and stresses can be computed by using the necessary equations of solid or structural mechanics.

Code Snippet for FEA of Trusses on Python

To bridge the gap between theory and practice, let’s explore fundamental FEA concepts through code snippets in a chosen programming language (e.g., Python). We’ll demonstrate element stiffness matrix formulation for simple elements like trusses, followed by global system assembly and solution using basic numerical libraries.

  1. Import necessary libraries
import numpy as np

# If needed for solving linear systems:
import scipy.linalg as la

2. Define truss element properties:

def element_stiffness_matrix(E, A, L):
    """Calculates the 2x2 stiffness matrix for a truss element."""
    ke = E * A / L * np.array([[1, -1], [-1, 1]])
    return ke

def element_load_vector(q, L):
    """Calculates the 2x1 load vector for a truss element."""
    fe = q * L / 2 * np.array([[1], [1]])
    return fe

3. Assemble global stiffness matrix and load vector

def assemble_global_system(elements, nodes):
    """Assembles the global stiffness matrix and load vector."""
    K = np.zeros((nodes * 2, nodes * 2))
    P = np.zeros((nodes * 2, 1))
    for element in elements:
        node1, node2, E, A, L, q = element
        ke = element_stiffness_matrix(E, A, L)
        fe = element_load_vector(q, L)
        d = 2 * (node1 - 1)  # Global degree of freedom indices
        K[d:d+2, d:d+2] += ke
        P[d:d+2] += fe
    return K, P

4. Apply boundary conditions:

def apply_boundary_conditions(K, P, fixed_nodes, fixed_values):
    """Applies boundary conditions to the global system."""
    for node, value in zip(fixed_nodes, fixed_values):
        d = 2 * (node - 1)
        K[d:d+2, :] = 0
        K[:, d:d+2] = 0
        K[d, d] = 1
        P[d] = value

5. Solve for nodal displacements

def solve_displacements(K, P):
    """Solves the system of equations for nodal displacements."""
    U = la.solve(K, P)
    return U

6. Calculate element stresses and reactions:

def calculate_stresses(elements, U):
    # ... (Implementation for stress calculation based on element type)

def calculate_reactions(K, U, fixed_nodes):
    # ... (Implementation for reaction force calculation)


This article has provided a foundational understanding of FEA, its theoretical principles, and practical implementation through code snippets. By delving deeper into specific element types, advanced material models, and non-linear analysis, beginners can progressively build their FEA skillset and tackle increasingly complex engineering problems.

Form Finding in Tensile Membrane Structures

Tensile membrane structures, characterized by their lightweight and expressive forms, have captivated architects and engineers for decades. However, achieving their desired shape while ensuring structural integrity poses a unique challenge. This is where form finding, an important optimization process, becomes indispensable.

Tensile membrane structures are defined by their doubly curved surfaces and rely on inherent tension for stability. This curvature plays a critical role in distributing prestresses across the membrane, leading to its structural integrity. Without appropriate curvature, desired force distribution cannot occur, rendering the surface structurally unsound. This intrinsic quality of opposing curvatures is fundamental to membrane structures.

However, traditional architectural drawing methods fall short of capturing these complex surfaces. Instead, specialized approaches are required to model and analyze the force flow within the membrane. This process, referred to as form finding, aims to identify the optimal shape that achieves equilibrium under given boundary conditions.

form finding

Unlike conventional structures governed by bending rigidity, tensile membranes resist loads through in-plane tension. This inherent flexibility allows for diverse geometries but necessitates a form-finding process to determine a shape that satisfies both equilibrium (balance of internal forces and external loads) and architectural intent.

In essence, form finding seeks to establish an equilibrium surface within defined constraints. By iteratively adjusting boundary conditions and analyzing stress distribution, it strives to produce a surface that is not only aesthetically pleasing and functionally appropriate but also structurally viable. The boundary conditions encompass the edge elements and support points that define the membrane’s physical limitations. Finally, the achieved equilibrium form ensures that all points on the surface remain in a state of physical balance under the applied tensile load.

The application of tensile load to a membrane surface can expose areas of compression, manifesting as wrinkles. This wrinkle formation indicates an uneven distribution of prestress, hindering the ability of the surface to achieve equilibrium.

Form Finding Process

Form-finding methodology encompasses two primary approaches: physical and numerical.

Physical Modelling

The initial forays into tensile membrane structures relied heavily on physical models. Soap films and flexible fabric pieces were employed to create physical models that guided subsequent fabrication. Soap films, due to their exceptional thinness and lack of shear resistance, proved particularly adept at visualizing force distribution and arriving at optimal forms.

This practice of physical modelling in architecture remains relevant today. It offers an economical and rapid means to explore design solutions prior to delving into numerical analysis, often leading to more creatively inspired forms. Additionally, physical models can enhance comprehension of complex surfaces through three-dimensional visualization.

Numerical Modelling

Technological advancements in numerical modelling and computer capabilities have profoundly impacted the design, manufacturing, and analysis of membrane systems. In numerical form finding, the membrane surface is discretized into a mesh, upon which both manufacturing and structural analysis are conducted.

This approach offers independence from the membrane’s physical properties, such as thickness or elasticity. Various numerical methods, including Force Density, Dynamic Relaxation, and Finite Element Methods, are employed to achieve the equilibrium surface.

The design and analysis of membrane building systems witnessed a significant turning point with the Munich Olympic Stadium project in 1972. Klaus Linkwitz’s pioneering introduction of the Force Density Method in 1971 marked the first numerical approach specifically tailored to the unique needs of tensile structures.

Munich Olympic Stadium
Munich Olympic Stadium

During form finding, membrane surfaces can be conceptualized as fluid systems. Their final shape emerges from the interplay between defined boundary conditions and the applied tensile load distribution. Our control over the membrane’s geometry lies solely in manipulating these boundary conditions and the load distribution ratios. By iteratively adjusting these variables, the resulting form is refined based on various criteria, including structural capacity, functionality, and aesthetic integration.

However, it’s important to note that modifications to the form directly impact the membrane’s structural capacity. Therefore, ensuring the structural adequacy of the membrane against anticipated loads takes precedence over aesthetic considerations and functionality. This prioritization is particularly critical for snow loads, given the inherent limitations in the mechanical properties of membrane materials.

Form Finding Methods

Several form finding methods exist, each offering distinct advantages and complexities. Here, we delve into three prominent approaches:

1. Physical Soap Film Modelling: This classical technique utilizes soap films stretched across a physical boundary representing the desired supports. The minimal surface formed by the soap film, driven by surface tension, embodies the equilibrium state and serves as a direct physical analogue of the optimal shape. While elegant and intuitive, limitations arise from scalability and complex boundary conditions.

2. Force Relaxation Methods: These computational approaches, such as dynamic relaxation, mimic the relaxation process of a physical system towards equilibrium. An initial geometry is iteratively adjusted based on unbalanced forces, gradually converging towards a stable form. The method’s versatility allows for incorporating various boundary conditions and material properties, but convergence speed and numerical stability require careful consideration.

3. Energy Minimization Techniques: Based on variational calculus, these methods seek the minimum potential energy configuration of the system. By formulating the energy function encompassing membrane strain, boundary constraints, and external loads, the optimal shape can be obtained through numerical minimization algorithms. This approach offers a robust framework for complex geometries and material behaviours, but computational demands can be significant.

The choice of form-finding method depends on various factors, including project scale, complexity, desired accuracy, and available computational resources. In practice, hybrid approaches combining physical and numerical methods are often employed, leveraging the strengths of each technique.

Benefits of Form Finding

Beyond achieving equilibrium, form finding plays a crucial role in:

  • Optimizing material usage: By distributing tension efficiently, form finding minimizes required membrane material, leading to cost-effective and sustainable designs.
  • Controlling deflections: Targeted form finding can mitigate excessive deflections under wind and snow loads, enhancing structural performance and serviceability.
  • Integrating architectural vision: The iterative nature of form finding allows for incorporating aesthetic considerations and tailoring the shape to harmonize with the architectural intent.


In conclusion, form finding lies at the heart of successful tensile membrane structures. By creating the required force equilibrium in the structure, it enables the creation of lightweight, efficient, and visually striking structures that push the boundaries of architectural expression. As computational tools and design methodologies continue to evolve, form finding will remain a vital tool for shaping the future of tensile membrane architecture.

Scaffold in Building Construction: Uses, Types, Materials, and Design

In construction, scaffolds play an important role as temporary structures facilitating access to elevated work areas and providing safe work platforms. Typically assembled from steel or aluminium alloy tubes connected through clips or couplings, these structures enable workers to reach heights otherwise inaccessible while ensuring their safety during various building operations.

The design and construction of all scaffolds must adhere strictly to the established minimum requirements stipulated in both the Work at Height Regulations 2005 and BS EN 12811-1: 2003Temporary works equipment. Scaffolds. Performance requirements and general design. Following these regulations and standards is paramount for ensuring the structural integrity, stability, and overall safety of scaffolds, ultimately protecting the well-being of workers relying on them during construction projects.

Types of Scaffolding

There are different types of scaffolds, each suited to different construction needs and budgets. Some of the common types of scaffolds are;

1. Putlog Scaffolds: This design employs a single row of vertical supports (standards) arranged at a pre-determined distance from the wall to accommodate the desired platform width. Horizontal members (ledgers) connect the standards, further secured to the building structure with cross-members known as putlogs. Primarily utilized for brick construction, this scaffold grows incrementally alongside the building’s rising height.

putlog scaffold
Figure 1: Typical tubular steel putlog scaffold (Chudly and Greeno, 2005)

2. Independent Scaffolds: Featuring two rows of standards interconnected by transoms (horizontal cross-members), independent scaffolds stand independently without relying on the building for support. This makes them ideal for framed structures. Secure ties bind the scaffold to the building at regular intervals, typically every 3.6 meters vertically and 6 meters horizontally. Attachment methods include bridles (horizontal tubes bearing on the wall’s interior), reveal pin tubes within openings, or, in the absence of suitable openings, raking tubes inclined towards the building from the ground.

Typical tubular steel independent scaffold
Figure 2: Typical tubular steel independent scaffold (Chudly and Greeno, 2005)

3. Slung Scaffolds: Slung scaffolds are suspended by wire ropes or chains and lack inherent raising or lowering mechanisms. They primarily access high ceilings or undersides of elevated roofs. As a result, secure anchorage points, often utilizing the roof’s structural members above the designated work area are very important for their support.

A minimum of six evenly spaced suspension ropes or chains, securely fastened at both ends, is standard practice. Platforms, constructed similarly to conventional scaffolds with ledgers, transoms, and timber boards, require guardrails and toe boards for safety. For platforms exceeding 2.4 meters x 2.4 meters, stress analysis of supporting tubular components is recommended.

4. Truss-Out Scaffolds: This variation of the tied independent scaffold relies solely on the building for support, employed in situations where constructing a conventional ground-level scaffold is impractical or unfavourable. The projecting supporting structure, known as the truss-out, anchors to the building using adjustable struts secured internally between the floor and ceiling, from which cantilever tubes extend. Standard right-angle couplers are utilized except for securing rakers. The remaining scaffold construction follows the format of conventional independent scaffolds.

image 18
Figure 3: Typical truss-out scaffold details (Chudly and Greeno, 2006)

5. Suspended Scaffolds (Outrigger Cantilever Type): This configuration features a working platform suspended from supports such as outriggers cantilevering over a building’s upper edge. In this form, they serve as temporary access to the building facade for cleaning or light maintenance. Many modern tall structures incorporate suspension tracks either within the fascia or upper edge beam or a cradle suspension track is fixed to the flat roof, supporting a manual or powered trolley with retractable davit arms that hold the suspended working platform or cradle.

image 19
Figure 4: Typical suspended scaffold details (Chudly and Greeno, 2006)

All suspended cradles must comply with the minimum platform board, guardrail, and toe board requirements mandated by the Work at Height Regulations 2005. Cradles can be single units or grouped to form a continuous platform, connected at their abutment ends with hinges.

6. Mobile Tower Scaffolds: Primarily used by painters and maintenance personnel, these scaffolds provide quick and easy access to ceilings by offering a movable working platform. Essentially, they are square towers constructed from scaffold tubes mounted on braked wheels. Users access the platform via short opposing inclined ladders or a single inclined ladder within the tower base area.

Figure 5: Mobile tower scaffold

7. Birdcage Scaffold: For extensive, high-level work areas, birdcage scaffolds offer a comprehensive solution. These structures employ a grid-like arrangement of vertical supports (standards), horizontal connectors (ledgers), and cross-members (transoms) to support a solid working platform at the desired height. Stability is paramount, necessitating close placement of standards (not exceeding 2.4 meters apart) and adequate bracing throughout the scaffold.

birdcage scaffold
Figure 6: Birdcage scaffold

8. System scaffolds: This type of scaffold provides a modern alternative to traditional steel tube scaffolds. Utilizing innovative interlocking connections instead of loose couplers, they offer ease of erection, adaptability, and assembly/disassembly capabilities even for semi-skilled personnel. Notably, their design inherently adheres to the Work at Height Regulations 2005, ensuring proper handrail placement, lift heights, and other safety measures. An additional benefit is the elimination of internal cross-bracing, creating a clear walkthrough space on all levels. However, depending on the specific construction, facade bracing may still be necessary.

image 20
Figure 7: Systems scaffold (Chudly and Greeno, 2005)

Materials for Scaffolding

The choice of material for scaffolding is multifaceted, influenced by factors like weight, strength, deflection characteristics, and corrosion resistance. There are four prevalent types of materials used in scaffolding:

  • tubular steel,
  • tubular aluminium alloy,
  • timber, and
  • bamboo.

Tubular Steel

British Standard 1139 sets guidelines for both welded and seamless steel tubes, typically measuring 48mm in outer diameter with a 38mm bore. Galvanization offers protection against corrosion, while ungalvanized options require post-use treatments like painting or oil baths. Steel tubes are nearly three times heavier than their aluminium counterparts. Steel boasts superior strength, enabling longer spans compared to aluminium due to less deflection (approximately one-third that of aluminium).

Tubular Aluminum Alloy

Seamless tubes of aluminium alloy with a 48mm outer diameter are specified in BS 1139. Aluminium generally doesn’t require protective treatment unless exposed to specific elements like damp lime, wet cement, or seawater. In such cases, a bitumastic paint coating before use is recommended. A significant advantage of aluminium is its lightweight nature, offering easier manoeuvrability and setup.


While less frequently employed in the UK, timber remains a prevalent choice in many developing countries for temporary scaffolding structures. Structural-quality softwood is utilized in either putlog or independent configurations. Unlike metal scaffolds with coupling fittings, timber members are traditionally joined together with wire or rope.


Unlike its steel counterpart, bamboo scaffolding boasts an eco-friendly advantage. It is a fast-growing renewable resource, with some species reaching maturity in as little as five years. This rapid growth rate makes it a sustainable alternative to steel, which requires significant energy and resources to produce.

Additionally, bamboo scaffolding is biodegradable, decomposing naturally after use. Bamboo’s unique properties make it surprisingly well-suited for scaffolding. Its high tensile strength allows it to support significant weight, while its natural flexibility makes it adaptable to various shapes and geometries.

bamboo scaffold
Figure 8: Bamboo scaffold in building construction

The selection of scaffolding material hinges on various project-specific considerations. Steel’s strength and stability make it ideal for heavy-duty tasks and longer spans, while aluminium’s lightweight properties offer advantages in portability and ease of use. Timber, though less common in some regions, presents a traditional and potentially cost-effective option in suitable settings.

Scaffold boards

Scaffold boards are important components of scaffolds used to provide safe working platforms within the scaffold structure. They are expected to adhere to the specifications outlined in BS 2482. Boards must be constructed from specified softwoods, measuring 225 mm x 38 mm in cross-section and with a maximum length of 4.800 meters.

To prevent splitting, the ends of each board are required to be bound with a minimum of 25 mm wide x 0.9 mm thick galvanized hoop iron. This reinforcement extends at least 150 mm along each edge and is secured with at least two fixings per end. The specified strength of the boards ensures they can safely support a uniformly distributed load of 6.7 kN/m2 when supported at 1.2m intervals.

Scaffold Fittings

British Standard dictates the specifications for both steel and aluminium alloy scaffolding fittings, ensuring consistency and reliability across materials. These fittings typically allow for connections between various metal tubes unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer. Here’s a breakdown of key fittings used in metal scaffolding:

  • Double Coupler: The primary load-bearing component, essential for connecting ledgers to standards.
  • Swivel Coupler: Composed of two joined single couplers, enabling rotation for connecting tubes at any angle.
  • Putlog Coupler: Specifically designed for attaching putlogs or transoms to horizontal ledgers.
  • Base Plate: Distributes weight from the standard’s foot onto a sole plate or firm ground. Variations with threaded spigots cater to uneven terrain.
  • Split Joint Pin: Expands to grip and join tubes end-to-end.
  • Reveal Pin: Fits into tube ends to create adjustable struts.
  • Putlog End: Converts a standard tube into a putlog using a flat plate attachment.
image 21
Figure 9: Typical steel scaffold fittings (Chudly and Greeno, 2005)

Stabilisers, Outriggers, or Diagonal Bracings

An optional attachment that can be adjusted to ensure ground contact where the surface is uneven. They should be attached securely to enable direct transfer of loads without slipping or rotating.

Structural Design of Scaffolds

The structural design of a scaffold system is very important for its functionality and safety. It addresses the optimal size, shape, and configuration of each component to guarantee the structure’s ability to withstand anticipated loads and external forces. By meticulously considering these details, the design mitigates excessive deflection, ensures overall stability, and prevents catastrophic collapse, thereby safeguarding both workers and the surrounding environment.

Understanding Scaffold Loads

The primary objective of scaffold structural design is to ensure the structure can withstand all anticipated loads throughout its service life. These loads can be broadly categorized into two groups:

  • Dead loads: The weight of the scaffold itself, including all its components like standards, ledgers, braces, and working platforms.
  • Live loads: The weight imposed on the scaffold by workers, materials, equipment, and any environmental factors like wind or snow.

Accurately calculating both dead and live loads is paramount for designing a safe and efficient scaffold. Safety factors are then applied to these calculated loads to account for uncertainties and potential overload scenarios.

typical structural analysis of scaffolds
Figure 10: Typical structural analysis of scaffolds

Scaffold Stability Analysis

An important aspect of structural design is assessing the scaffold’s stability under various loading conditions. This analysis involves evaluating factors like:

  • Overturning: The potential for the scaffold to tip over due to uneven loading or external forces like wind.
  • Deflection: The amount of bending or sagging experienced by the scaffold components under applied loads. Deflection limits are established to ensure worker safety and platform functionality.
  • Bending, Axial, and Shear stresses: The internal forces acting within scaffold members due to applied loads. These stresses must be within the material’s capacity to prevent failure.

Sophisticated engineering software can be employed for complex scaffold stability analysis, considering factors like material properties, connection details, and geometric configurations.

Key Design Principles

Several fundamental principles guide the structural design of scaffolds:

  • Strength: All scaffold components must be strong enough to support the anticipated loads without exceeding their material yield strength.
  • Stiffness: The scaffold must be sufficiently stiff to minimize deflection and maintain platform stability under load.
  • Ductility: Scaffold materials should exhibit some degree of ductility to deform slightly under overload, providing a warning sign before failure.
  • Stability: The scaffold must resist overturning and maintain its overall stability under varying load conditions.
  • Safety: The design must prioritize worker safety by incorporating guardrails, toeboards, and other fall protection measures.

Sources and Citations

Chudly R. and Greeno R. (2005): Construction Technology (4th Ed.). Pearson Education Limited, England
Chudly R. and Greeno R. (2006): Advanced Construction Technology (4th Ed.). Pearson Education Limited, England

Construction 2049 – A prediction into the future of AI in Construction

As we stand on the brink of 2024, the construction industry, one of the oldest and most vital sectors of our economy, is on the cusp of a revolutionary transformation. The catalyst of this transformation? Artificial Intelligence (AI). Historically, construction has been perceived as a sector slow to adopt new technologies. However, the winds of change are blowing, and they are powered by AI.

Imagine a construction site in 2049. It’s a hive of activity, but not in the way we know it today. Drones buzz overhead, scanning the site and feeding data back to AI algorithms. These algorithms, in turn, predict potential structural issues, optimize resource allocation, and ensure that every brick laid is a step toward a structure that is not only physically sound but also environmentally friendly and economically viable.

This article delves deep into this future, exploring how construction AI is poised to redefine the construction landscape. From transforming roles to introducing groundbreaking technologies, enhancing safety protocols, and navigating the ethical implications of such a profound integration, we’re embarking on a journey to uncover the future of construction in an AI-driven world.

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How might our roles in the construction industry change?

In the shadows of towering cranes and amidst the rhythmic hum of machinery, a new revolution is quietly unfolding in the construction industry. This revolution is not marked by the clang of hammers, but by the soft whir of processors and the glow of screens. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping the very fabric of construction roles, enhancing human capabilities, and opening new frontiers of innovation.

AI in construction goes beyond mere automation; it’s about augmentation. The construction worker of 2049 is a technologically empowered individual, equipped with smart helmets and AR displays, seamlessly integrating digital information with the physical world. These futuristic builders don’t just follow blueprints; they interact with holographic projections, adjust plans in real-time, and make data-driven decisions that optimize both the process and the product.

Project managers, too, are evolving into orchestrators of efficiency. AI provides them with real-time insights into every aspect of the project, from the supply chain logistics to the minute-to-minute progress on site. Predictive algorithms help in preempting delays, managing risks, and ensuring that the project stays on track, both timewise and financially.

Even safety officers are now guardians of a safer and more secure work environment, backed by AI’s vigilant eye. Automated drones monitor the site, identifying potential hazards and ensuring compliance with safety protocols. In this AI-augmented realm, the focus is on preventing accidents before they occur, ensuring that every worker returns home safe.

As we delve deeper into the future, one thing becomes clear: AI doesn’t spell the obsolescence of the human worker. Instead, it heralds a new age of collaboration between human intellect and artificial intelligence, a synergy where each complements the other, driving the construction industry towards unprecedented heights of efficiency, safety, and innovation.

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Emerging AI Technologies in Construction

As we venture into the future of construction, emerging AI technologies are not just reshaping the landscape; they’re redefining the very essence of project management, design, and execution. Companies like Civils.ai, nPlan, AI Clearing, CerebrumX, Wint, Saifety.ai, and OpenSpace are at the forefront of this revolution, each contributing a unique thread to the tapestry of an AI-integrated construction industry.

Singapore-based Civils.ai is a testament to how AI can streamline operations and enhance efficiency. As a SaaS tool utilizing a large language model, Civils.ai drastically reduces the time required to search through construction project documents. By processing information from various PDF documents, it enables users to extract precise answers to project-related queries swiftly.

The tool, using technology akin to that powering ChatGPT, has been fine-tuned specifically for the construction industry, transforming complex reports and data into a comprehensible format. The addition of geological data to create simulated environments marks a leap towards a future where project planning and execution are not just envisioned but virtually experienced and perfected.

AI Clearing, with its roots in Poland and operations in Austin, Texas, harnesses data from drones and on-site workers to provide a real-time snapshot of project progress. The integration with Oracle’s suite of products signifies a leap towards seamless project management, where discrepancies and delays are not just identified but preemptively addressed, ensuring that every cubic meter of concrete poured is a step in the right direction.

Michigan-based CerebrumX leverages real-time data from an expansive fleet of vehicles to redefine fleet management and maintenance. The platform’s ability to integrate data from modern and legacy systems alike offers a comprehensive overview of vehicle health and performance, paving the way for a future where fleet management is not just about maintenance but about proactive care and optimal operational efficiency.

Wint, hailing from Israel, employs AI to address one of the most pressing concerns in construction – water management. The AI-enabled system not only detects anomalies in water usage but takes decisive action, preventing potential damage and ensuring that resource management is not just a practice but a proactive, intelligent operation.

Lastly, OpenSpace.ai from California brings a digital dimension to physical construction sites. By digitizing real-life images and aligning them with digital models, OpenSpace offers a panoramic view of project progress, ensuring that the blueprint of a structure is not just a plan but a living, evolving narrative.

In the grand canvas of construction’s future, these companies and their AI-driven solutions represent not just technological advancements but a shift towards a more informed, efficient, and conscientious industry. The potential of AI in construction is not just in the automation of tasks but in the creation of a synergistic ecosystem where every stakeholder, every machine, and every data point is interconnected, driving the industry towards a future built on precision, foresight, and innovation.

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Challenges and Limitations in AI Adoption

While the integration of AI in the construction industry heralds a future filled with promise and potential, it’s not without its set of challenges and limitations. As the industry navigates through this technological transformation, it’s crucial to acknowledge and address these hurdles to harness AI’s full potential effectively.

One of the primary challenges lies in the realm of data. AI systems thrive on data, but the construction industry, traditionally cautious in its adoption of digital technologies, often grapples with fragmented and unstructured data. The lack of standardized, high-quality data can impede the efficiency and accuracy of AI algorithms. Establishing robust data governance and investing in data standardization are imperative steps in overcoming this challenge.

Another significant hurdle is the integration of AI into existing workflows. Construction projects involve a myriad of stakeholders, each with their specialized processes and systems. Seamlessly integrating AI into these complex workflows requires not just technological solutions but also a change in mindset, fostering a culture of innovation and openness to change.

Furthermore, the issue of cybersecurity looms large. As construction sites become more connected and reliant on AI, they become more vulnerable to cyber threats. Protecting sensitive data and ensuring the integrity of AI systems is paramount, necessitating stringent cybersecurity measures and constant vigilance.

The workforce, too, faces a pivotal challenge. The introduction of AI in construction necessitates a shift in skills. Workers need to be upskilled or reskilled to thrive in this new environment, where familiarity with digital tools and AI becomes as fundamental as traditional construction skills. This transition requires comprehensive training programs and a commitment to lifelong learning.

Lastly, the high initial cost of implementing AI technologies can be a barrier, especially for smaller firms. However, this investment is not just a cost but a leap into the future—a future where the returns, in terms of efficiency, safety, and sustainability, far outweigh the initial expenditure.

In addressing these challenges, the construction industry is not just preparing to integrate AI; it’s gearing up to redefine itself, emerging stronger, smarter, and more resilient.

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Ethical Considerations in AI Deployment

As the construction industry embraces AI, it’s imperative to navigate this new frontier with a compass pointed firmly towards ethical considerations. The integration of AI brings not just opportunities for growth and advancement but also a profound responsibility to ensure that this powerful technology is used in a manner that is responsible, transparent, and equitable.

Transparency is the cornerstone of ethical AI deployment. It’s crucial for AI systems to be transparent in their operations, enabling stakeholders to understand how decisions are made and ensuring that there’s a clear audit trail. This transparency extends to data handling practices, ensuring that all stakeholders are aware of how their data is used and that their privacy is protected.

Data privacy is another paramount concern. As construction sites become data-rich environments, safeguarding this data against breaches and ensuring it’s used in compliance with regulations and ethical standards is vital. This involves implementing robust cybersecurity measures and adhering to strict data governance policies.

Bias in AI is a challenge that transcends industries, and construction is no exception. Ensuring that AI systems are free from bias and offer equal opportunities to all is a moral imperative. This involves careful design and continuous monitoring of AI systems to ensure that they make decisions based on relevant criteria, free from discriminatory biases.

Moreover, the ethical deployment of AI in construction also means considering the impact on the workforce. It involves ensuring that the transition to a more AI-integrated workplace is just and inclusive, offering training and reskilling opportunities to workers and maintaining a human-centric approach to technology adoption.

In this journey towards an AI-driven future, the construction industry has the opportunity to set a benchmark for ethical AI deployment. By prioritizing transparency, data privacy, bias mitigation, and workforce welfare, the industry can ensure that the foundations it lays are not just physical structures but also the pillars of trust, integrity, and ethical progress.

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As we stand on the threshold of 2049, the silhouette of the construction industry is being redrawn by the invisible hands of Artificial Intelligence. The journey we’ve embarked upon is not just about integrating technology into brick and mortar; it’s about reimagining the very ethos of construction. It’s about building not just structures, but a legacy of innovation, safety, and sustainability.

The construction industry, with its rich heritage and foundational significance, is on the cusp of a new era. An era where AI is not a distant dream but an integral part of every nail driven and every beam placed. This journey, however, is not without its challenges. It requires a steadfast commitment to ethical standards, a dedication to continual learning and adaptation, and a resolve to navigate the complexities of this technological integration with a clear vision and a steady hand.

As we peer into the future, the potential of AI in construction unfurls before us, limitless and brimming with possibilities. It beckons us to build not just with concrete and steel, but with data and algorithms, to construct not just edifices, but ecosystems of efficiency, safety, and harmony.

‘Construction 2049 – A Prediction into the Future of AI in Construction’ is not just a forecast; it’s a call to action. It’s an invitation to the industry to embrace this technological revolution, to wield the tools of AI not just with intelligence, but with wisdom, integrity, and a vision that transcends the horizon. For in this union of technology and tenacity, lies the blueprint of the future—a future constructed with the bricks of innovation and the mortar of human ingenuity.

Fire Resistance Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures

The design and construction of building structures must adhere to fire resistance performance requirements stipulated within the Building Regulations. When exposed to intense heat, concrete undergoes complex physical and chemical transformations.

Initially, the surface loses moisture, followed by spalling (explosive cracking) as internal moisture vaporizes. As temperatures rise further, the calcium silicate hydrates, the binding agents within the concrete, decompose, leading to a significant loss in strength and stiffness.

Steel reinforcement is also significantly affected by fire. Its tensile strength diminishes rapidly at elevated temperatures, increasing the risk of failure. Steel reinforcement suffers strength degradation with a 50% loss occurring around 560°C and a 75% loss at approximately 700°C. Therefore, adequate concrete cover is essential to delay the time it takes for the reinforcement to reach temperatures triggering structural failure.

concrete structure damaged by fire
Figure 1: Concrete structure damaged by fire

During a fire event, the primary structural concerns pertain to the floor construction directly above the flames and any supporting columns or walls. The fire resistance of the floor elements, comprising beams, ribs, and slabs, hinges critically on the thermal protection provided to the bottom reinforcement.

To ensure stability during a fire event, structural elements must exhibit a minimum specified period of fire resistance as determined by standardized testing procedures. The requisite fire resistance period depends on two primary factors:

  1. Building Purpose Group: The designated purpose group of the building, which categorizes its intended use and occupant occupancy levels, dictates the baseline fire resistance requirements.
  2. Building Height and Depth: Additionally, the height of the above-ground structure, or alternatively, the depth of a basement relative to the ground level, further influences the mandated fire resistance period. These correlations are detailed in Table 1.
Purpose group of buildingMinimum fire periods (hours) for elements of structure
Basement storyGround or upper story
Depth (m) of lowest basementHeight (m) of top floor above ground in building or separated part of a building
≤ 10>10≤ 5≤ 18≤ 30>30
Residential Flats and maisonettes  1.0
Residential dwelling houses0.50.51.0
Residential (institutional)
Other residential1.
Office (not sprinklered)
Office (sprinklered)
Shop and commercial (not sprinklered)
Shop and commercial (sprinklered)
Assembly and recreation (not sprinklered)
Assembly and recreation (sprinklered)
Industrial (not sprinklered)
Industrial (sprinklered)
Storage and other non-residential (not sprinklered)
Storage and other non-residential (sprinklered)
Table 1: Building regulations (minimum fire periods)

Beyond the minimum regulatory requirements, building insurers may impose stricter fire resistance demands for specific scenarios, such as high-value storage facilities, where contents and potential reconstruction costs necessitate extended fire containment.

Fire Resistance Design Approaches in BS 8110

British Standard 8110 (BS 8110) establishes a two-tier framework for fire resistance design:

  • Part 1: Simple Recommendations: This section caters to a broad range of applications and provides straightforward recommendations suitable for most common design scenarios.
  • Part 2: Detailed Design Methods: For intricate fire resistance considerations, Part 2 offers a more nuanced approach, presenting three distinct design methods:
    • Tabulated Data: Predefined tables specify minimum element dimensions and concrete cover thicknesses for various structural members, simplifying selection for typical cases.
    • Furnace Testing: Direct fire exposure testing on specific structural components can be conducted to validate or optimize their fire resistance performance.
    • Fire Engineering Calculations: Advanced fire engineering analysis methods enable bespoke calculations of component and system behaviour under fire conditions, offering greater flexibility and design customization for complex scenarios.

Importantly, BS 8110 recognizes the influence of section geometry on concrete cover requirements. For beams and ribs, the specified cover thicknesses can be adjusted based on the actual width of the structural member, optimizing material usage and maintaining adequate protection for the embedded reinforcement.

Part 1 of the relevant design standard adopts the same fundamental data as Part 2 for determining fire resistance requirements. However, the presentation format differs in two key aspects:

  1. Nominal Cover: Instead of tailoring cover thicknesses based on section width, Part 1 specifies a single “nominal cover” value applicable to all reinforcement, inclusive of an allowance for link elements in beams and columns.
  2. Simplified Values: Unlike Part 2’s dynamic adjustments based on section geometry, Part 1 utilizes fixed cover and dimension values tabulated in Tables 2 and 3 for simplified application in diverse design scenarios.
Fire period (hours)Nominal cover (mm)
Simply supportedContinuousSimply supportedContinuousSimply supportedContinuous 
Table 2: Nominal cover for different fire periods (BS 8110)

Where values are shown in parenthesis, additional measures should be taken to reduce the risk of spalling. For the purpose of assessing a nominal cover for beams and columns, an allowance for links of 10mm has been made to cover the range from 8 mm to 12 mm.

Minimum beam dimensions for fire resistance
Figure 2: Minimum beam dimensions for fire resistance
minimum dimensions for floors fire resistance
Figure 3: Minimum floor dimensions for fire resistance
Minimum column dimensions for fire resistance
Figure 4: Minimum column dimensions for fire resistance
Fire resistance period (hours)Minimum beam width (b) mmMinimum rib width (b) mmMinimum floor thickness (h) mmMinimum column width (b)Minimum wall thickness for reinforcement percentage p
Fully exposed (mm)50% exposed (mm)One face exposed (mm)p < 0.4 (mm)0.4 < p < 1.0 (mm)p > 1.0 (mm)
Table 3: Minimum dimensions of structural elements

The design approach considers the different implications of fire on load-bearing behaviour:

  • Simply Supported Spans: For these elements, a 50% strength loss in the bottom reinforcement can be critical, necessitating stricter cover requirements to ensure continued stability.
  • Continuous Spans: In this case, some degree of bottom reinforcement strength loss can be tolerated as the top reinforcement retains its full capacity and contributes to load redistribution.

Excessive concrete cover, while enhancing thermal protection, also carries the risk of premature spalling during fire exposure. This phenomenon is particularly concerning for concretes containing aggregates rich in silica. Therefore, finding the optimal balance between adequate cover and minimizing spalling risk becomes crucial for effective fire resistance design.

When exceeding a nominal concrete cover of 40 mm, alternative strategies necessitate consideration. BS 8110 Part 2 details several potential approaches. Primarily, cover reduction is preferred, achieved through supplementary protection elements like applied finishes, false ceilings, or lightweight aggregates (LWA). A final option involves deploying “sacrificial steel,” exceeding necessary reinforcement to accommodate potential fire-induced strength loss.

If exceeding 40 mm remains unavoidable, additional reinforcement via welded steel fabric embedded 20 mm from the concrete surface is permitted. However, significant practical limitations exist, and potential conflict with durability requirements in certain scenarios must be assessed.

Fire Resistance Design Approaches in EN 1992 (Eurocode 2)

The general requirement in Eurocode 2 for the fire design of reinforced concrete structures is that structures should be able to retain their load-bearing function during the required time of fire exposure. Eurocode 2, Part 1-2: Structural fire design, offers three approaches for fire resistance determination: advanced, simplified, and tabular methods.

While tabular methods provide the fastest route for calculating minimum slab dimensions and cover thicknesses, their application is subject to specific limitations. Consulting specialist literature is recommended for further guidance on the intricacies of advanced and simplified methods.

Unlike the other approaches, the tabular method employs the concept of nominal axis distance (a) instead of a minimum cover. This parameter represents the distance from the centre of the primary reinforcing bar to the member’s exposed surface. It is important to note that the value of a is nominal, not a true minimum requirement.

EC 2 also introduces a more adaptable approach to fire safety design, founded on the concept of “load ratio” – the ratio of applied load at the fire limit state to the element’s ambient temperature capacity.

Fire Performance Criteria

Three fundamental performance criteria are established:

  • Criterion R: Load bearing function is maintained for the requisite fire resistance duration.
  • Criterion I: Average temperature rise across the unexposed surface does not exceed 140 K, and no point on that surface surpasses 180 K, thereby potentially preventing ignition of combustible materials on the protected side of a compartment wall.
  • Criterion E: No cracks, holes, or openings allowing flame or hot gas passage from the fire compartment to adjacent unburnt compartments.

For standard fire exposure, members must comply with criteria R, E, and I as follows:

  • Load bearing only: Mechanical resistance (criterion R)
  • Separation only: Integrity (criterion E) and, optionally, insulation (criterion I)
  • Combined load bearing and separation: Criteria R, E, and, optionally, I

Notations like R30, R60, E30, E60, I30, and I60 signify compliance with the respective criteria (R, E, and I) during at least 30 or 60 minutes of standard fire exposure. REI 90 signifies simultaneous compliance with all three criteria for at least 90 minutes, with the most critical criterion governing the classification.

These criteria are evaluated within a structural fire design analysis encompassing the following steps:

  1. Selection of relevant fire scenarios based on a fire risk assessment.
  2. Determination of the corresponding design fire, applicable to only one fire compartment at a time.
  3. Calculation of temperature evolution within structural members, considering fire exposure through facade and roof openings for external members.
  4. Calculation of the mechanical behaviour of the structure under fire exposure.

Design Based on Tabulated Data

Tabulated data presents minimum cross-sectional dimensions and nominal axis distances for primary reinforcement, accompanied by detailed specifications tailored to each member type. This method offers a validated approach for verifying the fire resistance of individual structural members, providing recognized design solutions for standard fire exposures up to a duration of 240 minutes. A key advantage is the expedited verification of whether dimensions derived from ambient temperature design remain acceptable under fire conditions. The following considerations are pertinent:

  • The tabulated values are predicated upon a standard fire exposure as defined by ISO 834.
  • Their development rests upon empirical tests, further corroborated by practical experience and theoretical evaluations of test results. The values themselves err on the side of conservatism to ensure safety margins.
  • Applicability is limited to normal-weight concrete composed of siliceous aggregates. In beams and slabs utilizing calcareous or lightweight aggregates, a 10% reduction in minimum cross-sectional dimensions is permissible.
  • Adhering to tabulated values eliminates the necessity for additional assessments regarding explosive spalling, shear and torsion capacity, and anchorage details.
image 12
Figure 5: Sections through structural members, showing nominal axis distance a (Source EN 1992-1-2:2004)

General rules

1. To ensure compliance with criterion R (load-bearing function) during the specified standard fire resistance, minimum requirements for cross-sectional dimensions and reinforcement axis distances have been established. The tabulated data assume a reference load level of μfi = 0.7.

2. The tables specify minimum concrete cover as the distance “a” between the main reinforcement’s axis and the nearest concrete surface (see Figure 5). These axis distances are nominal values, not requiring tolerance allowances. Note that Eurocode 2, Part 1-1, addressing normal temperature design, defines concrete cover “c” as the distance from the reinforcing bar’s edge to the closest concrete surface. Therefore, for a longitudinal rebar with a diameter φbar, the relationship between “a” and “c” can typically be expressed as a = c + φstirrup + φbar/2, where φstirrup represents the stirrup diameter.

3. Minimum axis distances for reinforcement located within tensile zones of simply supported beams and slabs were calculated using a critical steel temperature (θcr) of 500 °C. This critical temperature signifies the point at which steel yields under the fire-induced steel stress (σs,fi). For prestressing tendons, critical temperatures are assumed to be 400 °C for bars and 350 °C for strands and wires.

Fire Resistance Requirements of Slabs (EC2)

In ensuring acceptable fire resistance for reinforced and prestressed concrete slabs, Table 4 provides minimum thicknesses that satisfy the separation function (Criteria E and I). While thicker floor finishes can enhance separation, load-bearing capacity (Criterion R) can be solely determined by the slab thickness required for design under EN 1992-1-1 if this function is the only concern. This approach streamlines assessment by considering separate functions when necessary and leveraging existing design rules for load-bearing capacity.

image 15
Figure 6: Concrete slab with floor finishes (Source EN 1992-1-2:2004)

Simply supported solid slabs

Table 4 provides minimum values of axis distance to the soffit of simply supported slabs for standard fire resistances of R 30 to R 240. In two-way spanning slabs, a denotes the axis distance of the reinforcement in the lower layer.

Standard Fire ResistanceMinimum dimensions (mm)
Slab thickness hs (mm)Axis distance a
One wayTwo-way ly/lx ≤ 2.0Two way ly/lx ≤ 2.0
REI 306010*10*10*
REI 60802010*15*
REI 901003015*20
REI 120120402025
REI 180150553040
REI 240175654050
ly and lx are the spans of a two-way slab (two directions at right angles) where ly is the longer span. For prestressed slabs, the increase of axis distance according to 5.2(5) should be noted.
The axis distance (a) in Columns 4 and 5 for two-way slabs relates to slabs supported at all four edges. Otherwise, they should be treated as a one-way spanning slab.
* Normally the cover required by EN 1992-1-1 will control.
Table 4: Minimum dimensions and axis distances for reinforced and prestressed concrete simply supported one-way and two-way solid slabs (Source EN 1992-1-2:2004)

The values given in Table 4 (Columns 2 and 4) also apply to one-way or two-way continuous slabs.

Ribbed Slabs

Assessing the fire resistance of ribbed slabs, reinforced or prestressed, follows different paths for one-way and two-way configurations. For one-way slabs, specific provisions for beams, Table 4, columns 2 and 5 for flanges govern.

In contrast, two-way ribbed slabs rely on the values in Tables 5 and 6, alongside additional rules, assuming predominantly uniform loading. These tables cater to simply supported or restrained edge scenarios with varying fire resistance requirements and reinforcement detailing stipulations.

Notably, Table 5 applies to simply supported or one restrained edge cases with fire resistance below REI 180 where specific upper reinforcement arrangements are absent. For slabs with at least one restrained edge, Table 6 takes precedence, and section 5.6.3(3) of EN 1992-1-2 dictates the upper reinforcement detailing across all fire resistance levels.

Standard fire resistanceMinimum dimensions (mm)
Possible combinations of widths of ribs bmin and axis distance aSlab thickness hs and axis distance a in flange
REI 30bmin = 80
a = 15*
  hs = 80
a = 10*
REI 60bmin = 100
a = 35
hs = 80
a = 10*
REI 90bmin = 120
a = 45
hs = 100
a = 15*
REI 120bmin = 160
a = 45
hs = 120
a = 20
REI 180bmin = 220
a = 75
hs = 150
a = 30
REI 240bmin = 280
a = 90
hs = 175
a = 40
asd = a + 10
asd denotes the distance measured between the axis of reinforcement and lateral surface of the rib exposed to fire.
*Normally the cover required by EN 1992-1-1 will control
Table 5: Minimum dimensions and axis distances for two-way spanning ribbed slabs (waffle slabs) in reinforced concrete with simply supported edges (Source EN 1992-1-2:2004)
Standard fire resistanceMinimum dimensions (mm)
Possible combinations of widths of ribs bmin and axis distance aSlab thickness hs and axis distance a in flange
REI 30bmin = 80
a = 10*
  hs = 80
a = 10*
REI 60bmin = 100
a = 25
hs = 80
a = 10*
REI 90bmin = 120
a = 35
hs = 100
a = 15
REI 120bmin = 160
a = 45
hs = 120
a = 20
REI 180bmin = 310
a = 60
 hs = 150
a = 30
REI 240bmin = 450
a = 70
 hs = 175
a = 40
asd = a + 10
asd denotes the distance measured between the axis of reinforcement and lateral surface of the rib exposed to fire.
*Normally the cover required by EN 1992-1-1 will control
Table 6: Minimum dimensions and axis distances for two-way spanning ribbed slabs (waffle slabs) in reinforced concrete with at least one restrained edge (Source EN 1992-1-2:2004)

Flat Slabs

Flat slabs exhibiting minimal moment redistribution (less than 15% in accordance with EN 1992-1-1, Section 5) may be assessed for fire resistance utilizing the same principles as one-way slabs, employing axis distances and minimum thicknesses outlined in Table 7. However, for fire resistance ratings of REI 90 or higher, additional measures are mandated.

At least 20% of the top reinforcement spanning intermediate supports, as prescribed by EN 1992-1-1, must be continuous across the entire slab and positioned within the column strip. Furthermore, no reduction in the minimum slab thickness, regardless of floor finishes, is permitted. In essence, elevated fire resistance demands necessitate stricter continuity and thickness requirements for flat slabs with limited moment redistribution.

Standard fire resistance  Minimum dimensions (mm)
Slab thickness hsAxis distance a
REI 3015010*
REI 6018015*
REI 9020025
REI 12020035
REI 18020045
REI 24020050
*Normally the cover required by EN 1992-1-1 will control
Table 7: Minimum dimensions and axis distances for reinforced and prestressed concrete solid flat slabs (Source EN 1992-1-2:2004)

Fire Resistance Requirement of Beams

The fire resistance of reinforced and prestressed concrete beams can be confidently assessed using the data presented in Tables 8 and 9. These tables apply specifically to beams experiencing fire exposure on three sides, assuming the top surface is adequately insulated by overlying slabs or other elements throughout the designated fire resistance period. For scenarios where fire exposure occurs on all sides of the beam, additional considerations outlined in clause 4.6.5 of EN 1992 1-2 must be taken into account.

image 16
Figure 7: Definition of dimensions for different types of beam section (Source EN 1992-1-2:2004)

Simply supported beams

Table 8 provides minimum values of axis distance to the soffit and sides of simply supported beams together with minimum values of the width of beam, for standard fire resistances of R 30 to R 240.

Standard fire resistanceMinimum dimensions (mm)
Possible combinations of a and bmin where a is the average axis distance and bmin is the width of the beamWeb thickness bw
Class WAClass WBClass WC
R30bmin = 80
a = 25
R60bmin = 120
a = 40
R90bmin = 150
a = 55
R120bmin = 200
a = 65
R180bmin = 240
a = 80
R240bmin = 280
a = 90
asd = a + 10
asd is the axis distance to the side of beam for the corner bars (or tendon or wire) of beams with only one layer of reinforcement. For values of bmin greater than that given in Column 4 no increase of asd is required.
* Normally the cover required by EN 1992-1-1 will control.
Table 8: Minimum dimensions and axis distances for simply supported beams made with reinforced and prestressed concrete (Source EN 1992-1-2:2004)

Continuous Beams

For continuous beams with standard fire resistance ratings ranging from R 30 to R 240, Table 9 specifies minimum axis distances to the soffit and sides, along with minimum beam widths. However, the validity of this data hinges on two crucial conditions:

  1. Detailed Design Compliance: All prescribed detailing rules outlined in the source material must be meticulously followed.
  2. Moment Redistribution Limit: The redistribution of bending moments at normal temperatures must not exceed 15%. Beyond this threshold, the beams must be treated as simply supported for fire resistance assessment purposes.
Standard fire resistanceMinimum dimensions (mm)
Possible combinations of a and bmin where a is the average axis distance and bmin is the width of the beamWeb thickness bw
Class WAClass WBClass WC
R30bmin = 80
a = 15*
R60bmin = 120
a = 25
R90bmin = 150
a = 35
R120bmin = 200
a = 45
R180bmin = 240
a = 60
R240bmin = 280
a = 75
asd = a + 10
asd is the axis distance to the side of beam for the corner bars (or tendon or wire) of beams with only one layer of reinforcement. For values of bmin greater than that given in Column 4 no increase of asd is required.
* Normally the cover required by EN 1992-1-1 will control.
Table 9: Minimum dimensions and axis distances for continuous beams made with reinforced and prestressed concrete (see also Table 8) (Source EN 1992-1-2:2004)

Fire Resistance Requirement of Columns

The fire resistance of reinforced and prestressed concrete columns in braced structures primarily subjected to compression can be evaluated through two methods (Method A and Method B). Method A offers a streamlined approach, relying on the data in Table 10 and adhering to specific accompanying rules. This method ensures adequate fire resistance under these conditions, enabling efficient structural design in fire-resistant buildings.

  • effective length of the column (for definition see EN 1992-1-1 Section 5) under fire conditions: lO,fi ≤ 3 m
  • first-order eccentricity under fire conditions: e = MOEd,fi / NOEd,fi ≤ emax
  • amount of reinforcement: As < 0.04 Ac

Degree of utilization in the fire situation, μfi, has been introduced in Table 10. This accounts for the load combinations, compressive strength of the column and bending including second-order effects.

μfi = NEd.fi/NRd

NEd,fi is the design axial load in the fire situation,
NRd is the design resistance of the column at normal temperature conditions

NRd is calculated according to EN 1992-1-1 with Ym for normal temperature design, including second-order effects and an initial eccentricity equal to the eccentricity of NEd,fi.

Standard fire resistanceMinimum dimensions (mm)
Column width bmin/axis distance a of the main bars
Exposed on more than one sideExposed on one side
μfi = 0.2μfi = 0.5μfi = 0.7μfi = 0.7
R 30200/25200/25200/32
R 60200/25200/36
R 90200/31
R 120250/40
R 180350/45**350/63**450/70**230/55
R 240350/61**450/75**295/70
** Minimum 8 bars
Table 10: Minimum column dimensions and axis distances for columns with rectangular or circular section (Source EN 1992-1-2:2004)

Fire Resistance Requirements of Load Bearing Walls

Adequate fire resistance of load-bearing reinforced concrete walls may be assumed if the data given in Table 11 and the following rules are applied. The minimum wall thickness values given in Table 11 may also be used for plain concrete walls (see EN 1992-1-1, Section 12).

Standard Fire ResistanceMinimum dimensions (mm)
μfi = 0.35μfi = 0.7
Wall exposed on one sideWall exposed on two sidesWall exposed on one sideWall exposed on two sides
REI 30100/10*120/10*120/10*120/10*
REI 60110/10*120/10*130/10*140/10*
REI 90120/20*140/10*140/25170/25
REI 120150/25*160/25160/35220/35
REI 180180/40200/45210/50270/55
REI 240230/55250/55270/60350/60
* Normally the cover required by EN 1992-1-1 will control.
Table 11: Minimum dimensions and axis distances for load – bearing concrete walls (Source EN 1992-1-2:2004)


Designing for fire resistance in reinforced concrete structures requires a delicate balance between minimizing material usage and ensuring adequate structural integrity during a fire event. This can be achieved by utilizing minimum concrete covers and dimensions prescribed in codes and guidelines like Eurocode 2 part 2.

These minimums safeguard the internal reinforcement from excessive temperature rise, protecting its strength and maintaining load-bearing capacity. However, blindly applying these minimums is insufficient. Fire resistance design also involves factors like:

  • Member type and loading: Different elements, like beams, columns, and slabs, experience varying heat transfer and stress under fire. Specific rules tailored to each element dictate minimum covers and dimensions to ensure stability.
  • Fire exposure conditions: The duration and intensity of the fire exposure significantly impact required member sizes and cover thicknesses.
  • Concrete properties: High-strength concrete offers improved fire resistance compared to normal-strength concrete, allowing for potentially thinner sections due to its enhanced thermal insulation.

Optimizing fire resistance design with minimum covers and dimensions necessitates a holistic approach, considering element type, exposure conditions, and material properties. By applying code provisions and understanding the underlying thermal and structural behaviour, engineers can create fire-resistant concrete structures while minimizing material consumption and cost.

Guidelines for Fixing and Tying of Reinforcement

In the construction of reinforced concrete structures, reinforcement bars must be tied together in order to hold them in place and to also facilitate the transfer of stresses from one bar to another. The joint between two different rebars should be rigid such that they are not displaced during concreting.

There are specific rules or guidelines for fixing and tying of reinforcements. It is not necessary to tie every joint of reinforcing bars, however, it is not recommended to tie at alternate spacing exceeding 50 times the diameter of the bar.

Tying of reinforcements is usually done using steel binding wire, or any other type of approved flexible wire. This can be done manually or by the use of special machines. A good binding wire should be soft, possess high strength and ductility, and should easily be bent to tie a knot.

Binding wire for tying of reinforcement
Binding wire

The current British Standard or guideline for tying reinforcement can be found in the document BS 7973-2:2001 (Spacers and chairs for steel reinforcement and their specification — Part 2: Fixing and application of spacers and chairs and tying of reinforcement).

The following guidelines given below according to BS 7973-2:2001 apply to the tying of reinforcement in various reinforced concrete elements. It should be noted that the projecting end of binding wires should not be allowed to encroach into the concrete cover of the structure. In water retaining structures, this can be a source of leakage.

Fixing and tying of reinforcement in slabs

In reinforced concrete slabs, perimeter bars shall be tied at every intersection. For bars up to and including 20 mm, alternate intersections shall be tied. Reinforcement at right angles to the edge of the slab shall be fixed by locating the bar with the specified end cover and tying it from that end inward. Where all bars are 25 mm or larger they may be tied at greater than alternate intersections but not exceeding 50 times the size of the smallest bars.

slab reinforcement

Fixing and tying of reinforcement within beams

In a reinforced concrete beam, every intersection of a corner of a link with a longitudinal main bar shall be tied. Other bars within the links shall be tied at 50D centres. Where welded fabric is used as a link cage, it shall be tied at 50D centres to the main bars. Each set of multiple links shall be tied together.

Fixing and tying of reinforcement within columns

Because of the importance of keeping the main vertical bars in their correct position, every intersection between vertical bars and links shall be tied in reinforced concrete columns. For link cages made of welded fabric the vertical wires shall be tied at 50D centres to the main bars. Each set of multiple links shall be tied together.

Fixing and tying of reinforcement within foundations

tying of reinforcement in foundation

In pad footings, the horizontal part of starter bars shall be tied at every intersection with the foundation reinforcement at right angles to the starter bars and any bars parallel to it. The vertical part of the starter bar shall be tied at every intersection with any column links within the foundation.

Fixing and tying of reinforcement within walls

In reinforced concrete walls, perimeter bars shall be tied at every intersection. For bars up to and including 20 mm, alternate intersections shall be tied. Reinforcement at right angles to the end of a wall shall be fixed by locating the bar with the specified end cover and tying it from that end inward. Where all bars are 25 mm or larger they may be tied at greater alternate intersections but not exceeding 50 times the size of the smallest bars.

tying of reinforcement in wall

Steel Reinforcement in Concrete Structures

In the construction industry, reinforced concrete typically employs the use of deformed reinforcement steel bars or, alternatively, welded steel mesh fabric to enhance its structural integrity. Concrete is weak in tension, and as a result, steel reinforcement is used to take up the tensile stresses that develop in the structure. This approach hinges entirely upon the inherent alkalinity of the concrete cover to protect the reinforcement against corrosion.

Special situations may necessitate the utilization of galvanized, epoxy-coated, or even stainless steel for improved protection. Recent advancements have paved the way for the development of fibre-reinforced polymer materials, yet their application in the construction industry typically predominantly focuses on external strengthening and remediation of existing damage.

Reinforcement Bars

Within the United Kingdom, the specification, procurement, and delivery of reinforcing bars are primarily governed by the BS 4449 standard. This standard encompasses steel bars possessing a yield strength of 500 MPa, categorized into three distinct ductility levels: B500A, B500B, and B500C. Hot-rolled bars intended for conventional applications, manufactured within the UK, exhibit a characteristic strength of 500 MPa and conform to either Class B or C ductility criteria. The notations for steel reinforcement bars are shown in Table 1.

Type of steel reinforcementNotation
Grade B500A, B500B or B500C to BS 4449H
Grade B500A to BS 4449A
Grade B500B or B500C to BS 4449B
Grade B500C to BS 4449C
A specified grade and type of ribbed stainless steel to BS 6744S
Reinforcement of a type not included above but with material properties defined in the design or contract specification.X
Table 1: Notation for steel reinforcement bars

These bars feature a circular cross-section, characterized by sets of parallel transverse ribs interspersed with longitudinal ribs. The nominal size denotes the diameter of a circle whose area corresponds to the bar’s effective cross-sectional area. Notably, the maximum overall size surpasses the nominal size by approximately 15%.

ribs in steel reinforcement
Steel reinforcement bars are ribbed

Manufacture of reinforcement bars

The production of all reinforcing bars relies upon a hot-rolling process. Under this method, a cast steel billet undergoes reheating to a temperature range of 1100°C to 1200°C, followed by subsequent rolling within a dedicated mill. This rolling sequence serves to both reduce the billet’s cross-section and imprint the desired rib pattern upon its surface. Two primary techniques exist for achieving the requisite mechanical properties within hot-rolled bars: in-line heat treatment and micro-alloying.

The in-line heat treatment approach, sometimes referred to as the quench-and-self-temper (QST) process, utilizes high-pressure water sprays to rapidly cool the bar’s surface as it exits the rolling mill. This quenching action generates a bar with a tempered outer layer offering enhanced rigidity, while preserving a softer, more ductile core. The majority of reinforcing bars employed within the United Kingdom are manufactured through this method, typically achieving either Class B or Class C ductility classifications.

Conversely, the micro-alloying technique relies upon the addition of minute quantities of alloying elements during the steel-making process itself to achieve the desired strength properties. Steel bars manufactured through this method generally attain Class C ductility. A historical approach, albeit now obsolete within the UK, involved cold-twisting the bars to achieve high-yield strength. These bars are identifiable by their characteristic spiralling longitudinal ribs and may still be seen in certain older structures.

Properties of Reinforcement Bars

The essential properties of bars to BS 4449 and wires to BS 4482, both of which are in general conformity with BS EN 10080, are given in Table 2 for a characteristic yield strength of 500 MPa.

Ductility ClassABC
Grade designationB500AB500BB500C
Characteristic tensile/yield strength ratio1.051.081.15
Characteristic total elongation at maximum force (%)
Table 2: Properties of reinforcement bars

It is important to note that in construction works, the preferred bar sizes are 8 mm, 10 mm, 12 mm, 16 mm, 20 mm, 25 mm, 32 mm and 40 mm. For sizes below 8 mm, the values are 1.02 for the strength ratio, and 1% for the total elongation. For bar sizes smaller than 8 mm or larger than 40 mm, the recommended sizes are 6mm and 50mm respectively. The absolute maximum permissible value for yield strength is 650 MPa and 1.35 for tensile/yield strength ratio.

Area of reinforcement based on number and spacing of steel bars

Table 3 provides the cross-sectional area of the number of reinforcement bars (mm2) for different sizes of bars (mm). This is typically used in the design of beams and columns.

Number of barsCross-sectional area of number of bars (mm2) for sizes of bars (mm)
Table 3: The cross-sectional area of number of bars (mm2) for sizes of bars (mm)

Table 4 presents precise values for the total cross-sectional area provided within a concrete section, based on the number or spacing of bars and their respective sizes. This is used in the design of slabs, walls, footings, and raft foundations.

Spacing of bars (mm)Cross-sectional area of  bars per unit width (mm2/m) for sizes of bars (mm)
225 2233495038941396218235745585
250 2013144528041257196332175027
275  2864117311142178529254570
300  2623776701047163626814189
Table 4: The cross-sectional area of  bars per unit width (mm2/m) for sizes of bars (mm)

Cutting and Bending Tolerances

Reinforcing bars are typically manufactured and stockpiled in standard lengths of 12 meters. Upon special request, bars of up to 18 meters in length can be procured. However, the majority of structural applications necessitate shorter bar lengths, frequently requiring bending to specific configurations.

supply length of reinforcements
Typical supply length of reinforcements

To ensure consistent and accurate fabrication, the cutting and bending of reinforcement is generally mandated to comply with the stipulations outlined in BS 8666. This standard defines the following tolerances for critical dimensions:

Cutting and Bending ProcessTolerance (mm)
Cutting of straight lengths± 25
Bending dimension (mm) ≤ 1000
> 1000 and ≤ 2000
> 2000
± 5
+5, -10
+5, -25
Table 5: Bending and cutting tolerance to BS 8666


The incorporation of steel reinforcement within a concrete matrix, an important practice in modern construction known as reinforced concrete, fosters a synergistic relationship that enhances the material’s structural performance. While concrete possesses robust compressive strength, its inherent brittleness renders it susceptible to tensile failure under applied loads.

The introduction of steel rebars, strategically positioned within the concrete, effectively mitigates this vulnerability due to their superior tensile resistance. This complementary interaction offers several key advantages to reinforced concrete structures. Notably, it significantly increases load-bearing capacity, enabling the construction of larger and more complex structures. Additionally, it enhances flexural and shear resistance, contributing to improved structural integrity and resilience.

Soil Classification and Typical Engineering Properties of Soils

In geotechnical engineering, soil classification serves as a crucial framework for standardizing soil descriptions and grouping similar soils based on characteristics that profoundly influence their behaviour. These systems offer a systematic understanding of diverse soil types and their inherent properties, ultimately informing geotechnical engineering assessments and construction practices.

The primary determinant of a soil’s classification is the relative abundance of its constituent particle sizes: gravel, sand, silt, and clay. Additionally, specific attributes of the silt and clay fractions often come into play, particularly in distinguishing between these finer particle groups.

A key distinction arises from the definition of “clay” within soil classification. Unlike conventional size categorization, the term encompasses materials possessing specific mineralogical and behavioural characteristics. Clays are defined by the presence of clay minerals within the fines fraction, exhibiting distinct compositions and behaviours compared to silts and coarse-grained soils. Notably, clays inherently exhibit plasticity, the ability to remain deformed even after the removal of load. While finer particle sizes often correspond to clay minerals, some exceptions exist.

To quantify the plasticity characteristics of the fines fraction, laboratory Atterberg limit tests serve as the primary tool. These tests, including liquid limit and plasticity index measurements, provide essential data for classification purposes. However, in situations where laboratory testing is unavailable, simple “visual identification” tests can offer preliminary distinctions between clays and silts in the field.

The most popular methods of soil classification are the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) and AASHTO Method. This article discusses the use of the USCS soil classification system and the typical range of engineering properties for different soil groups.

The Unified Soil Classification System (USCS)

The Unified Soil Classification System (USCS), as presented below, offers a widely adopted classification framework. Similar to the AASHTO system, it utilizes grain size distribution, liquid limit, and plasticity index as its primary classification criteria.

The Unified Soil Classification System (USCS)
The Unified Soil Classification System (USCS)
image 11
Plasticity Chart for fine-grained soils

Soils are categorized into USCS groups designated by distinct symbols and corresponding names. Each symbol comprises two letters: the first indicating the dominant particle size fraction and the second serving as a descriptive modifier. In certain instances, dual symbols are employed to accurately represent the soil’s characteristics.

Coarse-grained soils are divided into two categories: gravel soils (symbol G) and sand soils (symbol S). Sands and gravels are further subdivided into four subcategories as follows.

symbol W: well-graded, fairly clean
symbol C: significant amounts of clay
symbol P: poorly graded, fairly clean
symbol M: significant amounts of silt

Fine-grained soils are divided into three categories: inorganic silts (symbol M), inorganic clays (symbol C), and organic silts and clays (symbol O). These three are subdivided into two subcategories as follows.

symbol L: low compressibilities (LL less than 50)
symbol H: high compressibilities (LL 50 or greater)

The most recognised and common classification of soils in engineering is shown in Table 1;

Class group SymbolDescription
GWwell-graded, clean gravels, gravel-sand mixtures
GPpoorly graded clean gravels, gravel-sand mixtures
GMsilty gravels, poorly graded gravel-sand silt
GCclayey gravels, poorly graded gravel-sand-clay
SWwell-graded clean sands, gravelly sands
SPpoorly graded clean sands, sand-gravel mix
SMsilty sands, poorly graded sand-silt mix
SM-SCsand-silt-clay mix with slightly plastic fines
SCclayey sands, poorly graded sand-clay mix
MLinorganic silts and clayey silts
ML-CLmixture of organic silt and clay
CLinorganic clays of low-to-medium plasticity
OLorganic silts and silt-clays, low plasticity
MHinorganic clayey silts, elastic silts
CHinorganic clays of high plasticity
OHorganic and silty clays
Table 1: General classification of soils according to USCS

Typical Engineering Properties of Different Soil Groups


Soil compaction is the process of mechanically increasing the soil’s density by reducing the air void space between its particles. This densification leads to several desirable outcomes, including higher bearing capacity, reduced permeability, and improved stability.

The basic laboratory test used to determine the maximum dry density of compacted soils is the Proctor test. In construction, the maximum dry density and its corresponding optimum moisture content are obtained from the proctor test. This is used as a guide in the field to check the effectiveness of the compaction achieved.

Several approaches exist for evaluating soil compaction in the field and laboratory. Here are a few prominent methods:

  • Standard Proctor Compaction Test: This classic test involves compacting soil samples in a cylindrical mould at varying moisture contents and measuring the resulting dry density. The relationship between moisture content and dry density is plotted to determine the optimum moisture content (OMC) for achieving maximum density at a specified compaction effort.
  • Modified Proctor Compaction Test: This method employs higher compaction energy compared to the standard test, simulating the harsher conditions encountered in certain construction projects. The OMC and maximum dry density for the modified test are typically higher than those obtained for the standard test.

Typical values of optimum moisture content and suggested relative compactions (based on the standard Proctor test) are shown in Table 2.

Soil Class Group SymbolDescriptionOptimum Moisture Content for Compaction (Range in %)Range of maximum dry density (kN/m3)
GWwell-graded, clean gravels, gravel-sand mixtures11–819.6 – 21.2
GPpoorly graded clean gravels, gravel-sand mixtures14–1118.0 – 19.6
GMsilty gravels, poorly graded gravel-sand silt12–818.85 – 21.2
GCclayey gravels, poorly graded gravel-sand-clay14–918.0 – 20.4
SWwell-graded clean sands, gravelly sands16–917.3 – 20.42
SPpoorly graded clean sands, sand-gravel mix21–1215.7 – 18.85
SMsilty sands, poorly graded sand-silt mix16–1117.3 – 19.63
SM – SCsand-silt-clay mix with slightly plastic fines15-1117.3 – 20.4
SCclayey sands, poorly graded sand-clay mix19-1116.5 – 19.63
MLinorganic silts and clayey silts24-1215.0 – 18.85
ML – CLmixture of organic silt and clay22-1215.7 – 18.85
CLinorganic clays of low-to-medium plasticity24-1215.0 – 18.85
OLorganic silts and silt-clays, low plasticity33-2112.57 – 15.7
MHinorganic clayey silts, elastic silts40-2411.0 – 14.92
CHinorganic clays of high plasticity36-1911.78 – 16.49
OHorganic and silty clays45-2110.21 – 15.71
Table 2: Typical Values of Optimum Moisture Content and Suggested Relative Compactions (based on standard Proctor test)


Soil permeability describes the rate at which fluids flow through the porous matrix of soil, playing a critical role in numerous geotechnical and environmental applications. Measuring soil permeability accurately and efficiently is therefore essential for ensuring the stability and sustainability of constructed systems and mitigating potential environmental risks.

In the laboratory, the coefficient of permeability of soils is determined either through the falling head or constant head permeability tests. Typical values of the coefficient of permeability, K, are given in Table 3. Clays are considered relatively impervious, while sands and gravels are pervious. For comparison, the permeability of concrete is approximately 10-10 cm/s.

Class group SymbolDescriptionTypical coefficient
of permeability
GWwell-graded, clean gravels, gravel-sand mixtures2.5 × 10-2
GPpoorly graded clean gravels, gravel-sand mixtures5 × 10-2
GMsilty gravels, poorly graded gravel-sand silt> 5 × 10-7
GCclayey gravels, poorly graded gravel-sand-clay> 5 × 10-8
SWwell-graded clean sands, gravelly sands> 5 × 10-4
SPpoorly graded clean sands, sand-gravel mix> 5 × 10-4
SMsilty sands, poorly graded sand-silt mix> 2.5 × 10-5
SM-SCsand-silt-clay mix with slightly plastic fines> 10-6
SCclayey sands, poorly graded sand-clay mix> 2.5 × 10-7
MLinorganic silts and clayey silts> 5 × 10-6
ML-CLmixture of organic silt and clay> 2.5 × 10-7
CLinorganic clays of low-to-medium plasticity> 5 × 10-8
OLorganic silts and silt-clays, low plasticity
MHinorganic clayey silts, elastic silts> 2.5 × 10-7
CHinorganic clays of high plasticity> 5 × 10-8
OHorganic and silty clays
Table 3: Typical values of the coefficient of permeability

Shear Strength

Shear strength describes the resistance of soil to deformation and failure under applied shear stresses, playing a pivotal role in the stability of slopes, foundations, and earth-retaining structures. Understanding and accurately measuring shear strength are therefore paramount for geotechnical engineers to ensure the safety and integrity of constructed systems within the intricate dance of forces acting upon the ground.

The equation for the shear strength failure envelope is given by Coulomb’s equation, which relates the strength of the soil, S, to the normal stress on the failure plane.
S = τ + c tanφ
φ is known as the angle of internal friction and c is the cohesion intercept, a characteristic of cohesive soils.

Representative values of typical strength characteristics φ and c are given in Table 4.

Soil Class Group SymbolDescriptionCohesion (as compacted), C (lbf/ft2(kPa))Cohesion (saturated), C (lbf/ft2(kPa))Effective Stress friction angle φ (degrees)
GWwell-graded, clean gravels, gravel-sand mixtures00 > 38°
GPpoorly graded clean gravels, gravel-sand mixtures00> 37°
GMsilty gravels, poorly graded gravel-sand silt> 34°
GCclayey gravels, poorly graded gravel-sand-clay> 31°
SWwell-graded clean sands, gravelly sands0038°
SPpoorly graded clean sands, sand-gravel mix0037°
SMsilty sands, poorly graded sand-silt mix1050 (50)420 (20)34°
SM – SCsand-silt-clay mix with slightly plastic fines1050 (50)300 (14)33°
SCclayey sands, poorly graded sand-clay mix1550 (74)230 (11)31°
MLinorganic silts and clayey silts1400 (67)190 (9)32°
ML – CLmixture of organic silt and clay1350 (65)460 (22)32°
CLinorganic clays of low-to-medium plasticity1800 (86)270 (13)28°
OLorganic silts and silt-clays, low plasticity
MHinorganic clayey silts, elastic silts1500 (72)420 (20)25°
CHinorganic clays of high plasticity2150 (100)230 (11)19°
OHorganic and silty clays
Table 4: Typical shear strength parameters

California Bearing Ratio (CBR)

California Bearing Ratio (CBR) plays a crucial role in pavement design and performance. This dimensionless index quantifies the relative strength of a soil compared to a standard crushed stone base material, serving as a critical indicator of its load-bearing capacity and susceptibility to deformation under traffic loads.

Table 5 gives typical CBR values.

Class group SymbolDescriptionCBR values
GWwell-graded, clean gravels, gravel-sand mixtures40-80
GPpoorly graded clean gravels, gravel-sand mixtures30-60
GMsilty gravels, poorly graded gravel-sand silt20-60
GCclayey gravels, poorly graded gravel-sand-clay20-40
SWwell-graded clean sands, gravelly sands20-40
SPpoorly graded clean sands, sand-gravel mix10-40
SMsilty sands, poorly graded sand-silt mix10-40
SM-SCsand-silt-clay mix with slightly plastic fines5-30
SCclayey sands, poorly graded sand-clay mix5-20
MLinorganic silts and clayey silts≤15
ML-CLmixture of organic silt and clay
CLinorganic clays of low-to-medium plasticity≤15
OLorganic silts and silt-clays, low plasticity≤5
MHinorganic clayey silts, elastic silts≤10
CHinorganic clays of high plasticity≤15
OHorganic and silty clays≤5
Table 5: Typical CBR values.

Plate Bearing Value

The Plate Bearing Value (PBV) test offers insight into the soil’s ability to withstand applied loads. This critical in-situ technique sheds light on a soil’s bearing capacity, a fundamental property governing its suitability for supporting foundations, pavements, and other load-bearing structures.

The PBV test measures the load-deformation response of soil under a circular steel plate subjected to increasing pressure. The test quantifies the bearing capacity through the PBV itself, defined as the pressure at which the soil exhibits a predetermined, typically 12.5mm, deflection. Essentially, the PBV reflects the soil’s resistance to deformation under applied loads, providing a crucial indicator of its suitability for supporting structures.

The subgrade modulus (modulus of subgrade reaction), k, is the slope of the line (in psi per inch) in the loading range encountered by the soil. Typical values are shown in Table 6.

Class group SymbolDescriptionModulus of subgrade reaction k
(psi/in (kPa/mm)))
GWwell-graded, clean gravels, gravel-sand mixtures300–500 (80–140)
GPpoorly graded clean gravels, gravel-sand mixtures250–400 (68–110)
GMsilty gravels, poorly graded gravel-sand silt100–400 (27–110)
GCclayey gravels, poorly graded gravel-sand-clay100–300 (27–80)
SWwell-graded clean sands, gravelly sands200–300 (54–80)
SPpoorly graded clean sands, sand-gravel mix200–300 (54–80)
SMsilty sands, poorly graded sand-silt mix100–300 (27–80)
SM-SCsand-silt-clay mix with slightly plastic fines100–300 (27–80)
SCclayey sands, poorly graded sand-clay mix100–300 (27–80)
MLinorganic silts and clayey silts100–200 (27–54)
ML-CLmixture of organic silt and clay
CLinorganic clays of low-to-medium plasticity50–200 (14–54)
OLorganic silts and silt-clays, low plasticity50–100 (14–27)
MHinorganic clayey silts, elastic silts50–100 (14–27)
CHinorganic clays of high plasticity50–150 (14–41)
OHorganic and silty clays25–100 (6.8–27)
Table 6: Typical Values of the Subgrade Modulus

Tower Cranes in Construction: Uses, Types, and Erection Procedures

A crane can be defined as a mechanical system employing a rope or cable system to lift loads. The significant increase in the utilisation of tower cranes within the construction sector can be attributed, in large part, to the increasing prevalence of prefabricated components in contemporary structures.

Cranes are also indispensable equipment in the construction of highrise buildings, due to the need to lift different kinds of materials and equipment to higher floors. Given the vast array of available crane types, selecting the optimal equipment necessitates a rigorous and systematic approach, informed by economic considerations, technical specifications, site-specific limitations, and anticipated utilisation.

The cranes that are used in the construction industry can be categorised into three broad groups which are:

  1. Mobile Cranes: Characterized by their inherent mobility and flexibility of deployment.
  2. Static or Stationary Cranes: Defined by their fixed positioning, offering stability and extended reach.
  3. Tower Cranes: Distinguished by their vertical mast structure, facilitating efficient operations on high-rise projects.

The focus of this article is on the use of tower cranes in the construction industry.

Tower Cranes

The tower crane has been widely adopted by the construction industry as an equipment for erecting medium- to high-rise structures since its introduction in 1950 by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. Tower cranes are available in various configurations, including horizontal jibs with a saddle or trolley, and luffing or derricking jibs with a lifting hook at the end. Horizontal jibs can bring the load closer to the tower, while luffing jibs can be raised to clear obstructions such as adjacent buildings, which is an advantage on confined sites.

Types of Tower Cranes

Tower cranes can be classified into four basic types:

  • self-supporting static tower cranes,
  • supported static tower cranes,
  • travelling tower cranes, and
  • climbing tower cranes.

Self-supporting static tower cranes

Self-supporting static tower cranes generally have a greater lifting capacity than other types of cranes. The mast of the self-supporting tower crane must be firmly anchored at ground level to a concrete base with holding-down bolts or alternatively to a special mast base section cast into a foundation.

Typical self-supporting static tower crane
Typical self-supporting static tower crane

They are particularly suitable for confined sites and should be positioned in front or to one side of the proposed building with a jib of sufficient length to give overall coverage of the new structure. Generally, these cranes have a static tower, but types with a rotating or slewing tower and luffing jib are also available.

Supported static tower cranes

Unlike self-supporting tower cranes, which rely solely on their anchored base for stability, supported static cranes leverage additional anchor points on the rising structure itself. This symbiotic relationship allows them to reach greater heights than their self-supporting tower cranes, often exceeding 300 meters.

The supporting structure typically employs single or double steel stays, strategically connected to the building at specific intervals. These stays transfer the crane’s loads and wind forces into the building, requiring careful analysis and robust structural design to handle the induced stresses.

Typical supported static tower crane (
Typical supported static tower crane

Their masts rely on single or double steel stays anchored to the structure for enhanced stability, necessitating a robust supporting structure to handle the induced stresses. Supported tower cranes usually have horizontal jibs, because the rotation of a luffing jib mast renders it unsuitable for this application.


  • Unmatched Height: As mentioned earlier, supported static cranes reign supreme in conquering ambitious heights, making them ideal for skyscrapers and other tall structures.
  • Reduced Site Footprint: Compared to self-supporting cranes, which require a large base area, supported cranes can be positioned closer to the building, maximizing valuable site space.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: In certain scenarios, utilizing a supported static crane can be more economical than opting for multiple self-supporting cranes for a multi-phased project.
  • Flexibility: Supported static cranes can come equipped with horizontal or luffing jibs, catering to diverse lifting requirements and site constraints.

Considerations for Careful Deployment

  • Structural Analysis: The building must be designed to accommodate the additional loads and stresses induced by the crane’s stays.
  • Installation Expertise: Rigging and anchoring the stays require specialized knowledge and meticulous execution to ensure safety and stability.
  • Maintenance: Regular inspections and adjustments of the stays and crane components are crucial for maintaining optimal performance and preventing potential hazards.
  • Site Coordination: Close collaboration between crane operators, construction workers, and structural engineers is essential throughout the project to ensure seamless integration and safety.

Travelling Tower Cranes

Unlike their static tower cranes that are tied to a single location, travelling tower cranes move along horizontal tracks. These tracks provide a stable platform for the crane’s heavy-duty bogies. This unique setup grants travelling cranes the freedom to roam, easily covering expansive areas in a construction site.

Travelling tower cranes move on heavy-wheeled bogies mounted on a wide-gauge (4.200 m) rail track with gradients not exceeding 1 in 200 and curves not less than 11.000 m radius depending on mast height. The base for the railway track sleepers must be accurately prepared, well-drained, regularly inspected, and maintained to ensure the stability of the crane.

Travelling tower crane
Travelling tower crane

The motive power is from electricity, the supply of which should be attached to a spring-loaded drum, which will draw in the cable as the crane reverses to reduce the risk of the cable becoming cut or trapped by the wheeled bogies. Travelling cranes can be supplied with similar lifting capacities and jib arrangements as given for static cranes.


  • Enhanced Site Coverage: With their ability to traverse the length and breadth of the site, travelling cranes eliminate the need for multiple static cranes, streamlining operations and optimizing resource allocation.
  • Flexible Positioning: Precise control over the crane’s location allows for targeted material placement and efficient lifting operations tailored to specific construction phases.
  • Reduced Footprint: Travelling cranes require a smaller base area compared to static cranes, freeing up valuable space for other site activities and equipment.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: In situations where site coverage demands are significant, a single travelling crane can often be a more cost-effective solution than deploying multiple static cranes.

Considerations for Optimal Deployment

  • Track Design and Maintenance: The track system must be carefully designed and meticulously maintained to ensure smooth crane movement and prevent derailment.
  • Power Supply: Reliable and uninterrupted power supply is crucial for crane operation and safety.
  • Site Layout and Obstacles: Careful planning is required to navigate any obstructions on the site and ensure sufficient clearance for the crane’s movement.
  • Wind Load and Stability: Understanding wind loads and implementing appropriate safety measures is paramount for maintaining stability, especially with mobile cranes.

Climbing Tower Cranes

As buildings go higher, so too do climbing tower cranes. Unlike their static or mobile counterparts, these cranes reside within the very structures they help erect, offering unique advantages and considerations for ambitious high-rise projects.

Tower cranes that are designed for tall buildings are located within and supported by the structure under construction. The mast, which extends down through several storeys, requires only a small opening of 1.500 to 2.000 m square in each floor. Support is provided at floor levels by special steel collars, frames, and wedges.

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Climbing Tower Cranes

The raising of the static mast is carried out using a winch that is an integral part of the system. Generally, this form of crane requires a smaller horizontal or luffing jib to cover the construction area than a static or similar tower crane. The jib is made from small, easy-to-handle sections, which are lowered down the face of the building when the crane is no longer required, by means of a special winch attached to one section of the crane. The winch is finally lowered to ground level by hand when the crane has been dismantled.


  • Unmatched Vertical Reach: Climbing cranes effortlessly scale alongside the structure, eliminating the need for multiple relocations and significantly extending project horizons.
  • Reduced Site Footprint: By residing within the building itself, climbing cranes free up valuable ground space for other equipment and materials.
  • Enhanced Safety: Their internal position shields them from wind gusts and other external hazards, improving overall safety on the construction site.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Climbing cranes can offer a more cost-efficient solution for tall buildings compared to employing multiple static or mobile cranes at different stages.

Erection of Tower Cranes

Prior to initiating the erection of a tower crane, careful consideration must be given to its optimal positioning within the construction site. As with all construction equipment, maximizing the utilization of the crane to achieve the project objectives is paramount.

Achieving this objective necessitates a central location within reach of material storage areas, loading zones, and active construction zones. Generally, the expected output of a tower crane ranges from 18 to 20 lifts per hour. Therefore, meticulous planning and coordination of the crane’s operational sequence are crucial to fully capitalizing on its capabilities.

Erection Methods

The specific procedures for erecting mast and tower cranes vary depending on the manufacturer and model. Mast cranes typically arrive at the site in a collapsed and folded configuration, enabling swift unfolding and erection utilizing integrated lifting and assembly mechanisms. Tower cranes, conversely, require on-site assembly.

In some instances, the superstructure supporting the jib and counterjib is assembled atop the base frame. Subsequently, an internal climbing mechanism housed within the superstructure raises the top section of the tower, referred to as the pintle. Additional 3-meter tower segments can be progressively added as the pintle ascends until the desired tower height is achieved. Both the jib and counterjib are attached to the superstructure at ground level, which is then hoisted to the pinnacle of the pintle, facilitating their rotation around the static tower.

An alternative assembly and erection method employed by certain manufacturers involves raising the initial tower section onto a concrete base. The jib and counterjib are then assembled and secured to this section with the assistance of a mobile crane. Leveraging the capabilities of the jib, further tower sections can be fitted within the first segment and elevated hydraulically via a telescopic mechanism. This process is iterated until the desired height is attained.

A similar approach to the latter method involves securing the jib and the topmost tower section to a cantilever bracket arrangement situated offset from the main tower. Additional sections can be incorporated until the target height is reached, whereupon the jib assembly can be transferred to the top of the tower.

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Crane mast assembly


Tower cranes serve a multitude of purposes spanning material lifting, precise placement, and efficient operation within congested urban spaces. These versatile giants come in diverse types, including self-supporting, supported, mobile, and climbing configurations, each catering to specific project requirements and height limitations. Their applications range from hoisting steel beams and prefabricated components for high-rise construction to navigating complex geometries and maximizing site coverage, ultimately revolutionizing the way modern structures are erected with speed, precision, and cost-effectiveness.